Undercover High Rank Plays Low Rank – Dead by Daylight

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== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art

My Streaming Gear

Who is the blue hair girl?


My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!

My Outro Song – Watchy


49 thoughts on “Undercover High Rank Plays Low Rank – Dead by Daylight”

  1. My solo q experience: People that I literally scared of the killer even when they’re 200000 ft away, throws down pallets even when they not in a chase, the memers that are lowkey fun to play with, the bullies that t bag each pallet, then the mfs that live in lockers

  2. Rank 20 survivors are the reason why I don't play survivor. I'm not trying to diss any survivor, I'm just saying, in my experience survivors didn't really help me a lot. In fact, a lot of them got me killed. I hate relying on people to save my life on a hook when there is a chance that my teammates will let me die so they can get bloodpoints

  3. Imo the skill cap between red ranks aren't that diffrent from purple ranks. The only diffrence is red rank players, both survivor and killer bring OP perks, addons, items and care way too much about pips instead of having fun.

  4. I got away from the game for a few months, got demoted to rank 20, and I feel like its harder to escape here, cuz everyone goes down 20 seconds into a chase, gens never get done and when I loop the killer everyones just crouching around and I get facecamped after looping for 3 minutes. How do I get myself outta this hellhole without resorting back to my old swf team as I don't want to bully new killers

  5. My Teammates oh my lord , it’s either they play like they are on mobile .. they go down immediately after going into a chase.. hide in closets for the hatch .. or just don’t do gens and do whatever a Baby Dwight does

  6. I hate Coldwind maps and that's all I get. I can't play it as survivor or killer, I hate those maps and that's basically all I get, even when new maps are supposed to be on higher rotation

  7. My solo experience: game is going great, gens being done, when teammates get hooked we save them. But then I get hooked and no one even tries to save. I won't try to kobe, I'll struggle through all the second stage and no one still tries…every ….single….time

  8. rank 20s go down easier, I know since I switched to steam version of dbd and have to restart all over, but at least they do gens, red ranks would all go and try and run the killer around trying to bully them, and then I'm working on gens and another survivors ends up doing the wrong gen and 3 genning ourselves


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