We Need To Address This… – Dead By Daylight

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There will always be trolls in every online multiplayer game, it’s up to you not to give them any power the reactions they’re looking for.

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48 thoughts on “We Need To Address This… – Dead By Daylight”

  1. My only question is, what if no matter how you react, said killer players just bleed you out unnecessarily to "teach you a lesson"? I've heard about a discord that aims to do exactly that especially with certain players they don't like… also seems like a reportable thing to do as it would fall under the "going out of your way to ruin another player's experience".

    One other thing: I would love it if they reworked Knock Out to be a perk that encourages the killer to not slug. Maybe to make it so that wiggling becomes slower or the wiggle bar doesn't appear for a couple seconds after getting picked up, while removing both the effect of the aura not being visible to other survivors and the fov effect that causes motion sickness to some people.

  2. i would like to see a give up button when you have been slugged for more than like 40 seconds so you can just move on to the next game without waiting the 4mins or DC'ing and loosing th BP

  3. well you are right i usally play killer and say ggwp after ever match doesnt matter how bad i lost or how bad they played and i have been trolled and i might get a angry but i wont tell them im mad cause they think it aint working but keep up the good work man

  4. There was a time where I tried to get salty messages by camping and noding but since I didn’t get any I just stopped because it’s not fun without those salty messages

  5. Hey Spooksnjukes, you’re completely correct on everything you’re saying, and you being crazy is correct way of saying this is because you’re basically living in hell with social media and social media is the purest evil place to be.. it makes you go crazy, and I feel that it makes you not yourself anymore by living there, that’s why I quit social media all together and I also quit dbd because everything is all the same and everyone takes the game too seriously and it’s not good for my mental health, I have no energy to play the game anymore. Anyways I just wanted to let you know I totally understand where you’re coming from so keep up the great amazing job by ignoring the negativity but don’t let it bring you down 💯 ❤😊

  6. Who's to say slugging people for 4 minutes is ONLY a 'troll' thing and not a game playstyle like camping hooks as Leatherface? this video makes me want to wish they implemented the mori rework with the perks as it is no 'ifs, ands or buts' because at this point killers are as much more even playing field than ever before (or more than average rather) and thus both sides giving the chances to equip the most broken stuff to deal with the situation, I don't wanna have to start using perks to fix game's core issues and is something that encourages long bored gameplay styles that killers CAN AND WILL do it just out of spite and not just for getting a reaction out of people

  7. The way I look at it is if its in the game and going by the game rules, its a valid strategy. You can be mad at the game but not the player.

  8. I wlll admit I have made a few players bleed out for 4 minutes but not of toxicity or anything but because with whole immersed gen rush meta emerging. I feel like I have to sometimes just to get kills. Every since deadhard was nerfed most survivors I play against will refuse to be chased and only want to run boil over and play hiding the whole match. Unless your playing a stealth killer it’s a little annoying. But I am just adapting to the new meta as it changes.

  9. The reason this is given attention is because the devs need to apply solutions and punishments and they're doing absolutely nothing. Also, solo and duo queue is the only thing allowing killers to bully like this, since the random survivors often help them win either by incompetence or by, once again – trolling. The game literally punishes you for not playing in a full SWF. Solo queue needs a massive buff or rework and trolls and griefers need to be banned.

  10. Can’t lie I’m tired of being gen rushed survivors ain’t even good I drop them within seconds they still manage to crank gens faster than a mf. I’ve started running infectious fright on nurse and slugging. If they are slugged they can’t do gens. I don’t slug the whole game but I will slug to get max pressure. I don’t even feel guilty having power to shit on survivors who bully baby killers that ain’t as experienced feels amazing. For all my inexperienced killers who have been bullied don’t worry them survivors eventually face killers like me. I’m vengeance.

  11. Some of these trolls are interesting I do troll, but I don’t take it to a level where I’m just gonna arrest someone I do it for laughs. I want to make people laugh and make people happy not make them sad and angry. It makes good trolls like me look bad honestly, I think the gaming community needs to come together someday and work out everyone’s differences.

  12. ive had mainly blights do this but nurses and sadakos do it as well just slug everyone for 30 plus minutes its boring af they don't care about others having fun

  13. The only time I ever slug is if I can’t get them onto a hook (ie last survivor in an area where there’s no hooks I could put them on without them wiggling off).

    Watching people slug a whole team sucks however equally, by now behaviour should have implemented an anti slug (besides totems/unbreakable etc).

    Tbh this feels like an error on Behaviour’s part (still sucks and the players abusing this suck too however even back before Bill was introduced, the people I played with theorised players would slug for the win).

  14. Trolling, both on survivor and killer roles, is an issue for streamers. This is a big reason I rather not live stream a match with random players. My solution is instead go into private, with a group of trusted friends, and just have fun. Test out builds, improve my skills, learn how I can improve, etc. Do I get Blood points? No, but the point of the stream is entertainment and fun. I find myself calmer and my inner critic isn't harping in my ear this way.

  15. I do believe toxicity is getting on the rise
    I play in the Europe server and more often than not games are pretty chill, win or lose most of the time the chat ends in a "gg" or no messages at all, but lately I've been starting to see more and more toxic people both as survivors and as killers
    it goes from survivors tbagging whenever they throw a pallet, to talking shit in endgame chat because of an obviously meme build, or getting random comments in your steam profile from some salty person calling you names
    and it's not just survivors, not long ago I had a match against a Pinhead who downed someone, I got the flashy save and when they downed the survivor again, they started humping them for no real reason

    people are losing their chill man, it's a friggin god damn game

  16. I think if you're a streamer this is really good advice, because you have people watching you and you can set a good example. But I don't agree with the idea that they will stop if you just don't react. Some killers don't consider it 'trolling' they consider it a strategy. So they don't care if you react or not they just want the 4k.

  17. Regardless of twitter the trolls already existed, they were going to do that regardless. Twitter isn’t the root of all problems. Sometimes a game has just got to that point, and the community isn’t healthy in the slightest.

    Aka, it’s because it’s easier to slug that way after 6.7.0. Thanks BHVR!

  18. I do believe they do it for simple content and some will do it for the oh look at what happened to me feel sorry for me like they are the only ones ever that have been slugged

  19. Very well said spookn. You are a big part of how i play this game so calmly no matter what happens. I used to be scared to play killer and get bullied but now it's just a fun challenge and a good laugh.

  20. Dbd is going down the same path as rainbow six siege with trying to focus on so many unfixable problems they end up ruining the game like nerfing too many things to having an insane amount of hackers/cheaters/trolls


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