What Is ''Dead By Daylight's'' New Game About? (Trailer Breakdown)

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Breaking down every detail shown in the the ”Casting Of Frank Stone Trailer” And then spitting out What It could be about …


41 thoughts on “What Is ''Dead By Daylight's'' New Game About? (Trailer Breakdown)”

  1. i feel like you should try and quote the song or explain common emotional uses of chords in the music also your connection with the character and the setting of the steal mill was purely superficial meaning i think the fact the steel mill is the plots setting will become key information what do steal mills contain. well a foundry somewhere to melt iron into steal. what if frank stone was someone who found the entity when it was dwindeling and small. but he learns that with blood the entity grows. he then forges blades and weapons mixed with the entitys dna or essence or whatever. he then start luring people into the steal mill to kill them and grow the entity which in turn gives him a pact with the darkness. he continues to forge metalworks mixed with the entitys essence. like hooks and tools perhaps even the basemet cross hook stand.. soon the entities strength has grown and its connection to control reality within a limit space returns. franks previous victims reaper infront of him to be slaughtered again as if hes been stuck in his own personal hell loop. only to find everytime he kills them the entity grows stronger and can lure in more victims who all know of frank stones killings and who will not help him forceing frank to continue killing. eventually the entity reveals itself in the sky above extending a hand down toward the steel mill. it lifts up frank and he isnt terrified he seeming berzerk with rage as hes carried upward. the entity has infected him aswell through the battles. and now has control of even him. the question is who was frank stone. and why do these new four survivors wish to enter the steel mill in search of him.

    in this theory the entity is being birth into its power frank may or may not have even been a bad person before interacting with the entity. and the entity is learning how to create the trails to continue its dominant power gain. it allies itself with killers only to abduct them itself into the trails for fodder. it would brain wash them to the point of not ever wanting to find a way out buy convincing them their life goals are still actively playing out. the interesting thing about frank is since hes seemingly the first person to interact with the entity the only other person with such interest in the entity in dbd's story line is the observer in the archives. whick can you imagine if it was frank stone

  2. I think my own favorite thing to think about this is the triplicate entandra about the "Casting" of Frank Stone. Casting as in casting something away, casting as if recruiting, and casting as if framing, i.e., being framed for something.

    Casting away, Frank Stone could have been cast away from something, ie society, from a group, or something else. Casting in the form of recruiting, perhaps this was the "original" killer, the true very first killer in the entity's realm.

    And the last one… casting to frame. He seems to be… defeated. Like he tried to fight back, but he lost all his fight, he's reserved to the machinations of whatever he's being compelled to do. Maybe he's being framed to become an evil, vile thing. Who knows.

  3. The idea of Frank doing these trials is somthing, but also the fact that could be the definitive ending. Somthing that ends the entity’s reign. Also, This is a collab with Supermassive games. A company known for a more story driven setting. (Like man from melan, the quarry, etc.) so we won’t have to worry much about it just being another dead by daylight clone.

  4. Would be cool if the survivors somehow managed to contact people from the outside and now they’re going into the mill to get information to the survivors so that they could maybe fight back

  5. I think you’re right about Frank becoming the first killer the entity takes. Hence, “the casting of” Frank Stone in that he’s been “casted” by the entity to sacrifice survivors it captures. I think though the film elements have to do with Frank making snuff films, which is why the entity is drawn to him

  6. Why would they create a game that plays just like dead by daylight though centered around ONE killer? Seems stupid to me. Might as well added a map and killer to DBD. Or make a dead by daylight 2.

  7. Generally my belief follows along the lines that Frank is a sick and twisted man because of the entity and committed those murders because he was compelled to, just as Rin's father was. The depiction of the entity in the worn down workshop is in his journal after his mind started to be corrupted. The words we hear at the start is Frank warning of the entity, before his fall. He was corrupted precisely for trying to stop the entity, and it retaliated. After he committed the murders, he was taken by the entity to be kept in stasis. Soon, four people with equally as strong emotions as Frank stumbled upon the mill, and the entity plops Frank back into the real world as a sort of test. To see just how much emotion he can generate from the survivors and himself. If he does good, he will be accepted as a killer. If not, he will be discarded, doomed to be a husk in the dead zone of the entity's realm. "casting" in addition to being a pun, also is when someone is picked for a specific role. Frank has been chosen to be a killer if he succeeds in pleasing the entity. My belief is the song is definitely related to Frank, and how he constantly fights with the entity's control of him. It's also why the somber melody fits with his struggle. He is forced to enjoy the killings, but does not want to. This plays into how I believe the game will work. You'll swap between Frank and the group of kids, and depending on your action, can resist the entity as Frank, or succumb to it. I also believe the teenagers will have some role to play in this mechanic as well.

  8. I’m not sure about the take on this. The theory is interesting I guess but does seem like a theory that would be far off from the actual story.

    Also If you don’t know. Supermassive games is pretty much behind this (they make choice story horror games around every year) not exactly behavior (though it’s behaviors game) this game is supermassive games original take on the lore (I’m not sure how I say it, but they’re making it on their own take on the lore and behaviors lore, I’m not exactly sure how to word it.) this is a collaboration between two companies. Im mostly just saying that because a lot of people don’t seem to understand.

    Overall on the theory, I give you credit for these ideas, I wouldn’t be able to make theories like that.

  9. As stated by others in the post I don't think frank created the entity but was rather acquired by it, however unique idea frank could be the one making the hooks and generators for the trials or created the formula that makes the trials so useful for the entity

  10. My theory is that the man in the beginning is Vigo and not Frank Stone because, Frank has orange hair as seen in the end of the trailer and that's really all the evidence I can provide however. I think Vigo was the one talking in the start about how something is too dangerous. Also, I think in the beginning Vigo is the one speaking about how something is too dangerous. I think it takes place after Vigo escaped the entities' realm and the reason he is arming himself is because he knows the entity will come for him and Frank Stone is the one that the entity sent after Vigo. Since Vigo studied the entity a whole lot I feel that the journal with a sketch of the entity is Vigo's journal and that journal holds all the knowledge and contraptions against the entity and Frank Stone was sent to capture Vigo but not kill him. In the time that Frank Stone captured Vigo, Frank made a sacrificial hook to sacrifice Vigo's soul to the entity and the part where the entity is descending out of the sky is when the entity comes to collect Vigo's soul. Whilst Frank remains to dispose and erase all traces of Vigo and his studies whilst the 4 people seen going into the tunnels beneath the sewer could possibly be related to Vigo in some way. When who I assume to be Vigo is talking in the beginning, it sounds to me like he's talking over a radio and he's communicating to the 4 people about how Frank is coming for him and when Vigo says something about it being dangerous that's him warning them that it isn't anything to mess around over and Vigo spent his final moments trying to tell them about what's about to happen and if they could potentially save his life and his studies from being destroyed so the world is able to fight back against the entity. That is all I would like to share and I feel like I am very much onto something in some aspect. Sorry if my writing is a little hard to read or understand, I didn't really put much effort into writing this.

  11. the broken welder's masks kind of makes me think that Frank crafted it in a way to resemble the Entity's maw, or at least resemble the depiction of it we see in the book. the metal sticking out makes me think of fangs or mandibles more than tusks, but really cool theory!

  12. I loved this video! And even if this doesn’t end up being the story.. I feel you did an amazing job of creating a hole world around the entity and frank. Super good writer

  13. Maybe some killers aren't good at the whole hit down hook repeat thing, kind of like Meyers but he induces fear in other ways, and the entity needs to use them in other ways.


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