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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight



  1. The mistake you're making here, Tru3, is that you assume everyone cares about their MMR. They don't. I imagine the majority of people who tunnel don't even know what MMR does.
    People are tunnelling more because;
    1. MMR was initially calculated off the back of the terrible rank-based matchmaking, resulting in many Killers having massively inflated MMRs, putting them against god-tier Survivors. The only way they can beat this? Tunnelling. This then became an engrained behaviour.
    2. The reduced grind AND loss of BBQ's BP bonus removed most people's incentive to go for multiple hooks.
    3. DS was significantly nerfed. The distance given by DS was halved, so people stopped using it. OTR is good, but not as good as old DS. So tunnelling is less punished.
    4. The current Killer meta demands more frequent downs/hooks. Best way to do this is via tunnelling.
    5. Bad maps and a lack of decent early game perks means most Killers are frequently on the back foot, so they tunnel to make up for this.

  2. Can't stop laughing at the gameplay in the background as he's discussing this. It legitimately just proves his point.

    I was diehard killer, I also now SWF more than play killer. When we lose or win, we put in WAY less effort than the killer did, 100%. In fact we've had games where the killer won, after the game went for about 20 mins in a 3 gen while we made it really hard to get us (not even with effort, there's pallets, everywhere on every map, basekit BT and many perks we can use that are just braindead easy to get value from) the killer played really well. You could tell he was sweating hard and outplaying us, while we were all just laughing and mucking around. He was so mad in fact, he came into our messages insulting us.

    The point being, survivor is fun, even when losing because the killer has to put way more effort in regardless of winning or losing, so survivor games always feel less sweaty than when I'm playing killer. Killers are so over this, that they'll literally message SWFS after winning, insulting them from frustration with the game. EVEN THOUGH THEY WON.

  3. Ever since MMR was introduced I knew its gonna be a problem if it remains hidden. Back in the day you could at least look at the ranks and see who is playing on what level. Iri 1 player's opinion had more weight than a purple 5. Same shit would work with MMR. Make it freakin visible to see all those content creators with their weirdest takes on what level they are actually playing and if they should be listened to.

  4. It's sad to see Dbd in this state. I used to have so much fun playing killer in 2019 despite all the imbalanced stuff back then. It's miserable having to use meta builds and tunneling strats all the time

  5. As another person who has been around since beta.. I have been mostly playing killer for a long time. ( I did play survivor and at one point I did play survivor more but it shifted. ) I play the game a lot less now and I am also considering not playing killer at all on top of it when I do play.. Its frustrating to me that the game is in the situation its in. I want DBD to get better but I am skeptical of it happening right now.

    Side note. One system for ranking that I think of is a good one.. Is the one Starcraft 2 has.. I have not played it in some time but when it first came out I was Platinum ( at the time highest you could get. ) Then later on when they added more I eventually ended up on Masters.. I could never seem to break into Grand Masters as much as I tried and wanted to.. Then again being a random player probably hurt me more than it helped at that point.. I had often thought about switching to Zerg since it was my strongest. ( Terran was my strongest when the game first released.. Much later it was probably Protoss / Zerg being tied.. Then eventually just Zerg since the build I liked using as Protoss got hit hard by changes to other things.. I can still do the build its just not as effective anymore basically. But when I last played I was still decent with Zerg. People hated my multi pronged attacks with mutas. XD I do other stuff too but that is just an example. )

  6. I really think since a horror game it should be a little bit more scary from surv perspective. Survs are op and there is sometimes litterally nothing you can do.
    A thought – If a surv get cought who has been hoked once he can be killed. Then it should feel more of a horror game. Like the feeling you get when playing against good evil within 3 perm mayers.

  7. 8:10 you are literally regurgitating my comments toward you on this game with a comparison with overwatch. I had said this to you about a month ago. You been playing overwatch while you had been acting as if you were a "good" player. Meanwhile, you had just been ranked as a silver/gold player 😂

  8. From my personal experience survivor has gotten a lot harder over the years. I'm talking like, I might escape 80% of the time 3 years ago and now I escape maybe 30% of the time. Neither is balanced. All solo queue just to be clear. Once again, I'm just speaking from my personal experience, I'm not saying I'm right.

  9. Frustration is high. Tru3 has reached a limit. He's been saying this same thing for months and before MMR and I can sense it sadden him that no one listened before. We have to remember that sometimes people don't see what we see and therefore, they have to go through things to learn. I hope they learnt or they went back and reviewed their deicions [pro kills/anti hooks] and the effect of that on the game today. I see that BHVR and many are hoping they can fix this error in MMR with kills by other ways. Many love the kill count even with it's flaws and how much it creates of an unhealthy game play .. to those, the majority is not the main target. Their target is to keep the system running while satisfying those loud voices that are unhappy with it.

    It might take them a long time to quit; if they will, on MMR.

  10. dbd devs are the parents that want their kids to get a participation trophy when they don't win so they can make the kid feel better about themselves

    instead of teaching the kid to get better in their craft with hard work so one day you someday can win a trophy for actually being good

    that's the problem for many in society today

  11. I uninstall the game around 1 and a half month ago, it was so frustrating playing against swf all the time, i have to skip many lobbys until i see 2 console and 2 pc players ro stay in the lobby

  12. Itd be great if BHVR slowed the game down by giving survivors secondary objectives rather than increasing gen times (which is boring). Why cant they just make the game revolve around HOOKS (like a "team" hook system) rather than kills? If you slow down the game enough and make tunneling not optimal, but the killer can still win by being good in chase, killers wont tunnel. Theres too little time to not tunnel as killer.

  13. used to be a killer only main, completely stopped playing because it wasnt fun being constantly badgered regardless of outcome or playstyle. every killer was op, and every perk was cheating. winning meant i was shit and should drink bleach and losing got more BM. not only is the meta shifting towards being completely unfun, the community is the other half the problem. Bully simulator brings out the worst in these people and Behavior is too afraid to do anything about it

  14. Killers leaving the game but players say it doesnt matter. I've even had one on Twitter who was like
    "nah survivors leaving would be way worse"
    "err just use your brain its common sense dont attack me you just play bad reee"
    "but the game doesnt work without killers, and for every killer leaving, it would need 4 (or probably even more) survivors leaving to reach the same level of damage. not to mention that good survivors wont leave because they know about and utilize all the advantages on their side"
    "you just suck, thats why survivors have it easy against you. get good noob cya"
    thats the level the devs are balancing around. no wonder its getting worse and worse


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