THIS Is Why They Shouldn't Nerf Pig | Dead By Daylight

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30 thoughts on “THIS Is Why They Shouldn't Nerf Pig | Dead By Daylight”

  1. hey Cm good to see your making content on DBD see your still kicking with the game lol havent seen the streams in a while but I hope your doing well

  2. 1. You don't play like the pigs I go against 😂 and 2. They doin that so y'all stop camping em and tunneling survivors with traps 3. Even with nerfs on what's coming wont even stop pigs from being op and wining😝

  3. Piggy is a killer that I only use because I really like the SAW franchise, other than that I would never use it, the power is very unstable and SWFs counter any stealth attempt, and with this nerf I will be even more unmotivated to play with it.

  4. If (and only if) you don't patrol the boxes it's a buff because there's a 40% chance they need to check 4 boxes as opposed to a 25% chance (80% * 75% * 66.66666% vs 75% * 66.666666% * 50%)

    Basically it's lowering the skill ceiling and buffing people who haven't reached the skill ceiling

  5. I love your vids but you might wanna want lower the complaining, i dont say it in a mean wah but it can get kinda repeling to watch

  6. Pig is so weak already and because of the AFK box blocking thing that people only do for the memes, or a small minority are doing because of asshole behavior, they decide to screw everyone else over who plays the killer in her intended way. It's kinda sad. Almost rivals the negativity that bhvr got for nerfing Billy

  7. I honestly feel like they could have just simply changed the add-on since THAT was the source of the issue. Since this is a PTB only thing atm I'd hope BHVR would listen to the community and rethink this but I highly doubt it sadly

  8. I have seen so many devs in so many games promise these huge perks/skills/class etc reworks and its literally always dissapointing. They are going to nerf like a couple strong perks to pretend they listen to us and change some numbers on 30+ completely useless perks and call it a day

  9. With extra box and a guarantee on 4th box, they can check the box in a way that the 4th and 5th box is on the furthest, and making it is impossible to interrupt.
    Pig is not strong enough to deserve the nerf. Survivor can literally pre throw every pallet and get away with it.

  10. I am super mixed on the nerf

    on the one hand even as a Pig player
    I dont like the afk strat, so am happy its getting dealt with

    but on the other, why nerf pig as a whole over one dumb meme strat on an already weak killer

  11. It's both a Nerf and buff theoretically they will be less likely to get trap on first try giving more slowdown. But nerf because you can't really patrol box. I would be more on board if they took out some RNG. Ok so no more than 4 fine even though allegedly trap has a pre determined box clearly that will be changed. So why can't we make it so that either you can no longer get it on first try or make it so one box is 1 one is 2 3 etc. Obviously you don't know what is what and a swf will communicate what's happening but at least have a consistent power instead of completely random. Also you should add 5 second base to search time with extra box being added

  12. I would like to change 3 things on 🐖. first off she's not a stealth killer dash should be additional 50 percent faster to make more viable in loops Amanda's secret should be changed to make her no longer roar just so it can be used. Last thing 5 boxes are fine but you're traps should be two are gurranteed to get off after 2 boxes 1 is 3 and 1 is 4 boxes for a more consistent power obviously you don't know which trap is which and like my other post here swf will communicate this.

  13. The sane option would be to actually buff the pig by making the 5th box searchable or just go back on the problem addon which is everybody starts with a trap on.
    But no fuck the pig so let's nerf her.

  14. 11:15 the logic behind their reworking is stupid. The guy on that stream said "cuz meta", but they just added another potential meta perk in the PTB having to do with destroying totems. They really are beyond stupid with their balancing.

    They named a bunch of gen regression/slowdown perks in regards to the ones they're focusing on, but they're completely missing why we use those perks. It is because there is an inherent issue with how easy gen rushing is across all skill levels. The perks aren't really the problem here, it's the game's base mechanics in how repairing gens works which is the culprit. If you don't run gen regression/slowdown, the gens will fly more times than not.

    You're right, these devs do NOT play their own fucking game and if they do, they're not great at it.

  15. where tf did ace go at the end 😭i was laughin so hard he literally turned around for one second looked back and he was jus fuckin gone no scratch marks no signs of life 😂😂

  16. I really never understand why people would call this nerf, a buff, if you didn't notice, that fifth box in that building saves a survivor roughly 15 seconds of running since it's situated in the middle of the map, instead of going all the way to that corner you can simply just go to the box in the middle and get your trap off there since it's guaranteed on the 4th box. imagine a map like red forest, eyrie of crows is nothing compared to the size of that honker map. The fifth box will save ATLEAST 30 seconds of running.

    I do not support the belief that this nerf gives more slowdown, it's at about the same I'd say. Since it is less likely for the trap to be removed. This just makes it so patrolling boxes, predicting what box is the last box for a survivor, and pressuring someone off a box less viable, it also makes it easier on unlucky survivors since it'll take less time for them to do 4 boxes since there is a shorter distance between boxes when there are 5.

    Could of been worse, still a nerf though. Not sure why behaviour thought that it was a good idea to give her 5 boxes basekit instead of only incorporating it into her add-on.


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