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Alien Instinct allows us to track down injured survivors after hooking someone, so today we are using this perk and Chucky Build to make Chucky a survivor menace while also showing a downside of the perk! Dead by Daylight 30 days of Chucky Day 12 was great now lets keep pushing fun builds and unique games til 30!
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wow amazing 😀
change my life
2nd haven’t played in a month but still watch Red
Ik I've asked this alot but could you think of doing a forever changing obbsesion build?
Man Chucky is a blast to play, Ive never had this much fun in this game for so long
9:46 sorry gurl I missed my turn 😂😂😂😂
And another one
does that skin you're using give him more cussing lines during chase because i feel like i never get that much when i play him lol
What a CLOWN
slow the game down just a little bit….
*flashback: helicopters overhead
wow your turn hitting sucks now
My favorite perk
Chucky is the Killer where you have fun to play a match even tho you are loosing cause the mf is funny af
Red a got a fun expose build for Myers! You may have already played it but I’ll leave it here.
1: Make Your Choice
2: Floods Of Rage
3: Friends Till The End
4: Pain resonance for gen regression but it’s open for whatever you prefer.
The first three perks play so well of each other it really makes it feel like you have exposure up all the time.
I’m doing quite well with the build and I’m a noob so I imagine you’d really make it shine.
Good video as always!
Claud probably hid in a locker like the old days with bbq and chili