Why Are You Still Playing Dead by Daylight?

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48 thoughts on “Why Are You Still Playing Dead by Daylight?”

  1. I never had more fun in my entire life playing video games than 2018 dead by daylight. I get pissed off in most of my matches but I just play in hoping I get that dopamine I used to get. Fuck sbmm

  2. There's another reason that Scott didn't touch on, and I think it more accurately explains why people continue to play it despite not having as much fun as they used to. I think it also explains why people liken their behavior to an addiction, because it is a term coined by drug users when they continue to do more and more of a drug that they have become desensitized to. It's called, "chasing the dragon". I think people continue to play this game, despite it doing nothing for them, because they are trying desperately with each trial to recapture the feeling they had when they first tried it. There is no other game to do that with, because DBD is such a unique experience.

  3. It's addicting in a way that we miss the quote on quote "Old DBD". The game before some updates was a Godsend (for example, when Huntress was released), and it was more enjoyable than it is now. You talking about that dopamine / nicotine hit applies here as well. We've been searching for that good, first feeling of dopamine like we used to before, but now, it's really hard to find it.

  4. I recently stopped playing DBD but I’ve constantly had the urge to play it again. After uninstalling it, the urge finally went away. I’ve poured many hours into this game, on both the PC and console ports (Totalling to more than 4k hours, which might not be much to some people). I think finally breaking myself away from DBD has helped me a lot, and finally facing and accepting the fact that its just not fun anymore has really made these past few days seem much better.

  5. To be honest…? When I steam ANYTHING else, I get like 3-4 viewers… When I stream DBD, I get about 15-25 and that's nice as I get more people to talk to. Steaming with no one watching doesn't give you anything, but having 20 people to talk to makes you feel a LOT less lonely…

  6. I really don't play anymore. I think most of them are still playing because they only play survivors because it is at least stress-free. But since I actually had fun with the killers, I took that off my list. Are only 990 hours xD

  7. It's a toxic cycle for me. The good times were great and then things took a turn. Also I've dumped so much effort and money into learning the game and buying cosmetics and chapters so I just feel like I'm trying to get my money's worth before something comes

  8. Scott I will say you are completely wrong about the addiction part. Yes it is an addiction, not in the same sense as drugs but it is about escapism. I think dbd is not too special in and of its own, I think it is more or less chance (and not an inherent quality of the game) that the game stuck for these players. And intentionally or not these players use the video game as a medium to escape from reality. Often times it could be stress related (job, scool or studies), or from a relationship issues or whatever. And when you need to escape all you need is a distraction and dbd fits that like most multiplayer video games.

  9. I think that saying the addiction thing is bad because drugs have a physical component is a dumb argument, you dont need a physical component to have an addiction and I feel like the physical cimponent is really only a thing with drug use. Take gambling for example, you can very easily become addicted to gambling the same way and theres still no need for a "physical component" sure you could say that you get a dopamine hit when you win big, but I'd just say that that's the same argument you discredited in the video.
    While an addiction to DBD would obviously not be as serious as a drug addiction I think it's wrong to disregard it entirely. I think that a lot of the people who stay with the game even though they dont like it could reasonably have and "addiction"; they dont really want to play but the have some form of a need to, and dont know what to do with themselves otherwise. Leaving the game would not only leave a hole in their time, but a hole in their life, as dramatic as it sounds.

  10. I haven't touched Dead By Daylight since mid-August. When dbd has its highs it feels awesome, I love juking, hitting huntress shots, or even just fucking around on SWF, like when we blasted out the British anthem while all playing David fucking with the killer. None of my friends play anymore, I don't like BHVR and don't want to support them, and my god the longer I've been away from the game the more I realise how horseshit the game design is

  11. For me ive genuinely quit the game- its sad, but the game after the mmr change hasn't been fun (im avg skill, only get campers/major tunnelers). I come back every month or so to see if its changed because I want to like it, but- sadly, with the mmr change, ill be stuck with campers or tunneling to 3 hooks. Sadly its just… unplayable for me.

  12. It’s less comparable to addiction to cigarettes and more comparable to addiction to gambling, there is a chance you’ll have a great time and there is a chance you’ll have a horrible time

  13. I don't, uninstalled, this game is dog water, disgustingly imbalanced and the community and devs are all dillusional
    I really hope you become a full time elden ring cc I'll watch tf out of that

  14. As rough as this game is, I love it for the individual aspects, rather than the sum of its parts. The chases, win or lose, are thrilling. The maps are beautiful aesthetically, the sound design is incredible, and the killers, especially the DLC ones, are wonderfully faithful to their source material or inspirations and fairly well implemented. This game has an incredible issue surrounding entitlement; a lot of the gripes I see tend to be "Survivors have it too easy" or "Killers just camp and tunnel", because they expect the other side to abide by what they consider to be fun. The game isn't perfect, you'll have bad match ups, horrible loops and dumb bugs. But it's still come as close as possible to bringing a true pantheon of horror in video game form.

