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Chonky rats do be the best part of lerys doe lets be real. Remember to follow the socials below and come into the stream and say hi!
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#dbd #uncharted #deadbydaylight
Never known about this god loop on this map. Thanks for showing it off 🙂
You can drool over the chonkey rats, but I prefer the spirit stun noise.
This is the only map I suck at with loops. I only know the middle of the map loop and the lineup you were using and that's it but the middle loop is op with Balanced.
Maybe the rats from S3 of ST.
filthy setup
Chucky Rats PogChamp… 🤣😂
Is that intro new? The little whale in the water? Or am I crazy? I love it so much either way.
Do you ever look at perks or chat in post game? I haven’t gotten to catch your streams, so I don’t know. I know that you mentioned that in Aussie servers you run into the same players fairly often, but I was just curious, as I personally enjoy a bit of post game closure. Though, if you don’t really do anything post game or cut it for a reason, I totally get it 🙂
Very big rats. Awesome loop in this map, I didn't knew this. Thank you so much for showing it. Great escape, thumbs up.
That poor spirit, was definitely a baby spirit 😂
She swings like baseball😂
sighs at teammate blowing a skill check
Proceeds to go stare at rats