TrU3Ta1ent IS HE READY FOR 2022 | Dead By Daylight

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TrU3Ta1ent has been someone I have watched for a long time when it came to understanding Dead by Daylight and figure out what I wanted to do as a budding Content Creator, I followed his journey from For Honor Tournemants, Streams to Dead by Daylight drama and all.
I don’t know all the intricacy of the details, but I do know a man crush. Tru3 is very level headed and logical, but it looks like the past 2 years or so grinded him down, let the trolls effect him and his over all content mentality.

I feel like he somehow took it upon himself to whiteknight or lead the crusade of Dead by Daylight change, passion drives this, but it’s a passion missplaced, within the game.
Looking forward to what the new Tru3 can bring for us all.

03:00 – Tru3 vs ScottJund
05:20 – Tru3 Removed
06:29 – Morf_
08:25 – Me vs Morf_
09:38 – Tru3 gets Morf_ Removed
09:59 – Biting the hand
11:25 – Tru3 plays High Level
11:55 – Why you lose / win
13:10 – Misjudged
14:10 – Closing

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


26 thoughts on “TrU3Ta1ent IS HE READY FOR 2022 | Dead By Daylight”

  1. To publicly assess yourself and admit change is needed is a very difficult and brave thing to do. I think this is a wonderful development and I admire tru3 for it. I hope the community as a whole can be supportive.

  2. So, as someone who started watching Tru3 on the 'decline'. And as someone whom enjoys the fairly frequent sweaty match myself, I must say. I do not envy Tru3's average matches. Sometimes strong solo, sometimes 3-4 swf. By no means a full apologist, but, it really does feel like the MMR system was tailor made to screw with him on streams. He sometimes makes mistakes but they don't tend to be horrendous and the degree he can get punished is significant. Best killer ever? No, but when he tries he is very good. Incidentally the player I learned the power of tunneling from.

    Tru3 generally speaks straight from the liver, but he is not a hateful person. While the funny voice was a bad idea I cannot see him intending it to make fun of someone in the way of a handicap. He just does not make fun of people by race, gender, disability ect. But he does make fun of people occationally in 'funny voices' and 'mimicking'. I think there is good merit to some of his accusations about how the devs might not be the ones that plays the games the most and as such balancing becomes an issue. There is also an issue of the game being balanced on the casual side as opposed to the competitive end and how to balance that. And honestly, for my own part, I'd just want SWF's to have a little tag on them instead of any nerfs. Just so that killers know what they are walking into. He brings up a fair bit of valid points and while I don't always agree with him, I do agree that the healing boon, even with nerfs, is conceptually an incredibly punishing addition to m1 killers as it boosts the already strong heal meta.

    Finally I would say this. I think BHVR is a bit quick on the trigger sometimes. The Dowsey harassments claim I found wanting. The Tru3 funny voice and other situations I found at best to merit a talking too and clarification. On occasion it will sound like people are saying more than they really are and taking the least charitable interpretation is a poor model of approach. Just ask Wittgenstein. Do I think Tru3 fell into a negative state of mind? Yes, and that he lampooned the game, the devs, everything. Ect. Most of the time with merit but it became excessive, a bit paranoid and I think he realizes that.

    Keep up the good vids MFJ.

  3. tru has been one of the most obnoxious content creators ive seen since beginning to play in 2017, every year without fail he was always in a huff. Hopefully this "change" is true

  4. Love Jay, but Tru is my favorite dbd streamer. Great content creator.

    He went on a stretch where he didn’t play killer. He calls it like he sees it and is right 98% of the time.

    Tru did a video awhile back which illustrates the bs top mmr killers have to face at times. The chain of events went something like this:

    Dead hard (2nd chance)
    Body block (3rd chance)
    Downed, but hook was sabo (4th chance)
    Gates open, adrenaline (5th chance)

    The above is absolutely ridiculous! This is not the way the gameplay was constructed.


