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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
40 minute long video….watch it all…I’ll know
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Dracula for sure is number 1 simce Vecna is nerfed by the entity. He is a godly tier dude and is legit OP as hell.
Solid list but personally I would swap number 2 and 1 around.
Reason on why i state this, is cuz Vecna no matter how u look at him he's the strongest killer and also pretty much immortal, next to the Entity (if we count the entity as a killer), he was able to suppress the Fog and the entity's call and only submitted to it out of sheer curiosity on how the fog and entity work. Even under the Entity's spell Vecna is still strong enough to create a space inside the fog where the Entity has no control over and based on his various monologue options during the main menu he seems capable of breaking the seal put on him by the Entity and quite possibly able to escape the fog all throughout.
Dracula on the other hand is strong, but in most renditions he's being used or controlled by something stronger than himself which in most cases is Death itself, a being that's often confused with Dracula.
If we talk about sheer unscaled power Vecna is unfortunately superior in any regard and I would say the closest being to match the Entity or even possibly rival it, his magic is on a different scale and so is his intellect, after all Vecna canonically is a God a lesser god, but still a god non the less in D&D, and he attained godhood by himself.
Ignoring chuckys voodoo
The Knight absolutely claps The oni and the fact you used that For Honor Clip makes me want to recommend you to watch the For Honor: Reality is often dissapointing clip. The Knight fought insane number of Knights by himself and Vitorrio sacrificed himself as a slave to stop the slaughter while the oni got clapped by villagers. And the whole Demon real Oni thing is bs the entity made him an Oni to mock him bc thats how people called him in his times
Yeah so i have always said that the big 3 of dbd in terms of power scaling 😂 is pyramid head a manifestation of someone’s else psych. Then we have Freddy Kruger as the dream demons grant him immortality just like vecna so yes there are 2 killers we have that are if you did not know that. Lastly it has to be vecna I want to play him more too, cause he’s just damn cool man.. I’m not even into DnD like the old heads but damn !! you know he’s a piece of work when the entity put a literal stamp on him ! What y’all think. You should do survivors next man ! 🎉 I’m for it
As a big Sadako fan who constantly hyper fixates on her, I think she'd be strongest. She can kill people just by being in their presence and she could just stop all of their organs, instantly killing them. I don't know that much about Venca and Dracula so I'd put her right under them. Also her body is just a projection of how she sees herself and not her actual body so technically she shouldn't take any damage.
i refuse to belive that you put singularity over sadako
As a pig main i completly agree of her begin at the bottom. like what she will do? try to put a reverse bear trap on their head? pft like that would ever happen she is after all quite short that she might have tuff time reaching their heads than actually thinking of fighting them
Meh I'd rank demo above xeno
How I’d rank each of them (I can explain my choices if anyone is confused):
36) Pig
35) Good Guy
34) Trickster
33) Nurse
32) Clown
31) Twins
30) Plague
29) Legion (All Four)
28) Ghostface
27) Gen Merchant
26) Nightmare (Nerfed)
25) Deathslinger
24) Trapper
23) Cannibal
22) Wraith
21) Doctor
20) Hillbilly
19) Huntress
18) Unknown
17) Hag
16) Artist
15) Spirit
14) Knight
13) Blight
12) Xenomorph/Demogorgon
11) Shape
10) Nemesis
9) Oni
8) Singularity
7) Mastermind
6) Dredge
5) Executioner
4) Onryō
3) Lich
2) Dark Lord
1) Cenobite
Sadako below singularity is crazy, sure he can think fast but Hux was outplayed by Gabriel soma in his tomb lore depowering him to the one that we see in game.
im a little confused as to why you included the cosmetics of some killers but not with all like for instance the Xenomorph Queen is massive and could arguably rank way higher on the list. still great vid though
Fun Fact
The Unknown carries an axe not because it needs it, but rather because it knows the axe can inflict more pain.
This is shown in his Pallet kick animation where the Unknown kicks the pallet instead of using the literal axe in his hands.
To be honest (and i'm gonna RE nerd out here a tad) it's entirely fair to place Wesker above Nemesis, he uses Uroboros as a game mechanic but his innate physical traits such as his speed, strength and reflexes are all due to his superior genetics absorbing and melding with the T-Virus, Nemesis and his fellow Tyrants were the offshoot failures in the end, what Wesker became was the ideal vision Umbrella had intended for the Virus but he was the sole unanticipated exception because of his perfect genes.
You forget that Wesker has an infinite supply of sunglasses in his coat.
He can just keep throwing them at his opponents until they’re crushed by the sheer weight of the sunglasses.
