Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Known this Streamer for a VERY LONG TIME and it was really fun to get them into the game, here you will see a back and forth view of the game, enjoy her reactions and cheers.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
That was very wholesome.
Felt like a movie. Nice interaction, loved the video Jay!
That was soo awesome to see them having fun with this match! Props to you for having a great Myers & to them for enjoying the game. 🔥
I got scared when u showed their POV. Love your content.
Man that is how you should be reacting to this sort of thing. It's fun and different. Nice one on them. I got some entitlement yesterday lol. I had a few 3k games in a row (I let the last one leave in each) and I got a really tough game. I went to the guys YT to compliment him in his looping me (I got rinsed) and he was like GG. But don't camp. All gens were done so I hooked him and camped lol what else should I do?I told him I play this game a specific way. I don't tunnel or camp and always let the 4th get hatch. He replied with more entitlement about camping so I just deleted the message. MIND BLOWING.
You're a beast Jay. A big sexy beautiful beast. 🤣 absolutely great game play man.👍
This was amazing!! Fun & wholesome even with noed gone. 💜
Bruh I scream like a bitch when Mirror Myers comes out of nowhere on these kinds of maps. I love it and I hate it. I wish I found more Mirror Myers but sadly it's rare.
the music being this ever so slightly quieter is fantastic Jay!
Good to see you chasing dbd trends. Gotta start somewhere
I love this.
Mirror’s movie Myers. awesome edit 😀👏
I love how amazing this group of Survivors are. Wholesome gaming all around. <3 I wish there was more of this in the community as a whole.
Asif you went against dragon nice match good work jay
This is definitely how BHVR intended their game to be then all the pro scene came in and destroyed that concept, love these Myers vids btw.
for me the funniest part was when she went up the stairs and you were already standing there looking at her that was funny lmao great video bro
Good wholesome content, this the type of content I wish was more popular
The salt montages get old and sometimes suck the fun out of the game
This was the most enjoyable Myers game I’ve watched. Great job!
What is the bell sound in the vid? It's a little irritating.
I can't stop thinking about when Jay got spooked by Jill jumped out of the locker. Someone jumps out of a locker in front of Myers and he makes his little grunt and drops his knife because he's startled.
This stuff reminds me soo much of how I used to play leatherface.. I know there are a few streamers/youtubers have faced it.. Its funny when they are trying to figure you out.
That was fun to watch
Best Myers match I've seen thus far. You played the role really really well. Props to you and the survivors. Definitely a good time for all, including us viewers.
god i hope i never get good enough to get into your lobby as Myers. LOL that shit is terrifying
You deserve so much more of a following man
Love when it's a fun match and everyone had a good time. Hope to one day face your scratch mirror.
The authentic Meyers experience right here.
I'm loving these Myer's video man, really spooky and entertaining! Thank you Jay 🙂