This Spirit add-on is STILL broken… | Dead by Daylight

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This video showcases the strength of Spirit’s yellow add-ons and explains why all three duration add-ons are actually much stronger than you might think, with the purple “Yakuyoke Amulet” being particularly insane. This bug or “feature” was identified and reported nearly 2 years ago and a dev at the time (McLean) did acknowledge that maybe this was not intended. However, even after her relatively recent add-on pass, the issue remains. And before you ask, yes, this issue also affects other Killer add-ons…

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42 thoughts on “This Spirit add-on is STILL broken… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Let’s be honest here, Spirit isn’t really that strong as you claim she be. The RPD map is carrying her and her add ons because just look how how close 2 gens are beside each other? Almost every killer you use can win on this kind of map with a certain build and if you play your cards right on this map. I’m a solo q player and I rarely win against killers who just stay in the middle of the RPD map camping and tunneling. That doesn’t mean the killer is OP it means the map is carrying the killer. Just like certain huge maps carry’s decent survivors or bad ones. I can play killer and I will get 1 to 2 kills with myers while these survivors are doing gens really far and spread out against me but in RPD I can destroy survivors easily with no issue. Spirit is strong but she isn’t so strong she’s unstoppable. Use dead hard, ds, unbreakable, and off the record and she’s gonna lose a lot of time if you play your cards right and I know because I been destroying spirits lately with the filthy add ons.

  2. These add-ons aren't broken honestly. Spirit still has a fair cool-down between power usage (15 seconds compared to Blight's 10 for full rush tokens or Nurse's 6 seconds for both blinks).

    Additionally, Otz has like 10k hours in this game, has played this game on a competitive tournament level, has a 50 win-streak with Spirit and got very good map RNG. There aren't many Survivors that can do well against this and it's not a game problem or even an issue at all.

    It's a skilled player being skilled and winning with one of the few Killers who aren't add-on dependent.

  3. Honestly I didn't see much effect the addon's power. I know it's very strong but RPD east with 3 scourge hooks there you could easily own this survivors with any killer.

  4. I really don't like people saying that the duration addons are better recharge addons than the recharge addons on killers that need their whole power back to use it. It leads you to believe you'll get to use your power more often, when in reality it only actually allows you to use it for longer with no charge speed reduction, which is what duration addons are supposed to do in the first place.

  5. The duration add-on needs a slight downside of making recovery take longer. It really just looks like the devs didn't take into account that being in the power longer means you get "faster" recharge. I'm not sure what the numbers would need to be to make the recharge add-on viable as an option.

    Thanks for the video Otz!

  6. I started playing spirit when I was new to the game in 2020, I used to be fairly good with her, I stopped playing her as I started to play survivor more and mained Huntress, now I really want to get back into playing her but just can’t? I don’t know if it’s me or my headset but I struggle so much to track survivors and I can never hear their footsteps or grunts of pain, and if I do… it will seem like they are right in front of me, I come out of phase and then are 15m away on the right of me. I don’t get it, any tips?

  7. I keep seeing people say "Duration addons give unlisted recharge speed," and I don't think that that's strictly true. The wiki says that her power recharges at 0.333… charges per second, and I think that's part of where the misnomer comes from. The actual recharge code probably looks something like "You regain 6.666…% of your maximum power duration back every second," rather than "You regain 0.333… seconds of power duration every second." With no add-ons, these are identical, but as soon as you increase maximum duration, the 6.666% is more valuable, since it inherently scales.

    For practical purposes, you can also think of this as "you use fewer charges per second," and the math still works out if you convert properly, but judging by how the effects are written in-game, I don't think this is how the devs programmed it. I also think it's more intuitive to think of it as "I get X more time using my power," rather than "I use less of my charge per second." In my experience, most people can more easily understand the value of "20% more time" than the equivalent "~16.6% less time consumption" for this sort of thing.

    Is this confusing? I mean, kind of. The reason it's implemented this way is so that an empty meter ALWAYS takes X seconds to refill, barring direct modifiers to the recharge rate – Sure, the meter recharges faster, but there's more in total to recharge. A similar mechanic is present in other games where you can upgrade the capacity of a resource meter, like Stamina in Breath of the Wild. The big thing here is that Spirit literally cannot use her power unless it's full, so having the charge rate be percent based instead of flat means that you don't run into weird situations where you suffer slightly more in a certain situations because you had the audacity to use your entire meter. (Which means it's weird that it was implemented this way on Pyramid Head, who can use his power at any charge level, to my understanding.)

    For most Killers, this doesn't matter, since their power recharge behaves more like a cooldown. Their power always consumes the same amount of the recharge – Nurse can't use half a token to use half a blink, for example, so a hypothetical increase to the duration of a blink – no such addons actually exist for Nurse, just to be clear – doesn't have to do any math with the Blink Meter.

    This method of recharge is probably most critical on Legion. It wasn't really relevant before, because any method of ending Feral Frenzy also reset the meter to zero, so you could just treat it like a normal 20s cooldown. But now, if you cancel it early, you retain any remaining meter. If it were coded as 0.5 charges per second, rather than 5% per second, then duration addons would be really bad. It would be fair if you cancelled the power early, since it would be the same regardless of whether you had the add-on or not, unless the addon actually helped you. But since it's set to zero on a fifth stab, using the Mischief List would make you wait an additional 4 seconds after downing someone, and the the Never-Sleep Pills would make you wait a whopping 20 additional seconds.

    From this perspective, the "issue" could technically be fixed by just putting a number somewhere that says "You recharge X% of your power every second" on the Killers where it's relevant. However, I actually think that the implementation is inherently wrong for DbD, due to the competitive – or at least adversarial – nature of the game. The recharge speed addons are also poorly thought out, given the existing recharge implementation, and it means they're always going to be competing with any duration addons, a problem noticeable on Oni and Pyramid Head. (Legion can stay the same, because their power doesn't quite work the same way.)

    Also, yes, the Kaiun Amulet is overpowered. I'd love to see Spirit get yet another addon pass with the new "no tiered addons" design mindset.

  8. Can i just know where you’re getting the information about Spirit’s duration add-ons giving better recovery than her actual recovery add-ons?

    This is taken from the DBD’s wiki page about the yellow duration add-on of Spirit:

    « Kaiun Talisman works by increasing the maximum Charges of Yamaoka's Haunting by 1 charge (code). Since the default Power Consumption rate of 1 c/s remains unchanged, this extends the Phase Walk duration by 1 second (effect).

    Additionally, the code also increases the Power Recovery rate by 0.066667 c/s (code) to compensate having to recover more Charges in the same time, therefore keeping the Recharge time the same. »

    Based on that, the power cooldown is still the SAME being at 15 seconds and this also leads me to believe it’s the same for when a Spirit player uses their power in short bursts, it’s the same. I’m not trying to argue i just want proof or evidence that backs up your claim.


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