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This small video features some of the funniest, craziest things players have done in Dead by Daylight. Enjoy!
Players featured: Jordirex (with a montage by Zensyk), ScottJund, ZubatLEL, ItsWhiteGoat, WimaTV and Marth (with additional footage from Financial Stability).
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Ngl I was expecting to see finger guns in this list when he 4% risking giving the other team an extra point
500 escapes lol he's capping time to get a life 💯 don't sit on the couch all day gamer's get fresh air to 😂
Wish the hatch grab would still be in but I'm glad hatch standoffs aren't a thing anymore xD
otz has such a nice commentator voice..
I’d like to nominate as an honourable mention the legendary Reverse Chainsaw Into Quentin Hiding In A Corner. YOU are the true Mad Lad.
Otzdarva becoming the next Watchmojo with that title…
"according to a Republican Senator" lmao, who is Otz even… how does he just say so much random funny shit
These were great, Otz! Let's see more!! Thoroughly fun to watch. Marth's outplay at the end was platinum!
The fact the the guy in the 2nd spot didnt get tunneled and mori'd for 400 games is the most impressive thing of all.
Otz what sony Vegas do you use?
I was playing dead by daylight one time and the killer was just leaving everybody on the floor after they went into the dying state. 2 of the people died and i was in the dying state with someone in the injured state. I was almost dead when the guy picked me up. I looped the killer for 2 gens and the guy opens the exit gate. As im running over there the killer knocks me. I am almost at the exit gate and the guy escapes. So im about to die when the wraith goes invisible. Then thats when i strike. I get up with unbreakable and dash past him with dead hard when hes visible again and i escape. It was the best clutch i have ever done.
Bro got 500+ escapes a row, I can’t even get like 3 in a row
falto el clip de el caramelito en la partida de agustin
FYI to all survivors this is what happens when you piss off really good killers you're going to regret it
I've done this before to a group of survivors when you trigger me your entire team is going to get a brutally destroyed as karma fills me with the power to annihilate your existence.
You have to give it to that hillbilly he did really well the end game this is how you properly use no one escapes death
My coolest stand-off was as Myers in The game, I had tombstone and slowly stalked the survivor on top of the hatch to Mori him and win, my longest, no idea but 100% was as killer and probably Trapper or Spirit.
omg fat lad has nothing else to do in his life?