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19 thoughts on “TOP MMR IS BALANCED FOR 3VS1? – Dead by Daylight TOP MMR!”

  1. Honestly. They should've done two separate queues for this game. Ranked and casual. This whole top MMR talk is useless. You can't expect to always 4k and bhvrs idea of balance is 2k.

  2. If that Adam had stretch res which makes sense, then he is cheating, because he knew exactly where Tru3 was, and already at the strong loop like a jungle gym you don't need to be able to see the killer as well. THAT'S THE POINT. Killers honestly should have 4 perk slot plus a hex slot or just a 5th slot. 16v4 isn't that good when 14 of them are meta perks. Top mmr is honestly balanced by 3v1s I've been seeing it a lot in other streams.

  3. Ever since MMR, with every survivor team bringing top meta perks even on lowest MMR, it feels like I just can never obtain the advantage I used to get. I feel like nearly every match is even worse than the old rank 1 used to be, where I sat for years. I feel this has way more to do with the meta really being solidified and drilled into everyone's brains as of late, both survivor and killer. Everyone is feeling the pressure to bring only the best perks, and the longer the game is out the more time people have had to grind the necessary characters to get all of the right builds.

    What astounds me though is simply how saturated the game is with people with thousands of hours and extremely good looping skills and general game sense. Even teams of solos often play as well as SWF. I guess this is what happens when the game has been out for 5 years and has barely innovated in its gameplay but content creators have generally educated everyone by this point in the best and easiest strategies that don't require that much skill.

  4. I honestly think making ruin a base game feature where every game a ruin totem will spawn and survivors will have to cleanse it would be enough. Having an extra perk slot so you dont have to use ruin I think could be a day and night difference and probably balance the game as ruin doesn’t impact lower mmr as much. The downside, they would have to rework ruin. Again


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