  5. I don't know, all things aside, I know you mentioned it solely for the purpose of giving info, but to me the whole "mocking disabled persons" is a bit dishonest, if not greatly dishonest. Unless I'm missing something and they were speaking of a particular person, that was just just a very vague and innocuous notion in order to make a point. We can't just connect every malicious dot to everything, especially if we use verbiage that's technically correct (so it can't be argued against), but in some common sense way, it's evident that it doesn't really describe what happened. The "voice" was a very colloquial way of dismissing someone's (allegedly, by the dismisser) stupid remark and that was it – again, unless I'm missing something. It just seems bizarre to me.
    If I say "if they nerf billy, I'm going to jump through the window", I am not belittling suicide and suicidal thoughts. If I say "I was waiting for you for decades, man" when you're late for a meeting to have a couple of beers, I doubt you'll reply with "what do you mean, it's not even been 45 minutes" and so on and so forth.
    Now, on one side, we all know how corporate image works and, however soulless it is, people who are tied to it, should watch their step to ridiculous degree – that's what they signed up for and they know it. But, it seemed to me that you were describing it as manfacejay, not just a news reporter, so that seemed pretty weird. Again, if I'm wrong, cool.

  6. Tru was my go-to for DBD content for a long time, he is how I improved my survivor play. The thing that made me stop watching him was the constant crypto talk/pushing.

  7. Knowing Tru3's background with competitive fighting games, I saw why he wanted to breakdown the gameplay of DBD and answer the question "what needs to be improved" – Because that's undeniably how fighting games operate. Devs keep an open ear out to their community and they essentially develop the game based off feedback they receive.

    Personally after a few years, I think a lot of people are going to be getting diminishing returns with the game – if this is the only thing you play.
    You cannot play ONLY this. You cannot play this all the time.
    The game is not built to support that kind of regularity – because there is not enough variety (that is why a lot of games have game modes) / Nor is there enough transparent communication between the devs and the players regarding reworks/changes.
    That doesn't mean you should never play this game. Of course you should.
    But if anyone is looking to play this to a competitive level/and play nothing but this – you're simply just putting your mental health at risk. Because this is not a game that supports that kind of player base.

    Unless BHVR announce they're going to be listening to our feedback more often, and start approaching this game as something a lot more people can get into.
    Play this game casually – and only casually.
    Otherwise you're just going to get frustrated when an issue arises and doesn't get addressed for months.

  8. The thing is that a lot of what Tru3 was saying is all accurate, he wasn’t lying one bit I don’t think he was being negative or “ Whiny “ I just think he was just fed up with a lot of things with the game, like many of us are. He’s been playing this game since release and he knows more then the damn devs. The only ones who has issue with him are the ones who hate that he spits out facts. Scott was trying his best to damage his image by saying he was mocking disabled people which is a big lie. He just wanted attention. I just feel like people don’t give him a chance, and they ridicule him for his opinions But Tru3 will always be one of my favorite YouTubers and I will always continue supporting him! 😎👏🏼

  9. i pointed out in his stream that his casual player animosity he has had recently was basically talking about his stream i said something like imagine hating on casual players and not realizing most of your community is those casual players you despise so much then that tweet came out.

  10. Tru3 wasn't mocking disabled people. Really fucking stupid in my opinion. There is a difference between imitating a mentally challenged person and a goofy voice representing someone with dumb opinions. Scott for his part had a big role in Tru3 being removed from the fog whisperers, his wife was ranting nonstop about it on twitter around that same time and calling him an ableist. There are STILL morons to this day that go into Tru3's chat to accuse him of ableism.

    Honestly a majority of Tru3's opinions and predictions about the game have tended to come true or be acknowledged as fact but haters and content creators that don't like him are strangely silent whenever Tru3 is right but they come out of the woodwork when hes wrong.

  11. He still continues to do that voice to this day. He has recent videos doing that voice. And he fails to understand why that voice is offensive.

