When Was the Best Time in Dead by Daylight's History?

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25 thoughts on “When Was the Best Time in Dead by Daylight's History?”

  1. Before Trickster tbh. The DS/OoS nerf was so huge that the game was pretty much night and day, but if we're ignoring that then I would say before trickster came out. I'd even see an arguement for after Trickster release, but before his buff.

  2. October 2020, the graphics were better and worse at the same time + old DS + old MORI (both sides could make very insane things often) + the games felt more casual and I had much more fun + old grass (the we got now looks like very thin paper)

  3. I don’t understand why people hate breakable walls. I feel like it’s a good thing for killers, but I’m genuinely asking. And yes, I am a casual survivor main. It would be cool to see someone do a video on what is wrong with breakable walls, because I am pro-game-balance, even though I’m am a casual player.

  4. I think the Undying nerf was a bit too much and precipitated more absurdity down the line. Ruin+undying actually incentivized pressuring gens and not tunnel visioning, even more so than bt and ds combined. It made killers walk around the map and go for many hooks, which they can't afford to right now. Sure, undying was very strong, but the meta was a lot healthier even with that. You can argue blight with ruin undying tinkerer is still good but that's just with blight. Old ruin+undying helped almost every killer other than hag, trapper, huntress, and gave them a chance at fair competition. That's no more.

    Kicking a gen accomplishes nothing of value, base regression is garbage, survivors can tap gens instantly…it's just too much. Killers can't put a dent on gen progress, they can't afford to go on more than a few chases, they can't afford to not camp and tunnel in many scenarios. Not to mention all the fast healing nonsense on top of that…and MMR. Just imagine if keys still existed! It's soooo messed up and I feel like we're past the point of no return, because it's gotten too complicated. They wouldn't be able to balance around these many variables even IF they were competent. This is what happens when you take the whiny, entitled majority too seriously. In an effort to appease CHILDREN they've completely forsaken any chance of balancing the game.

    Perhaps we should just accept that dbd will get wackier and wackier until it's a free for all nonsense fest. Kind of like Overwatch's Arcade. And since consistency is virtually unachievable now, perhaps the devs should embrace that chaotic trend and make more game modes. like 8vs2, perks switching randomly every minute, killer switching randomly every minute, pallets disappearing and respawning, the entity doing random stuff, etc. Maybe that's the direction they should be taking.

  5. I would say similar to Fortnite, back in the earliest days when no one knew how to play, but I also think that it’s now. I think the best days of DBD are for the individual, the first time that YOU play. It’s not about the meta, being good, winning. It’s about having those memorable experiences on the game, with friends or not. Nowadays the game is problematic in its own ways, but I feel that the changes made are getting better and better, slowly.

  6. yes "holes in the wall" may as well have fucking deleted windows. They also put boxes that put you INTO that door opening, where the killer is coming from anyway?? Same as that window in the silent hill map where there is a drop and a window opening, so free hit for the killer and you only ever jump down if killer is on you so its just… stupid.

  7. The fact that looping is essentially gone is pretty much why I stopped playing. And it happens with every killer! Why play Billy if I NEVER get to even try to curve?

    It’s just resource management now. If people tend to like that more, that’s great! But it isn’t for me.

  8. For me, the good times began somewhere around time Instaheals were removed, and ended with Twins update. I never in my time spent with DBD was more happy than between these points of time. Everything in between was great. And then, after Twins, update after update is a disappointment.

  9. I got to irid 1 on killer after they released grades and permanently put in mmr and since that first reset I haven’t tried to get it again. Eventually it was just swf’s dead set on ruining your day or hackers, and while I got significantly better at the game it became less fun. I can respect someone who wants to enjoy a balls-to-the-walls hard core sweaty experience but I don’t find myself playing as frequently as I did a couple months ago because the game doesn’t seem to favor the casual player.

  10. MMR is fine. MMR is the scapegoat for players losing. I have over 2K hours in the game. I shouldn’t be shitting on noobs. You’re not a casual player when you have that many hours. I want my matches to feel challenging but fair. Not landslide victories.

    I agree Blight is one of my favorite killers to vers. He’s very balanced in his base to mid range kit. However the time of old Undying was very broken. Complete RNG dictating how much time you had to waste searching for Undying. It was also unfair for killers because 1 match you would only have to cleanse once and the other it would take 4 cleanses. It really removed all killer’s credibility.

    And coming from a killer perspective. I have found that Circle of Healing has not dramatically changed my Win/lose ratio like I thought it would. I know that sounds like blasphemy but I really haven’t felt much of a difference since it’s been released

  11. I didnt watch the video, so I would say now that the best time for dbd was between patch 3.5.0 (god loop fix) and 4.1 (before the billy nerf). Reason is that there were the most viable killers in its history and the maps were really good (no breacable walls other than dead dawg and midwich).


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