What's There To Hide? – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Wanna know what’s not very secret? Secret offerings. The status is fundamentally flawed and here’s why.

Songs used in the video:
Poem Panic – Doki Doki Literature Club! Official Soundtrack
Doki Doki (Bonus Track) – Doki Doki Literature Club! Official Soundtrack


32 thoughts on “What's There To Hide? – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I suggest having the ability to make every offering secret by expending bloodpoints. On a different note: I hope BHVR creates a rechargeable item for the survivors (i.e., a reusable med kit). Each can only be used a few times a day (depending on the charge), and once depleted it'll require time (maybe 24 hours) for it to be fully replenished.

  2. Its even wierder there are only a total of 2 adon categories that have the secret trait
    And those 2 are split into 1 for each
    Meaning there is only a possibility, that beeing if a Killer brought a secret offering, it will always be a mori (because who the actuall fuck uses shroud of seperation.)
    And if a survivor brings a secret offering, its always a shroud
    The only thing you wont be able to know is what type of rarity, but that can be guessed most of the time

  3. As a killer ill bring the shroud offering to separate them from time to time just as a little mind game, do I have a mori? Can I kill the last survivor alive or anyone on second hook? Nope, just applying a debuff to myself to mess with your head.

  4. Offerings in general are not very impactful other than map offerings and maybe mori's in some cases, so doesn't really matter much if they are secret or not .
    Making the hatch ones secret would really be bad for the game in my opinion, as you would basically be able to "guarantee" at least one hatch escape. This would essentially punish "nice" killers that don't slug for 4k while the killers who do slug for 4k are mostly unaffected. So it would push killers to slugging for 4k more if they have a challenge etc.

  5. I run hatch offering I also run wake up, spine chill, resilience and incase I end up alone (getting more common due to the slug/camp meta sole survivor, the hatch offering isn't for me, it's so know where the killer is when they close the hatch and I can know which gate is furthest from it, be at that gate and it's GG. I constantly want to improve my looping as I'm a killer not survivor main and so I don't run second chance perks, that way I have to improve to last longer.

  6. i feel making the bloodpoint offerings secret muddies the waters too much, as anyone with a brain that isn't running any other offering, will run a bp one.

  7. hook offerings should be secret too and maybe even the map cancel offering, vigo's lips should absolutely be secret

    genuinely does ruin the point of the "secret" offerings when yeah we have like 2 offerings that are ever even played which would be; iri mori and survivors all start together (even tho you more often than not already start with 1 person or everyone) but most of the time its really just the iri mori, at this rate they really just need to either remove the secret system or start applying it to more offerings and start adding new offerings to the secret pool, hell they'll basically have to remove the secret tag from mori's anyways if they ever add finisher mori's to the game because there wouldnt be a point hiding that youre gonna get increased BP when you get the finisher mori on the last survivor

  8. Regarding of the blood point offerings, myself, as a killer, tend to see which specific ones they are using, so that i know if someone wants to do gen rush or something like that.

  9. I would enjoy this as this has bugged me since 2016 I remember watching DBD and hearing about how “Moris remove one of our lives” (come to realize years later that’s just bs) but thinking “oh that secret aspect is cool! Wonder what others they’ll add!” Come back 6 years later how many have been added? 0. It’s just disappointing. I’d like to see new offerings added or maybe making the luck ones secret as well so the killer doesn’t know the survivors have a higher chance at Kobis. Or even the Oaks be secret.

  10. y’all mad over secret offering ? You can tell which is which from mori vs shroud . only one you can’t tell is the mori unless you keep track. when you see a secret offering from the killer , you’ll think it’s a mori , you guys panic. Next, it’s a shroud of separation. or the last person mori . that’s why is secretive

  11. I've thought about this for such a long time and i'm glad someone finally made a video about it, because I do think that at the very least, the blueprints should be secret so everyone doesn't run there, or in some cases you have a random solo q in your lobby who hides in locker or around main or shack until hatch spawns because they know that the hatch will spawn there, usually they only do it if there's only 2 people left, but it's cost me a lot of games because we'd be down to the last gen and they give up.

  12. I kinda wish dbd didnt feel so deadset. Like you have your casual fun games now and then but most of my matches are either me sweating super hard for 3-4 or getting a 4 man handed to me from poor player judgement. But theres not much in between that state of god tier survivors and close to a bot.

  13. Offerings in general need to be reassessed and implemented differently. Currently we have too much padding, and not enough incentive to even run them. BP offerings also inadvertently make event offerings seem like less of a special reward, because players can often earn a similar % bp just with stock standard offerings. Plus BHVR keep releasing BP codes, so it turns event offerings into less of a reward, as well as BP incentives for roles when queues are slow.

  14. @jonosaa tell me u don’t play comp, without telling me u don’t play comp. Hatch offerings are essential in comp, the same with basement. Making them secret would resolve In more comp rules, and make things harder for everyone. Next time think how a certain change will influence the game at all levels.


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