This SPEED Build Turns Hag Into A TRACK STAR | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some Chase Hag gameplay. This build gives Hag some insane speed and also allows you to slow survivors as well, making it hard for them to get away. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

Want More Acurracy With Your Controller? ⬇
I always get asked the question “What are your Controller settings for DBD?” I use KontrolFreek attachments which aid with my accuracy in any game that I play. If you would like to give them a try, Links down below

Precision Rings (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks PS (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks Xbox (Amazon):

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0:00 Intro
1:53 Match 1
8:41 Match 2
12:12 Match 3
19:44 Match 4


23 thoughts on “This SPEED Build Turns Hag Into A TRACK STAR | Dead By Daylight”

  1. First to say this but love your videos. Keep up the good work. Also please don't overwork yourself on these videos. I don't want you to experience burnout as I love your videos and as someone who experiences this several times with this game (bully squads (I am bad at killer but love to play it))

  2. I feel like deadlock wouldn't be doing you much good and speed hag is something you can kinda have to go all in on. PWYF, Monitor or batteries inckuded would all be fine. Im alway happy to see forced hesitation though, my favorite perk of all time.

  3. I can't wait for the nerfs to go through, sure save the best is getting nerfed, but dead hard is getting nerfed too so it's fair. I wonder if they'll take the invincibility or the charge off of dead hard, either is a fair nerf.


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