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28 thoughts on “THIS FREDDY JUST HOOK CAMPING? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I stay in low rank by giving everyone mercy because I don't want to feel stress playing and also I believe my skill does not belong in red ranks and need more practices. And there are people who will do whatever they can to rank up even they does not belong.

  2. You say weird game yet that's exactly how all my trickster games have gone since reset.

    Trickster refuses to leave the hook unless he gets a trade or multiple injures that lead to trades.

    This freddy is just that guys teacher

  3. Yeah, well im starting to understand this camping tunneling, i was on many topics on steam trying to advocate for fair play and going for more hooks, but im starting to get fed up with SWFs, bully squads that can exist cause there is zero penalties, and overall toxic attitudes of survivors once again cause devs are incompetent idiots who literally let the community run wild and do what they want. After todays bully squad i said to myself enough, i play fair, go for fresh hooks and i get a bunch of toxic kids with their cheaty macros to make the flashlight clicking ear splitting annoying and even after doing all gens and 99 both gates they just run around and teabag instead going out.

  4. Excuse my language, but what a pr!ck. Hate people that play like that, surely they know they're just sucking the enjoyment out of the game for literally everyone involved? I've started playing killer quite heavily recently and try and play like Tru3 to go for hooks and not purposely look to play boring/take someone else's enjoyment away from them. Imagine just getting camped and back-to-back-to-back hooked until you're out

  5. This is the kind of stuff they should look into. In certain situations I can understand camping, like all gens are done, and no one is dead. But when a killer camps his first hook with no gens being done? I ran into that 3 times yesterday. And two of them were Freddy's lol.

  6. I am glad since the Hook proximity penalty is quite high so yeah,extreme campers are being punished very severely,but in addition they should lose some ranks,get a game penalty if done too often or lose BP after the game.
    Camping is NOT a valid tactic to play DbD, it is unhealthy for the Game and it ruines the game for survivors. And I csnt imagine it is much fun for Killers as well. And I am a Killer main,I literally go for Hooks because you can Blackpip even if all 4 survivors get out…


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