THIS BILLY CAN CURVE! Dead by Daylight

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THIS BILLY CAN CURVE! Dead by Daylight

Iโ€™m live right now! get on over here โ€“


#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty


24 thoughts on “THIS BILLY CAN CURVE! Dead by Daylight”

  1. All this talk really made me think back to a game called SOMA, obviously spoilers below.

    The idea of a person waking up in a place they don't recognise, slowly understanding their body isn't theirs, and that their entire person is just a copy of someone who used to live many, many years ago, their memories are just a copy as well – is such an interesting idea. Imagine in the future, having the possibility of copying your entire brain, personality, memories etc, and installing them in a different body after the original body inevitably ceases to exist. It does make you want to ask yourself questions like: "Is this still going to essentially be me or a different person at this point? What even is "me"? Would I be okay with my consciousness being copied? Would my close ones be okay with it?"
    This on top of the other thing chat mentioned, when you have the exact same brain copied onto a different person, and have them go through completely different experiences to see how it shapes "your" personality and see how different your copy is from the real you.

    I think if humanity ever goes this far with the AI, this may be a point of no return, where the line between a conscious human and an AI becomes more faint than ever, and I don't know if that's more amazing, or scary ๐Ÿ˜€
    Either way, cool thing to think about, and a good talk ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. This is a food for thought and soul .. you can enjoy the good play .. the lovely curves this Billeh had and then Tru3 in the middle of all this sharing some of his personal experiences and wisdom
    The cherry on top is the tree strat ๐Ÿ˜€ .. hehe

  3. All the liars on here saying they miss Billy being good…. I call bullshit because he was nerfed to oblivion over community tears just like your crying now about Nurse and Blight then when there shit there will be no more competition for you and you will have your EZ walk out wins cause GOD forbid anybody die in a horror game.

  4. 1:30 i disagree, 4 good solo can feel like decent swf, all depends on the quality of the survivors.

    4 good survivors all running Kindred = Swf basically, they all have good game sense so they know when to go for unhook, what gens is smart to do not to get 3 genned, all run good perks because theyre good surviors etc. So i disagree that just because you play vs solo = good outcome, doesnt have to be the case.

  5. Tru3 literally grew with the game and is the only DBD content creator that I still watch but he is authentic in every aspect and holds himself at a higher standard than even the f*kn fake woke victim pity me psycho sheep that can't even have a normal debate about things that are actually relevant to reality, they already live in a false VR reality with no understanding of the bigger picture at play on humanity right now and they're nothing more than tools for the 1% to utilize to put concrete around their iron fist that's at the 99% throat.

  6. Well tbh since we were dropping fun topics to talk about imagine what will happen if doctors really do cure aging and people donโ€™t die as frequently, we wonโ€™t have a choice but to colonize other planets or face extreme overpopulation which also raises the question of if they can reverse aging does that me we will have to go in to doctors to like replace organs that start failing after a certain amount of time or would they be effected too? I feel like weโ€™re honestly starting to close in on the actual cyberpunk world to a degree, especially with hospitals starting to become owned by more and more bigger corporations that can give the word to shut down hospitals if they feel like it. (Which has happened recently where I live lol)

  7. I love how when Tru is survivor, he spends half the game checked out, talking about metaphysics and barely paying attention even at the highest skill levels and escapes easily… while on Killer, if he stops sweating long enough to think about his place in the universe, he'll get 3 hooks and 0 kills. I don't think the point could be made clearer.


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