Tru3ta1ent KICKED OUT of Fog Whisperer program. Well done @Dead by Daylight #Shorts

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#Shorts #dbd #Tru3ta1ent


48 thoughts on “Tru3ta1ent KICKED OUT of Fog Whisperer program. Well done @Dead by Daylight #Shorts”

  1. this is just sad.. i never watched tru3 but i have been following and to kick someone for sharing their opinion is just wrong.. not kicked from a server aswell but kicked from his job basically.. and with no explanation aswell its just so shady.. im honestly glad i dont play dbd anymore, its a fun game but the devs are just shit.. im guessing bhvr didnt like him and were just looking for a reason to kick him but atleast tell him.. most wont care probably and he will stream dbd as usual but its still a rly sad situation and i have so many questions.. wont rant to much but i just cant support BHVR anymore i think.. still gonna watch streamers and all because of the streamer and not the gameplay.. used to be so optimistic but bhvr just makes it harder for everything they do lol.. luckily i have better games to play.. i gotta say i didnt agree with a lot you said around a year ago and the way you trashtalked the devs but honestly im on your side now and do agree with a lot you say nowadays about the game and its devs, lol.. so keep being you and dont stop, youre the voice for many people.. i wont blame you if you also quit dbd tho.. fun game but trash people involved and sadly that will not change.. havent been playing dbd for a month now and i feel no urge to play it unless my friend wanna SWF, wont say no to playing then but that happens like once every 2 months lol so its fine.. anyways keep being you and maybe someday bhvr will open up and actually talk to us, but they havent for 5 years already so….

  2. Fucking shit . Are they fucking serious? This surprised me but what Not surprised the most of most of these idiots who work in bhvr quarters are just SJWs who’s snowflake tears and feelings seems more important than their work and facts….

  3. This shows how the devs loves their toxic community MORE than people who are respectful and nice. That’s just how I see it at least. Disappointed was our closest friend.

  4. Now if I want to imitate someone dumb, instead of faking my voice, I will just say that Im going to kick someone of my group just because he faked his voice

  5. Hope scott is proud of himself for this. He needs to be held accountable for being the direct cause of these culmination of events and issue an official apology to Tru3. Absolutely pathetic behavior for someone who i used to respect.

    What a shame

  6. I wash my hands COMPLETELY of dbd if this shit is backed by dev's and drama why would I EVER spend anymore money on a game that allows cyber bullying and witch hunts because you disagree with somebody?

  7. BHVR is not corrupt for kicking Tru3 out of the program. This is normal for companies to do when drama arises, usually with brand deals and sponsorships, but the same thing is applicable here. Whether he did wrong or not does not matter in this context. What matters (to BHVR) is that negative drama was created and it involved a member of their program so they removed them in order to remove themselves from the situation.

  8. This cannot be true! For the sake of sanity I can’t comprehend what I’m witnessing here. Are you kidding me? Ok my blood is boiling now. I am going to spam Behavior until they listen. Am I witnessing a crime here??? Do I want to be a part of this community? Behavior can F off with their game. Learn to be a human being behavior. Mental af

  9. Scott: “I don’t wanna attack him personally”

    Also Scott: “I vehemently dislike true”

    Lost a little respect for Scott and will probably never watch a single vid of his again

  10. I never personally like Tru3talent because of him coming off as extremely entitled, arrogant and just a dick in general from what ive seen
    (And yes i know ive heard many times that he is usually not that bad but this is based on what IVE seen not you.)
    and if he deserved to be removed from the fog whisperers or not is on the table imo because of the fact that he insults his fans who dont agree with im in the first place, regardless if it seems like he is making fun of them for being disabled or not (Which he clearly wasnt making fun of the disabled, but he certainly was crossing a line in the way he insulted his viewers)
    But regardless if he deserved to be taken off the fog whisperers or not, the situation as a whole went over the line ages ago.
    If anything him being removed from the fog whisperers is good FOR him because it removes his affiliation with the company that allowed this to happen in the first place.

    BHVR already isnt on anyones good side with how the treat the game and community, but this just proves that they want a toxic environment.


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