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#dbd #skullmerchant #ptb
Survivors will now scream the moment that the hook pierces their bodies instead of before, where the screams were delayed.
PTB Gameplay
★ ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟꜱ
♦ ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ:
►Music used is courtesy of Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
►Outro Song: FALLING APART by Jacob Lizotte
This video was created with Movavi:
I think it’s also to low key shadow nerf pain res + dms + fearmonger
wait its a feature??? i thought it was just a bug
i dislike it, Behaviour!! just bring back old scream (short scream)
Honestly i prefer the current scream. It's like the survivor is put in shock for a brief moment, before the realisation sets in that they're hanging from a meathook.
I really like longer screams but the animation doesn't really match with scream. For me they should change the animation a little bit to match them together, but I hope the longer screams will stay with us ✊
Make Calm Spirit basekit
This is so much better
This is nice
this is so unnecessary.
Made more sense for me to go with the piano cue I dunno
honestly glad because killers are starting to use pain res + dms + mindbreaker to replace eruption which yet again really only targets solo queue (the part where you don’t know when someone is getting hooked and then dms forces you off the gen after you scream) when i was playing swf we easily could counter that but in solo queue it’s annoying having to get off the gen during the time when the survivor is being carried to the hook especially against a high mobility killer where you need as much progress on a gen as possible before they quickly try to interrupt you. it really only bothers me because that part only targets solo queue players swfs don’t need to go through that since they can just have the downed survivor call out when they are getting hooked. so this is a very nice touch they didn’t have to nerf pain again to not make you scream or nerf mindbreaker’s blindness instead they did something simple to fix a problem whether it was intentional or not i like that a lot. (don’t get me wrong those perks are pretty good perks and probably work well against swfs it’s just that one annoying part that got me that felt unfair for us solo queue players)
This will help counter Pain resonance + Dead man’s switch combo so well.
I always thought it was weird how they screamed after the hook had already pierced them for a good second. I like that they changed it to make it more realistic but from the survivor pov it’s kind of annoying since they scream for much longer now too.
The delay makes more sense imo. Something that traumatic needs a moment to be processed, because it's so much so quickly and a big scream often needs a wind-up – like breathing in.
It's not perfect in either example. Old version feels a tad bit too long, but the new version seems way to instant.
I am quite a Wesker main and its only me or now Wesker barely talks?
Last games I played with him he didn't say anything in any match
Tbh I find it more annoying and too long now, chances are a lot of Killers will just hit after hooking to make them shut up XD
It also felt a little more "violent", like if the shock of being hooked was so great it took a second for the pain to kick in.
Its also a kind of shadow-nerf to Pain Res since now the Killer can't hear the screams it triggers in order to guess if the gen was nearby.
It's also funny that they "fixed" the scream by making them longer but Twins is still bugged after all this time. There were a thousand things more important than this.
This will be changed before the new killer does on release
dunno who recorded the squelch sound fx but they are in the wrong job. theres way too much clarity, the squelch should be recorded away from the mic, not right in its face!
Fixed bug just nerfed the pain resonance + fearmonger.
tbh the bubble should get slightly changed because it feels off now
You don't like the change because it's a nerf to pain res.
I don't like it because some fool is shouting in my ear for longer than I want.
We are not the same.