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In this video, I show you how to never lose a survivor in chase with this pallet eater Wesker build in Dead By Daylight!
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Thank you for your patience over the Holiday. I am very excited for the videos planned this month!
13:50 Nice transition. Very smooth
Bro said ez but died 🤣 they just salty your better they have to blame it on connection
Hey, Is dbdca.rf.g trustable? Pls answer
But what if I’m on console and I suck at wesker 😮
so no ones gonna talk about the title
10:40 "go to ur room" HAHAHHAH wild one
This Wesker build does WHAT?!
This Wesker build does WHAT
The only thing that would make this build better is Brutal Strength. Too bad you can only equip 4 perks.
"… over the holidays…"
Me: german confusion
No clue what holiday that was, but I hope you had a great time! 😀
Wesker is already pretty buggy around pallets with his power, this makes it even funnier
Wow it's good to know 1st chase kevin's real name is "connection", because yeah they really were carried there. :V
I love Sable. She's so perfect
Thank you, SpookyLoopz, for SMASHING survivors as Wesker!
So. Many. Ads….
5:23 lmaoooo
Love the long video
Plaything + Pentimento is the way to go if your killer has mobility.
I use it on my Wesker for more than a year now and was able to convince my friend to also use it with his Vecna.
If Dracula don't come with something similar or better I'll use this combo with him too (because HE MUST have TP to be lore and gameplay accurate).
Would be REALLY nice if we get another rekindle perk that similar to survs's Booms would apply both Pentimento and this new effect together.
Will co-main him and Wesker because both ROCK!
0:45 denied
I'm sorry, the build does w h a t
It’s wild always seeing the survivor that dies saying “ez” in the chat XD
Like what was easy? Dying??
Bro beaware of perkless trapper
Hardcore Iri 1 should be a killer with no perks and only a meme add on. Make that last game harder than before. ( if you actually do this I’m sorry in advance ).
Yo, me and a friend played against you yesterday on Greenville and you absolutely destroyed us with the build.
9:55 ah yes, the "that fucking hits?" feel, causing her to just say nah fam and give up because that was bullshit. I know the feeling. Wesker is so fucking jank, what a bugged killer.
I was the Claudette on Shattered Square (July 7th late at night). We got a 3 man out but now I kinda wish we didn't so I'd be in the video LOL (You had the same build on wesker and everything haha)
That Sable who stopped to let you get the hit she knew you should have gotten? An icon.
U live in Las Vegas?!
This Wesker build does WHAT to survivors? ⁉️⁉️⁉️🔥🔥🔥
Typing EZ = Salty
2:10 perfecto 👌🏻
When you jump down and swing does it make you fall faster??
18:16 lol 😅
Ggs i was the pallet
"carried by connection" 🤣🤣🤣🤣. but no joke, the wesker 'hugtech' isnt that easy to pull off. thats 100times more skill involved than that what blight got before BHVR removed it.
Welcome back to the world of Dead By Daylight. Wesker is definitely one of my favorite characters to use, im for sure gonna be trying out build
all the sudden im a survivor main
Wait you live in Vegas? Oh shit I live in Vegas. I hope I meet you someday
Saying gg ez when you get carried by someone AND die is actually crazy
damn those cuts between the games are clean af
I was the Budget Sable in the Garden of Joy Game! I've been trying to get a lot better with deception, to be honest. Huge GG, as always Spooky.
You basically just have Wesker Demo’s power when it comes to pallets
Oh wesker be smacking my cheeks when I look away for a second
* sable standing over your totems remains*weak