Which Killer should you play first/main? | Dead by Daylight

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In this video, I break down all of the current Killers of Dead by Daylight to help you pick the one that’s best suited for you.

00:00 Intro
03:23 Sorted by Playstyle
04:01 Sorted by Strength
04:44 Sorted by Kit Complexity
05:19 Sorted by Skill Ceiling
06:11 Sorted by Mechanical Skill
06:52 Sorted by Add-on Impact
07:27 Sorted by Add-on Reliance
08:09 Sorted by Difficulty
08:25 Sorted by Teachable Value
08:49 Sorted by Uniqueness
10:24 Generic Build for all Killers
Best Killer teachables for…
The Trapper | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c
The Wraith | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=103
The Hillbilly | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=165
The Nurse | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=227
The Huntress | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=348
The Shape | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=485
The Hag | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=622
The Doctor | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=727
The Cannibal | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=840
The Nightmare | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=941
The Pig | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1038
The Clown | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1160
The Spirit | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1241
The Legion | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1368
The Plague | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1532
The Ghost Face | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1655
The Demogorgon | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1735
The Oni | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1836
The Deathslinger | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=1929
The Executioner | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=2047
The Blight | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=2163
The Twins | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=2242
The Trickster | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=2307
The Nemesis | https://youtu.be/OVCJ2_2sv2c?t=2394

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29 thoughts on “Which Killer should you play first/main? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey not otz, my phone went for a swim today and is now hibernating in rice. Time to play DbD again cause I didn't watch this video for nothing. I've had enough of watching time to play the game even if it's mobile.

  2. I personally prefer Legion, even though I don't have them, yet. Their power is very useful, but only when you use it right. And when you know how to use it, you can easily win even when brain dead

  3. Serious question, you put that wraith is “Fine” in add-on reliance. Though technically he is “Fine” which just ruined my question,isn’t he technically not add-on reliant but the same time some loses could’ve been won by using the right add-ons?Which makes him like 50-50?

  4. I got the Hillbilly for the second killer, I found funny that I'm currently learning him, but even with that my main is the Demogorgon and I got him in the first place, its quite impresive

  5. I don’t even play DBD anymore and I’m still watching this because I love Otz
    (Also side note, Hag+Doctor are free on ps4, not sure about Xbox, and Clown+Spirit are also free on switch)

  6. I used to main survivor before eventually wanting to kill all of the annoying blendettes and decided to buy spirit despite it saying hard, slaughtered everyone with no perks and shes still my main today, and I don't even run teachables 🥴

  7. As much as I love DBD, my favorite killer ended up being the pig and I enjoy her beartraps with her stealthy dash attack, I really wish she was slightly stronger to make her better especially since hangmens trick is absolutely useless. she needs some of her add-ons redone like Amanda's secret which as zero use and maybe reduce her terror radius back to 28. I am simply a humble pig main who wants to see his favorite killer get the love they deserve <3 up to discuss

  8. The test told me that i should play with my "main" killer (i don't have a main yet, but i have a killer, which i enjoy the most), so nice quiz, thanks!


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