This Guy Is So Salty He Lost! Dead by Daylight

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Wow this guy was so salty he lost in a video game. When will it end! lol

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #entitled #toxic #karma #salty

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20 thoughts on “This Guy Is So Salty He Lost! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I love how he says sweat sweat sweat when he's playing a strong killer with a strong build on a strong killer map and needing to proxy every hook it works both ways its how the game is

  2. i would be salty too of all this hook camping and tunneling it dosent make fun at all to play surv … unreal how some ppl think thats the way of playing a killer kek

  3. anyone else getting much nicer survivors lately? the past 2 days I've gotten lots of gg's from people who I've killed and I've even gotten complimented on my play 2 times, it feels like for months now all you get is gg when they escape or tunneler camper when they lose

  4. I'll do the tldr beforehand so that I might avoid part of the shitsorm that usually comes with this kind of comment :
    I don't think anyone in DbD should play with the aim of crushing their opponents. Both sides should stop acting like it's a war and think about having fun playing the game, not having fun at the expense of the other side. This mindset only leads to players blaming the use of unfun tactics on their opponents or the devs. Not "winning" every game because you're considerate does not show your lack of skill, it shows that you're a good person. Calling people toxic and salty when they point out that you're ruining the fun of the game is easy, but it has lead to people calling every single perk, tactic, killer and survivor toxic, comforting the ones that actually are toxic in thinking that they're doing the right thing. If we want the DbD community to become a safer place, we need to stop hating on each other and content creators should try not to encourage this attitude.

    I tend to agree that no side is responsible for the fun of the other side, but in my opinion you take it a bit too far. You're not here to make them have fun, it's true, but I don't think you're meant to make it unfun for them either. Because you're just adding fuel to the fire. Most killers act like they hate survivors and want them to feel miserable, and many survivors do the same. That's not ok, but if nobody takes a step in the right direction, this game will only get worse.
    Going for camp on the very first hook, you already send a strong signal that this game will not be fun and that you're willing to do anything to get kills. Then as soon as the unhook happens, you go for the unhooked survivor. If he didn't have a strong perk in iron will, he was bound to get his second hook less than 2 mins in the game, with no gen done. I don't feel like that's a situation where you're hard pressed to get a kill and put pressure on people.
    I get that your definition of fun may be having a 4k at 5 gens, but that makes YOU sweaty, and you're trying to justify your playstyle with the way survivors react to it saying : "oh you know, they're doing gens, what tryhards, good thing I went for easy tactics that give great results with little risk preamptively !" But in the end, you'll make most of the survivors you face either sweat if they're skilled enough, or just crumble if they don't know how to counter it. You said it yourself, the way you play crushes survivors in the evening, when the more casual player base is here, and get matches sweaty otherwise. You're mistaking cause and consequence here. You're shaping the match by showing this style early, not the other way arround.
    It takes 4 survivors palying together to make 1 killer feel miserable, but if he so chooses, that killer can almost always make one of the survivors have a bad time, which often leads to the others not having a good time either when they have to do 3 or 4 gens in a 3v1.
    I don't think these survivors were toxic or entitled and definitely not hit by karma. They did gens when they had nothing else to do, went to unhook despite you camping and didn't have insane perks. 2 dead hards, 2 borrowed times, 2 iron wills et 1 unbreakable. Half of these strong perks won't get used if you're not camping or slugging. This leaves 2 dead hards, 2 iron wills and not a single DS. That's not really what I'd call sweaty perks, and I can understand that they would complain about not having fun in the post game chat hoping that their feedback makes you tone down the behaviour that made the game unfun. And when you tell them that you don't care for their feelings at all, they go a bit over the top with their message, but they have a point : in that moment, you clearly lack empathy and sound like someone who only cares for themselves.
    With that said, I still think you're a good player, efficient and all, but you're leaning too much into the survivor mains vs killer mains hatred, and although I could respect that you have identified a trend that brings you views and money, I don't think this trend is healthy for the DbD community. We need content creators to lead by example, because you guys have an incredible influence on how people play the game, and I feel like disregarding other people's fun entirely is not the best way to do so.

  5. If killer can't camp and tunnel, survs can't camping and tunneling gens.

    Next time you see a gen with progress, go find a gen that hasn't been started, start it, then go find another gen that hasn't started and start that one. Continue until all gens are at least 1%, then repeat until 2%, etc, etc… Otherwise you are a toxic survivor.

  6. 2022 and entitled survivors still crying about tunneling and camping lmao, is not killer dutty provide ur fun, when u dont give a 2 damns about killer fun too. we dont play by survivor rulebook.


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