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Unknown gameplay where a survivor has an interesting hot take at the end! Hope you all enjoy the video!

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18 thoughts on “UNKNOWN IS OVERPOWERED?! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Typical survivor mains who r always complaining abt everything in this game, they complained abt blight's hugtech and now it's getting removed and yet they r complaining abt the unknown which is for me a pretty balanced killer that can be eadily countered and yea at end of the day unfortunately bhvr listens to them but yea dbd is so killer sided 😅

  2. I wish people realize that new killers will always feel overpowered compared to older killers (so long as they aren't under powered), regardless if they are or not. Because you haven't played against them enough to know their counters. Killers will always feel stronger than they are when new because of the unfamiliarity of the killer. As you play against them, the killer will feel less and less powerful just because you learn to counter play to it.

    The Unknown has some major drawbacks. One, the weaken state is removed after 10 seconds of looking at the unknown. This can be done while in chase by looking backwards at the unknown. Can be done while behind cover, so long as you see the Unknown. The Unknown has no control over where Hallucinations drop, they could it a great area for a chase, or no where. While these things are annoying, he is hardly a broken killer. His range attack doesn't have the distance of huntress or the speed of trickster. It can't destroy pallets or go through solid walls.

    Could there be some nerfs in the future? Sure, but most of the problems are just because it is a new killer to the game.

  3. Unknown is strong but it takes into account the player, map, tiles, looping capabilities and overall knowledge of the killer to make it strong. Unknown is just fun to play. If you say Unknown is strong then you are complementing the killer and saying you are an idiot at the same time.

  4. Chill survivors ruin the game for everyone, low level killers low level survivors medium level survivors medium level killers and high level players, they call for nerfs and buffs because they are shit at the game , for example ds buffs uw nerfs pig and Freddy nerfs , shit ton of killer gen defense nerfs


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