Unreal things by the new Dead by Daylight engine

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21 thoughts on “Unreal things by the new Dead by Daylight engine”

  1. I know this is going to sound redundant but everyone PLEASE report all of your bugs to the proper channels on the forums and save your game logs! The faster the devs are aware of every issue and know exactly what causes them, the faster we can get back to normal!

  2. They really should just rollback this patch until the devs figure out what the hell is going on and fix it. Believe me, there is no other game to steal away customers, they can take the hit.

  3. dbds right now with all the glitches is giving me nostalgia back to year two dbd. I remember the latency glitch where you would keep falling through the floor endlessly and you could just walk through the exit gates at 5 gens by just falling under it or when you tried to leave through the exit at the end game but it would not let you escape you could just run around the outside of the map. good times.

  4. With any other game these would just be understandable growing pains as they transition from homemade spaghetti code to an better engine used by professionals for AAA games, an engine that they may be unfamiliar with. The problem is 1. The game already felt broken before this and 2. BHVR has such a terrible track record any one of these new problems might persist for the next 7 or 8 years no matter how much players complain about them.


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