THIS IS GETTING NERFED! – Dead by Daylight!

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31 thoughts on “THIS IS GETTING NERFED! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. How about a change where after a Gen is completed its takes like 20s 30s seconds to be able to complete another. Something to slow the game down to where killer has a chance to actually move around at least 50% of the map before 3 gets are done. Do soke kind of game change instead of nerfing killer anytime they get something strong. They already have no time to waist why destroy their lethality? At that point it feels like they just want killer to be a scary picture that's always 10 feet behind you so when you look behind you it's time to hold forward for 40s.

  2. "I'm whiffing a lot" well, Tru3, maybe don't wait for most of a loop to uncloak? It's like you're waiting for the DH, but not to hit. Wraith might be your baby, but you're clearly getting too comfortable.

  3. "We heard that the killers mouse1 was giving survivors a rough time and was an overall boring experience, so we now have implemented a fix that will disconnect the killer players mouse and keyboard. We here at behavior thank you for your continued support."

  4. People get mad at survivor mains because they are so harsh on killer , but all you need to do is stop playing the game. Im surprised this game has lasted so long. I have seen far better fall to far less. The only reason they get away with trashing killer and making you suffer is because you let them. All you have to do is boycott the game or just stop playing all together. I haven't played in some time ,and trust me when I say that I wont be coming back. Life is just so much better not playing it in terms of mental health.

  5. l m playing this game only 2 weeks and all l hear is nerfs holy sht l play both killer/ surv but seems like dev only listen what surv players complain about.Kinda weird how this game isnt dead with devs who deserve to be fired.

  6. So, basically, Wraith going back down to shit tier. Fun.

    I'm not a fan that it takes the killer a second or two to start regression, and a survivor can just walk up, and in less than a second negate it. Basically making it almost useless to kick a gen.

  7. One issue the devs made with this game is making addons and perks way too influential and impactful. By doing so, they doomed meta builds to be the only way sinced non meta builds won't stack up at all. Wish they made addons and perks be little changes, nothing insane like they have now. Would give players, specifically killers, freedom to have more options

  8. Good. Wraith players shouldn’t have a sense of power. In fact, all killers shouldn’t have that feeling, you have to think of the survivors feelings before killing them as the killer

  9. Some of the BEST killer players on YouTube can run full meta perks and play perfectly, and still get bullied by the average SWF not even really trying. This game is SO killer-sided, Wraith really needs nerfed.

  10. Im glad they nerfing wraith and i hope more nerfs for him. a killer that even my grandma can play dont deserve to be so strong, like why even bothering with killers like ghostface, clown and myers when wraith is just way better because his ability has no cooldown, no TR, Invisible, mobility and works on loops?

  11. What exactly are they doing to Wraith? To be honest after the first week of Hellraiser DLC's release I stopped playing and in general stopped paying attention to what is going on with DBD. Soon as I found out about the way MMR system is handled along with the Boon totems being able to destroy a killer hex while also setting said boon totem at the same exact time.. As well as the fact that the survivor can do it as often as they want.. Just.. Yea.. I decided to take a very big break from the game for the first time.. ( Been around since beta ) And I might even just fully quit it and not come back at all.

    ( Oh and no its not just Boon totems.. Its the fact that you can easily make a toolbox last for ALL gens and then some, is another big problem I have with the devs and their idiotic choices when it comes to.. "balance". I have a LOT of issues with most of the changes they are making. Some changes I am fine with but there are a lot of things that are flat out broken. )

  12. It might not be fun to face, but how fun do you think it will be for the killer as well? This is a horribly bad nerf, because i just saw gameplay of how he was at 100 compared to the 125 percent. Survivors will be in complete control of the chase now due to that they will now be able to loop the lunge again. Another reason i dont like survivor, you dont need to be in control of the chase, if he cant even get a hit its going to be around 4 gens done before a first hook.


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