VHS Save Us…Killer In Dead By Daylight Is Way Too Stressful!

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28 thoughts on “VHS Save Us…Killer In Dead By Daylight Is Way Too Stressful!”

  1. if i wanted playing killer to be a job i would hope bhvr would start choosing more fog whispers at random cause god damn dbd is fucked no matter the killer the counters are easy to get and show up in the start game webs :/

  2. I posted a discussion not that long ago about how to make the game a bit more fun for all players at high mmr, every match perks would get blocked for 1 or 2 matchs for any perk that was used in a most recent match, it would make it so that both survivors and killers have to be careful when selecting their perks cause as we just witnessed survivors and killers are becoming too reliant on the same perks over and over again.

  3. Another thing is they got all these licensed killers and all of them are weak as shit. How the hell are you gonna have Michael fucking Myers in this game and survivors see him and aren't even feeling threatened when he's the killer. The franchises of these killers should sue behavior for this crap, look how weak Pig is in this video. Fucking pathetic.

  4. The fact the hacking problem is still a thing and they think that Crow killer + blood point event is enough to make everyone happy is just sad . Also fun fact my 4th match in MMR I played against a micheal on Freddy map , match lasted 3 mins. He over 6000 hours and was around 1800 while my teammates just got the game ;0. As killer almost same story except I won cause end game build to mess around payed off and got the usually hate mail responses. So yea BHRV is wiling as usually and I hope VHS is a successful so I can play thsy instead

  5. This video is a perfect example of why I play survivor meme only, pretty much not touching gens especially if I’m in a swf and messing around without expecting the killer to farm with me the moment they catch me chasing them or if I stare at them from behind a pallet. I’ll always say gg in the end game chat no matter how badly the game goes. Since mmr killer games have became so horrible and the survs I come up against get more and more toxic as I win games.

  6. Just had a round, gens went fly.
    Have ruin, haunted.
    Ruin down first.
    First hook with already 3 gens popped.
    Facecamped to the end of course and received two kills.
    One player had a video of "swfing tru3ta1ent" on their profile channel, complaining in endchat about my low points, due to the camping, while I laugh my ass off.

  7. Killer mains have been dealing with nerfs to many killers and perks. Mmr has made playing killer a sweatfest literally every game. Huntress – Oni – Spirit are my mains but I haven’t played the game in few months. The devs clearly side with survivors in almost every issue with this game. It’s sad the state DBD is in. It’s obvious no one on the devs team is taking killers players ideas into action so I just watch my favorite streamers.

  8. Can I ask without sounding a type of way, I'm just curious.

    Why do ppl care so much ab winning in this game that's a party game? Like damn. Just play and have fun. Who cares if you win or lose? I throw constantly just to get some fun chases in cuz fun>>>>>>>winning.

  9. Bro I hope vhs come to console. I was playing perkless trickster and got a 4k twice. The next match? Everyone had ds, unbreakable, dead hard, borrowed time, flashlights and a map offering for Haddonfield. Of course when I got stomped I got the ggez baby killer too. Fuck dbd man.

  10. when i started this game i played survivor exclusively and thought all the time: "man killer has it easy". now after hundreds of hours and playing a lot more killer than at first, i'm like: "dang this is ridiculous"; i can barely get a 2k; it's so difficult playing killer. now i always root for the killer, even when playing as survivor because i feel their pain when they're getting rolled.


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