  12. Fog whisperer might as well be a meaningless title. From past FW I’ve heard it’s horrible, just a circle jerk fest of suckling BHVR Teet whilst hardline adhering to a tacit inner hierarchy that makes 0 sense in terms of technical skill aside from going easy on big egos.

  13. I used to watch Tru3 religiously, he was all I'd watch, his streams, his YT vids when I couldn't catch his streams etc. I love his little playful side and the little giggles he has when he's not stressed, it makes me smile too. Sadly alot of people don't like confident people, they like people who constantly beat up on themselves, they'll call confident people arrogant. True has every right to feel confident in DBD, the guy's been playing for a long time and he's very good. But he is definitely like marmite, you either love him or you hate him. That being said I did take a break from watching him for a while, only because it sucked to watch him feeling so pissed off all the time, and obviously he didn't feel as though he could quit DBD, so it was probably hell for him playing a game he disliked every day that just tilted him, and I'm an empath, so I'd feel it too, and it'd effect my mood.

    I know if I play DBD for too long I find myself getting annoyed alot, so I take regular breaks, it's not the game that fatigues me, it's the personalities I meet, and I'd rather take a break from it, than turn into the people who I dislike on there (bitter, toxic). I checked out his stream today and he's an absolute joy to watch. His matches were ending so quickly, gen rushed etc, coming out with 1ks / 2ks, but he was chilled af. +Respect to the guy.

  14. If anybody genuinely thinks that what Tru3 was doing was making fun of disabled people, I'd go as far as to say the accusers themselves are ableist. Who hears a voice like that and just automatically assumes "oh yes hes mocking a disabled person"?

  15. To be fair, Tru3 does make fair and understandable complaints, DBD is quite shit. And I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be very positive with it. If Fog Whisperers have to be fake and act like the game is really fun and great then it isn't worth it at all because the game just isn't that great. It's not fun, it's unbalanced, it's more stressful than fun.

    Sure saying that alot of your games against survivors are SWF's probably isn't true but it is understandbale since alot of people at higher levels do normally play in groups. The survivor side of the game is just unbalanced in general though, suvivors have insane advantages over the killer, which is pretty ironic tbh.

    The only thing Tru3 does is give his opinions on the game and actually backs them up with logical evidence, the unfortunate thing is that alot of it is pessimistic because the game is just bad. Notice how noe that he's changing his mentality, he has to just not care about how well he does anymore because the game is bullshit, the only way to be positive is to not care.

  16. Personally I think you fairly critique the game and actually are deserving to represent dbd as a fog whisperer. On top of shining light on other content creators big and small that have a negative impact on the game and streaming overall. Don't sell your self short man. Dbd is better for having you as a part of the community.

  17. You won’t get 2016 tru back. 2016 dbd and 2020+ dbd are very different versions of the game. Tru was their main streamer for years and he was one of their top players for quite a while. One of the first that used to get competitive players and cheaters and he got sick of it. We all get it now but he has dealt with it longer. He’s burnt out, you can see it. He should’ve taken a break a long time ago. I think he plays because he’s played it so long and he doesn’t seem like he enjoys the game anymore, it’s almost like a chore. I think the fog whisperer program was a mistake for him because he took it as though it meant he’d influence changers in the game instead of realising it’s just promoting the game and that just added to his frustration with the game itself. He needs a break.

  18. The fog whisperer program is definitely a bit fishy… I’ve never liked the fact that the developers essentially hold the biggest influencers to giving them in game currency and advertise them on their game. Dowsey immediately lost his status because he talked badly about the game 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s scummy

  19. True is my favourite dbd content creator. Seems to be a very well rounded critical thinking person. Also very good at dbd and has a great understanding of the game. Who can blame him for becoming dissatisfied with dbd when it's super survivor biased and most survivors are salty toxic babies who complain about killers non stop. Also I've watched most of trues content and it's a vast minority of the time he complains about swifs it's more complaining about the games bias towards survivors


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