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22 thoughts on “THIS ADDON ASCENDS PLAGUE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Sinc the latest update from yesterday, everyone is using Circle of Healing, I find matches with at least 3 boons, and it doesn’t matter how many times I hit someone or destroy the boon, they either heal in 3 seconds or they set up the boon in the same spot non stop. They shouldn’t allow more than one boon active in the trial imo.

  2. I'm always surprise by the diffence between killer's and survivor's addon.
    For the killer they can change totally the gameplay or empower them immensely while for survivors they basicaly just a finit quicker or do it for longer…

  3. That iri is finally working like an iri should making the killer stronger just like borrowed in a bottle makes survivors stronger.
    Also I love we're seeing plague more, she used to be the least played killer but these buffs show her potential when she isn't so slow to play.

  4. Who cares if they dead hard early or do things u don't like most ppl are casual players anyway the only ppl who care about that and winning constantly are streamers cause their livelihood depends on it most of us are working irl and casually playing the game not dysecting every movement of the game that's what u have to understand also as a streamer…

  5. After they nerfed Wraith I was forced to use Plague more. She is rather decent since they buffed her speed. Of course given Wraith was buffed, then nerfed, then buffed, then nerfed again I await Behavior's inevitable vacillation of nerfing Plague back into oblivion.


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