TTV Streamer Salty, CAN'T HAVE FUN | Dead by Daylight

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#saltydbd #swfbullysquad #swftoxic #dbdtoxic #saltystreamer

#BILLY is only supposed to be played one single way, or so they say, if you play any other way, you might as well not be playing Billy at all!
These guys surround the hook and surround the loops, then get upset when it all goes wrong very quickly. We take the chance given to us to slug for the 4k after they all tried so hard to stop me from hooking anyone at all or even leaving the hook for less than 5 seconds.

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


21 thoughts on “TTV Streamer Salty, CAN'T HAVE FUN | Dead by Daylight”

  1. These streamers straight up make me think that I'm the only survivor who blames myself before my team, and the team before the killer. I'm so glad I actually gave a sense of self awareness unlike these guys, lol.

  2. dear god… no wonder he was like bamboozle will do nothing…. there were 4 Fing jungle gyms stacked side by side 🤮 that is disgusting… the hell is wrong with dbd's random generator.

  3. I wanted your opinions on SBMM/MMR what do you think of a class system for survivors? Gen class, healer, chaser. You can only have 2 gen survivors who can only run gen perks in a game. I think this would solve a lot of issues.

  4. Geez they were annoying and that accent didn't help, and I'm saying that as someone who is from and lives in the same place, glad you won that and enjoyed watching their dismay as they realised how hopeless it was when their dumb plays didn't work 😂

  5. Keep watching people like Lillipie trying to do shit like this with killers and then getting mad when the killers start winning. There's a lot of really good survivor mains that aren't toxic like this and know when they fucked up. I wish more were like that. 🙂 Thanks for your videos!

  6. Y’know I think to your credit, Jay, a lot of your appeal in these videos comes from not only the salt, but from your measured responses. These were clearly young guys, tryin to save their egos in front of their friends and audience, but you weren’t mean about it with anything you said.

    There’s a lot of times you could end their whole career with the ammo they give you and you refrain from taking shots.

    I like that these videos are about laughing at the silliness rather than any personal attacks

  7. It's quite unfortunate that SWFs encourage the same behavior you'd see in a nasty highschool gang. Props to you man for being the bigger person and for shedding light into this underbelly of the community.

  8. This channel is all about crying about people crying. How ironic. I hate hypocrites and you sir, are a hypocrite. People like you make society the way it is….. Terrible.


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