HYSTERIA ON LEGION (for some reason). | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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Hysteria makes Survivors Oblivious when you hit them… Why am I using this perk on Legion? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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23 thoughts on “HYSTERIA ON LEGION (for some reason). | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. I'm still salty Suzie's Mixtape doesn't allow you to detect Oblivious people within 20 m. If the detection range for Oblivious people is 0 m, Suzie's Mixtape should extend it to 20 m. Honestly, is that really so hard to ask!?

  2. Man hysteria and that oblivious add on (and tinkerer) would be so good if they just made his killer instinct detection a flat 40m base not tied to his terror radius.

  3. Stealthy legion is fun my build is Hex:plaything, hysteria, trails of torment or Tinkerer, and bbq or nurse's calling floods of rage is pretty good too. Top it off with cool shades or stab wound study for extra aura reading

  4. Hysteria makes all injured survivors oblivious when someone else gets injured. So if two people are injured and you injure a third, all three of them become oblivious.

    That being said, why tf would you wanna use Hysteria when Etched Ruler is just much better? Only the surv hit with Feral Frenzy is inflicted with Oblivious, it'll still work on injured people, the effect is up twice as long (Hysteria 30s / Etched Ruler 60s), and you won't waste a perk slot on a perk that'll cuck you for playing the game.


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