THIS Wesker Add-on Makes Survivors GIVE UP!! | Dead by Daylight

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26 thoughts on “THIS Wesker Add-on Makes Survivors GIVE UP!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. OMG! That beginning had me dying! All the stupidity in that first match. Then the ritualistic surrendering of their souls to the entity in the second one!!! At least you got a fun match with the third. Sometimes, it's lonely at the top. But, that doesn't mean we go easy on them! All Might and Endeavor vibes.

    Also: that ending…. huh? What do you mean Whisker's GRAB ATTACK doesn't grab them from the hatch? And yea, there are a few clear hits and didn't land (I guess because of the window). There was definitely a few where you should've at least vaulted the window… not smack into it… Is this what they changed about him before they removed the killswitch on him? Nerf him with bugs.

  2. The salty entitled survivor be like: he's tunneling I'm not throwing

    Me viewing those survivors: Skills says otherwise because you got in your team mates way while them being chased, another thing not paying attention or awareness, not really working as a team or taking hits and top of it all using meta perks.

  3. Dont worry bro, there are plenty of times where i should have vaulted using weskers power but for some reason it didnt let me. Also i find it absolutely HILARIOUS that ace and his team got smoked the entire game then had the nerve to teabag at the hatch as if he outplayed you 😂💀

  4. I like your gameplay and you're entertaining as hell but you can tell that you're not going up against rank1 p100s ECT people like JRM would loop u for days and I'm a killer main too but some survivors are str8 cracked at this game


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