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Badham, one of the chonky maps in DBD, its so dense and thicc. Anyway, I am a bad blight and I made the best of a bad situation as always, people were not hppy it wasn’t an easy roll.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
Your ability to reassert dominance and take control of the game seems unrivaled. Some people are only good with one or two killers you seem to do really well with all of them.
Even a 3 gen on badham can be a dangerous proposition. Going on wild goose chases, high mobility killer or no, with limited gen defense after a slow start is suicide. It's not a question of skill at that point. It always amazes me how survivors insist on how the killer should play. Killers don't tell survivors to only complete a gen a third of the way to then go work on a new one, but tunneling is seen as unethical when it is powerful, just like strategic camping.
They didn't 3 gen themselves at all, 2 gens on 1 side, 1 gen on the complete other side of the map, camp was necessary and it worked, but my favourite part was OhHaiiMarc creating a bad rep for his streaming career, he lost and is salty and complains about it, yikes
Back when I stuck to mainly playing survivor I despised killers who camped under any circumstances, but now that I play both sides [mainly play Trickster, wanting to play Artist soon] I understand why you need to. I find no issues camping at 1 gen left with 3 ppl alive.
A lot of problems in the community would be fixed if people played both sides.
1 gen to go and your still not allowed to kill people, this is what i been getting on Xbox.
I get told to play better allot as well, i suppose it has to be 12 hooks and when you know there flooding go stick your face in a corner?. I dont use noed, or tunnel the first hook ever really, and i still get messages everyday.
Stop telling killers how to play!
Amazing how it never matters how close they are to leaving, its still camping
Didn’t you guys know your not allowed to kill people until they deem you worthy. These are same people that make sure killer sees them jump the hatch, even if there last one and didn’t do anything.
These videos help me know im not alone. Shout out to king wolfe 2, he is on xbox an youtube and plays 0 mercy, and gets allot of flak for it….you and him should do a modern killer discussion.
State of the killer union address?…you and king wolfe 2, discuss “camping””slugging in modern sbmm”…..the differences in platform…i would argue i get allot of nasty txts that are more personally attacking and nasty, i.e. “KY”, on xbox.
"why camp?" — "Why gen rush?".. derp
"dont we all want to win? but don't camp, let me rush all the gens without killer pressure and open the gates without dying so i can have fun"
I think survivors can get ridiculously entitled sometimes, but face camping is such a boring way to play, I always try to go on chases with the rest of them instead of trying to "secure the kill" because where's the fun in not moving for 2 minutes
"Play better" isn't even constructive criticism. It's just lashing out in anger for losing. And that was a TTV, too. Imagine being salty in endgame chat live on your own stream just because someone else played the game. Just move on with the loss and play another game for your viewers. (About the other TTV, not Jay. Jay did nothing wrong.)
The survivors with this mindset is killing the game for me, can't do anything as killer without getting bad messages (PS4)
These days i have been playing survivor a little more, and i have been faced with a lot of tunnel/campers, and my friends get annoyed by that but i just try to remind them "There are 4 gens done, off course he is gonna camp, he is trying to get a kill or put pression to the game, so lets just keep doing gens" and we are fine with it, them we face with a wraith that camps since the start of the game and just spends all of the game hitting me on hook until gens are done, and goes chasing with noed and slugging, and im not bothered by the camping or slugging, more like i just wanted to ask "Why hitting on hook?"
There are some toxic players that makes bad reputation for those who want to play with this style, so be careful about them
I installed dbd today again to play killer out of curiosity. Hadn't played since they brought in mmr. Got the huntress map with trapper. Had corrupt and pop. Got 2 extremely quick hooks. 3rd gen popped as I hooked 2nd. Shut down game, uninstalled. The game is a joke. I don't want to camp hooks , I want to go for chases and max hooks, you know , like survivors want. But the devs clearly want boring games that necessitate noed and camping.
The devs do not deserve the financial success they've had with this piece of garbage.
How dare you mr killer that was so horrible of you to do……to this day I will never get their mindset I'm getting camped I tell my squad if I'm playing with them to do gens and leave they had a easy two out but instead they do stupid things like that then get mad at the killer even if they wanted to save you should pop gen and maybe heal up in the situation they were in but nope they went for the save then got mad when they died its baffling
"Wasn't the funnest game, but it is what it is." So the funnest game is to pound out all gens within one chase, open the exit gate and butt dance at the end with your second chance perks? 😮💨
This is what I don't understand about saviours when the killer uses pressure just do gens or if you have bt