They Really Tried To Abuse RPD… | Dead By Daylight

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43 thoughts on “They Really Tried To Abuse RPD… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Just going to clarify; if your goal is to spend the whole game in the library, without trying to do the objective, just to annoy and harass the killer, you are what I would call a bully squad. I don't personally have trouble dealing with these SWFs, but I can only imagine how awful it'd be for people who are new to the game.

    ALSO: no one was sent to anyone's chat (I have rules against mentioning other streamers AND a custom-made lobby blocker to hide names) and anyone found in someone else's chat being offensive or rude was banned or talked to. Bear in mind, the streamer in question didn't have any interest in actually coming to me and talking about harassment, so we could deal with it maturely, they just threw it in the comment section so they could seem sympathetic. If your response to "having a bad night of DbD" is this match, where you force a killer into a hostage situation that requires survivors being bled out, you are a bully squad and should probably take a break for the evening.

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  3. It is lucky that Plague can passively injuring survivors. Or else for M1 killer like Wraith, it would be a nightmare.
    The crazy part is, by having specific build and specific offerings, you can bully killers without any special performance. In other game, in other to bully others, like spawn camping, you need skills to execute the bullying. But in DBD, by having certain stuff, you can do it as long as you have like few hundred hours of experience.

  4. These asshats are why I ALWAYS DC whenever I get an RPD offering. I'm here for your chill, average match. Not a shitshow.
    I want to play Killers I like like Pyramid Head, Legion, Wraith, Pig. I don't want to endure the mental pain that is Plague.
    Ever since some YouTubers (Otz, Demi, etc.) showcased just how broken Library of Pain is, people started intentionally abusing it. If I'm getting goatse'd by a competent 4-man, I'm cool with it. If its just a couple of asshats abusing broken shit with 0 skill on their part, that's where I draw the line.

  5. This was my squad! We spent the entire night getting camped and tunnelled! We arent a 'bully squad' at all, mearly trying to have fun with friends at new year! I didn't appreciate your community coming over and verbally abusing me in my chat over a bit of fun. Yes i may of only had '12 viewers' at the time but everyone starts somewhere right? When we play like this it is inevitable that the killer will win as we don't play properly. Understand when people are just trying to have fun and don't take it too seriously. Yes..I also use stretch res…the horror!!

  6. I'll gladly go against teams like this all day if they aren't doing gens. Much more fun than sweaty gen rushers. Or those matches where I kill 2 people quickly and so the last 2 hide and drag it out 🥱. I went against a 4 man Head On squad with flashlights the other day and it was a struggle, but in the end I hooked them all in the basement with 5 gens remaining and it was pretty fun. But I could see how newer players might not enjoy that

  7. A lot of your recent videos I've seen got bullies/clickies but this video is different because something never occurred to me. you got a mori! since you come across clicky/bully/toxic/swfs all week, why not take a mori(s) for a week. A lot of times deal with them relatively easily w/o it and still seem to come off more frustrated than them like they wanted, but with moris for the next several days, the difference is taking them down won't have that bullied/recieving-end type of feel to it.

  8. That reminds me of my last match, where I was sent to RPD as well. But instead of the Library, they tried to head on stun me over and over again on this one Hallway. Luckily I was playing Deathslinger that match and it wasn't that obnoxious. But I felt bad for the one solo queue, who sat like 10 minutes on here own on gens that game

  9. love the excuse is always "we're just having fun!". my highschool bullies were also having plenty of fun (: if your fun depends on someone else's misery, you're fucked in the head

  10. Man, I really hate Petrified Oak. One is alright, makes it a bit harder but not too bad a fun little challenge, two is getting to the point of making it rough but not impossible to get to a hook on most maps while three or four is "Why even bother" level for me and most of the time when I see that I just away all game. Just make it so they don't stack, easy fix.

    I hate bully squads. I just want to play the game. I'd rather have a gen rush team that finishes the game in three and a half minutes, or whatever to lowest time even possible is, then a bully squad. At least then it was a real game and not just a meme.

    Thanks for the video CM.

  11. The constant running into squads that do this build or similar builds is the primary reason I haven't touched DBD in months. If even one person is doing gens, I'm perfectly fine biting the bullet and seeing the game through to the end, I'll even open the doors for them. But completely foregoing the objective and effectively locking the killer into the game, especially when the mechanics would allow them to do nothing about it no matter what they do, is probably one of many reasons that there are "a lot of campers and tunnelers" as killers, and the only purpose it's serving is to drive killers who don't objectively camp and tunnel away from the game, cause most people are generally playing to have fun or relax. Hard to do when you get stuck in lobbies where you suddenly get turned into an NPC.

  12. I only know about you because another streamer hated you so much he wouldnt utter your name, but i found out through chat who you were and love the content and playstyle. Fuck the thinskinned ninnies who hate you and censor you, its because of them Im now an avid watcher and continue playing killer despite how miserable it can be.

    Keep it up, you're somewhat inspiring.


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