Top 5 Mad Lads in DBD history

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This small video features some of the funniest, craziest things players have done in Dead by Daylight. Enjoy!

Players featured: Jordirex (with a montage by Zensyk), ScottJund, ZubatLEL, ItsWhiteGoat, WimaTV and Marth (with additional footage from Financial Stability).

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20 thoughts on “Top 5 Mad Lads in DBD history”

  1. I was playing dead by daylight one time and the killer was just leaving everybody on the floor after they went into the dying state. 2 of the people died and i was in the dying state with someone in the injured state. I was almost dead when the guy picked me up. I looped the killer for 2 gens and the guy opens the exit gate. As im running over there the killer knocks me. I am almost at the exit gate and the guy escapes. So im about to die when the wraith goes invisible. Then thats when i strike. I get up with unbreakable and dash past him with dead hard when hes visible again and i escape. It was the best clutch i have ever done.

  2. I've done this before to a group of survivors when you trigger me your entire team is going to get a brutally destroyed as karma fills me with the power to annihilate your existence.


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