Pyramid head is higer than pinhead
And vecna is stronger than the entity and dracula just saying since he only submitted to the entity so he can study it he eve says that "its all a part of the plan"
Good list tho 🔥❤
It'll be springtrap, not freddy fazbear
freddy downplayed alot, in some movies he`s as powerful in real world as the dream world, plague also should be much higher due to her hax, dredge should be number 1, we don`t know the full extent to its power not to mention the entity worries about it the most
The intro to bubba 🤣
Ghostface got carried by head canon 😂
Lotta Spitballing here: But for 'The Animatronic' (probably going to be Springtrap with a buyable Freddy skin or vice versa,) Springtrap would be below Doctor, reasoning is they are actually really fucking strong and fast especially going off the books. But I think every other killer starting at doc is either stronger in strength (Billy) or like doctor who's power would probably just hard win it for them like frying their electronics (though I dont think that would kill an animatronic for good since its the metal itself that is also possessed but it would be stunned for long enough).
They are also made of metal so most human level killers just couldn't hurt them hard enough to stop them *in time* before they grab them and smash their skull in, they'd step on a bear trap and not even notice. Weirdly though assuming its Not Springtrap whom mostly sentient and aware, I can see Chucky and Amanda being able to actually win against Basic animatronics like Freddy, either through having understanding of machines and parts while also wearing an animal head (would only fool less aware animatronics like Freddy into thinking she is one of them, in whichcase masked killers hilariously like Ghostface also clear since they would pass as a security puppets) while Chucky can just climb inside and start tearing it up internally.
On a side note, for the power assuming its Springtrap primarily: I am kinda hoping they add the whole band as AIs on the map that turn on one by one as the game progresses like in a set pattern every minute with unique AI for each, IE foxy walks around slowly but builds up into a full sprint once he sees someone and for long stretches/open maps he is scary but cant turn well (can strafe around objects slightly in the way very well while sprinting though) and crashes into walls or pallets being stunned for a while. Freddy is passive and just roams the map and maybe stares at you and laughs occasionally giving Springrap Instinct unless you touch him or power the gate in which case he gives a fast chase for a short time trying to instant down. Bonnie gives chase on sight and even breaks pallets if he comes across them or are in his way but is the slowest. Chica is moderate speed and can vault windows but enters a state on sight or after a set amount of time chasing you with an audio que where she just opens her mouth with a head tilt and stares/stalks you instead with massively increased chance of starting or continuing chase if you look away.
Flashlights like always turn them off on blind for a bit (in line with canon) with foxy being turned off for a bit longer. Idk what they would do if you could also use a freddy skin, maybe AI Freddy is turned into Fredbear.
Wesker is definitely number one bro got slapped and didn’t flinch 😱😱
Lost me soon as Chucky was 2nd to last.
That was the best Thumbnail I’ve seen great job on it you should definitely have more views just because of that beautiful thumbnail one of the biggest steps to becoming a popular Content creator is making people click on your videos that thumbnail is something that’ll make people click on your content it was perfect
Sadako is like hyper😭
Skull Merchant is the best, she has enough power to claw through grown men's entire abdomens
Ah yes, my favorite resident evil character, Ethan Smith.
How do you think Gabriel belmonts Dracula from lords of shadows 2 go against the entity?
My dumbass called Ethan Winters “Ethan Smith”
Forgive me
Using Orochi instead of Shugoki or Sohei made me weep
I think dredge and pyramid head are kinda underrated due to their lore but nice vid
I'm sorry but Vecna, even in the restrictions of the realm, can solo everyone. including survivors. the only person I think who has a chance to beat him is Alan Wake if the others give him enough time.
I would put Knight above Demo since SPOILER! in the show steve was able to fight it off with a bat so i think a larger, stronger, armoured knight that has a alot of battle experience, 3 ghost friends and a huge sword should be able to beat it i also think that knight would probably beat the oni bcs a katana would be weak against his armour and for the oni to get the kanabo he has to get into blood rage and ghosts dont bleed
6:50 : I'd assume that the status effect "exposed" gives the killer information about their weaknesses so she can down them with a fatal strike instead of 2 aimless strikes
Brother the title of this Video is very misleading. If you say that your going to rank Killers by their "Cannon" power, you should not use dbd feats at all(except for original Killers ofc).
"Cannon" should mean that you rank them by their own cannon feats and universe that they're in.Using almost only dbd feats for licensed Killers is very weird, as dbd alone doesn't play a role at all in the Verses of licensed characters at all, otherwise, the list would look hella different. Expected something else from this Video but whatever, still enjoyed it nonetheless.
2010 freddy cant die though bro cmon💀