Windows is the best . Ya know made for this is good . But its not good against top tier killers really . The biggest issue is dumb asses not wanting to break a pallet and just blood lust . If your halfway decent you can get a 30 second loops off nothing . Also How many games to you guys get were killers complain about made for this . And they didnt even get the first hit to activate it . Alot of games i play with mft or resilience and i never even get injured to use . The part that makes made for this a little op is the endurance on pick ups . Do you know how many times thats come in clutch .
I'm a killer main and I don't understand why killers are crying about made for this. It's not broken and besides killers gain bloodlust so fast if they're nerfing made for this they should make it harder to gain bloodlust since killers are already faster than survivors
Play 1 game male
Always the survivors who do nothing all game and hide that get to escape…the solo q experience
5:02 pretty sure he did Michael Jackson to end chase and get play with your food stack
So happy to watch this while I'm working.
I mean….listening. Since I definitely work during my shift 😮
The camp timer is great except the killer can still camp after the first hook which is even more crucial
myers is so fast lul
Me: On second hook
Meg: crouch walks halfway across the map and hides in a cabinet
Back to the trenches of solo que we go bois
Hi Naymeti, I wished you could have shown the Myers perks at the end
Gotta say why is tombstone even a thing cus i seen games end before even getting 1-2 gens done 🤦🏻♂️
Gotta love those solo queue team mates, useless
I dead harded a tombstone and i couldnt see skill checks or anything else that is normaly on the screen
Currently going through thyroid cancer. Your uploads are getting me through. :’) you are my absolute favorite DBD streamer. thank u for what u do <3
Windows is the best . Ya know made for this is good . But its not good against top tier killers really . The biggest issue is dumb asses not wanting to break a pallet and just blood lust . If your halfway decent you can get a 30 second loops off nothing . Also How many games to you guys get were killers complain about made for this . And they didnt even get the first hit to activate it . Alot of games i play with mft or resilience and i never even get injured to use . The part that makes made for this a little op is the endurance on pick ups . Do you know how many times thats come in clutch .
I automatically like the video when I see someone playing as Kate
I was here for this stream! It was my first ever. Looking forward to seeing more in the future.
Broo i really like your video❤. Can you also make some more videos as killer???
Shitters who get carried and tbagging at the exit gate. Name a better duo.
Bless survivors who tbag during the actual match instead of at the very end like pussies.
I'm a killer main and I don't understand why killers are crying about made for this. It's not broken and besides killers gain bloodlust so fast if they're nerfing made for this they should make it harder to gain bloodlust since killers are already faster than survivors
Day 2 of commenting yippe ) yippe