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Get ready for a lose-lose situation in Dead by Daylight! Join us as we explore a pallet-breaking build that will leave survivors scrambling. With the combination of Dissolution and Hard Hat, we guarantee that pallets will be shattered no matter what. Don’t miss out on this intense gameplay – hit that subscribe button now!
While waiting on episode 5 of season 3 has been torture, Chucky in dbd has somewhat eased the pain
Let’s go
When red uploads you already know it's going to be good
I wish I could punt Chucky the same way I use to punt Victor (use to since twins mains don’t actually exist
3:49 what caused the Hindered?
Ok yeah but this game makes me want to destroy myself
Dissolution seems to be really good on Chucky, got a nice amount of value from it in my games!
Jeez, the lag and pixelated glitches even affected the video. Thankfully, it hasn't happened again today.
The third mach was fun, the gen rush feels like my average maches, but not the massive throw of the survs at 1 gen..
I would like to try this build, but if I don't bring 2 perks to block gebs and 1 to block the gate the mach ends in 5 minutes
The new Godzilla movie is ass.
12:55 “”see what you did your making me kick grass”” is the line that instantly popped into my mind.
I will always find it stupid that the game tells survivors when they have dissolution on. It damn near negates the perk since they’ll just hold W rather than stay at the tile.
You got so screwed over on that last game feels bad
Love the videos, can you maybe show the pip-screen as well at the end?
Great stuff as usual
Hey red can you recommend me a Chucky build?
Survs have become soooooo boring