  15. I still enjoy this game a lot and i also have other games to grind but dbd is luckily still fun after 3 years of playing but sometimes i just have these days where i either go against people with 8K hours+ or against people that started playing 2 weeks ago and have 60 hours or less and i just feel like this was a bit more balanced before mmr was introduced. I still have mostly positive experiences while playing dbd and ill probably keep enjoying it:)

  16. im still having fun with the game 🙂

    there's so much I've yet to do or try, so many perks I haven't unlocked!

    if you aren't enjoying the game anymore, try another game lol

  17. I play it because I think the game is gonna change new fun patches new reworked maps and more interaction with the community I think behaviour will realise its easy to interact with there community and pump there game with fun content so people will come back and dbd can have map

  18. Reading the top comments I agree with most that it’s just not like how it used to be and yea we have that dumb Christmas event but when you think about core mechanics still. The perks and how stale the core gameplay with the devs or whoever in charge not taking advice from the community. I been longing for a game that is in the same genre but different and can be fun again. It’s just sad that I feel this way and many others. But hey you gotta move on at some point. It’s like a bad abusive relationship and your partner keeps hitting you but you take it as it is and come back.

  19. Bro you have no idea how addictions work do you? I can tell at first the cig will make you feel funny right, well as time goes on you will cravea cig to stay normal. Listen at first the drug makes you feel good then it flips the script on you to make you crave the cig so you can feel like you did before the cig

  20. I'm not and thank God. DbD was fun for a couple months then you realize no matter who you play everything is the same, then you realize things don't work, then you realize why they don't work then you realize they will never work. Then you don't care and move on.

  21. I’m a solo survivor main. I only have the killers to try them out.

    Why do I still play dbd?

    1. I have the game in my library
    2. I usually only play when I can’t do things outside.
    3. I enjoy the survivor game mechanics.
    4. Winning a semi long chase is fun.

    That being said I enjoy the game most whenever I play a few matches every now and then and when I don’t have any goals or expectations set. For example if I play and don’t expect to escape every time I find it easier to swallow a match where I’m dead within the first 2 min of the game. I like go into a match with the mind set to make the most of whatever happens.

    Have I ever stopped playing the game?

    Yes. There was a time when I stopped playing dbd for about 2 months. I stopped playing bc I got face camped by a Bubba during a time when I was honestly trying to finish a challenge. I felt it was super unfair to be face camped. That one experience along with other sour matches that day led me to uninstall and not play for two months.

    Why am I back on the game now?

    In addition to what I mentioned earlier, I’m curious to see the changes that have been made to the game since I left.

    Will I ever uninstall again?

    I might but that depends on how often I play, how seriously I’m taking the game and how many back to back “unfair” sour matches I have.

  22. Dbd died by the end of 2019. Too manny changes since November 2019 only made the game worse, disastrous chapter launches, disastrous killers, maps, perks. BHVR is already way too full to keep things in order. Less content would have been better.

  23. I don't think most people who complain about this game hate the game or have a miserable time playing it. The more I like a game, the more I complain about it, because I start to see the flaws in it. The shit talking and stuff is padded with hyperbole. I've shit talked this game a lot because it's extremely flawed, but I loved playing it a lot while I would do so. However, since they added MMR, I've virtually stopped playing the game, and that's the issue with the current state of DBD, it's a flawed mess AND it actually isn't fun to play anymore. Every blue moon I'll hop on and try to feel the fun that I used to have, but I quickly remember why I don't want to play anymore, and within a few games I'll log out.

  24. I stopped playing killer and am enjoying the game a lot more. When queuing for a killer game, all I feel is dread and most games for me just feel miserable to play even when I win. But survivor is always pretty chill and fun, I also enjoy messing about with my teammates. Survivor just has none of the negatives that playing killer has and I enjoy it a lot more.

  25. There is definitely a portion of people who complain not out of hatred or boredom of even disappointment, they are complaining out of love.

    BHVR is a dogshit company, who got insanely lucky releasing a broken game in baby's first game engine. We should expect better from them.

  26. The fact that you don’t have a good time every time you play can actually feed the addiction even more. Your brain becomes increasingly reliant on how good it feels when you do have a good time and more willing to endure negative experiences.

  27. I took a very long break after they reworked/nerfed ruin.
    I wanted games to take longer, and every change bhrv made seemed like they were heading for the opposite.
    This was a very long while ago. Shortly before Pinhead got released I jumped back into dbd because a friend started playing it.
    Survivor is just too boring and basically a gen simulator and killer is just way too stressful and unrewarding.
    Game starts, hex gets destroyed, I find someone and hunt him down. He fcks up somehow so I get him really early. Now either 2-3 gens pop anyways – or the guy who I just downed (and t-bagged me after the first pallet he encountered) disconnects.
    So it's either a "I'm 1 minute in and the 3rd gen is about to pop. I'll either win through snowballing within the endgame by slugging – or lose with 2-3 hooks" or "Salty dude instantly dc'd after his cocky ass got downed really early. It's a win that doesn't feel rewarding."

    Played it for a month or two, then proceeded to drop it again.
    I still like to watch Otz and your videos though. Maybe I hope that the devs carry the game to a direction I'd like.
    But I doubt that after hearing how they talk about "showing survivors more love in the future".

    So to answer the title question: I don't.

  28. I just stopped playing killer, like honestly from a 1.6k Nurse main to someone who only plays dbd with their friends, because it's just not fun anymore. It got to the point where I know the survs perks before the game even started and it's not like I couldn't tell what the killer runs within 2 secs of being in the game. If it's not ruin, it's pop, but it's always tinkerer/corrupt and on a demo or a pig sometimes stbfl, but if we're being honest, they always run noed. It feels so unsatisfying to go down and see how your entire team goes with you, cause they try to be altruistic. It's just a bad feeling. Even though there is no actual reward. It still feels shit loosing to noed. Same thing with fc Bubba. One time a day funny, 7 times a day annoying fucking cancer. Anyways thats just how I feel about it. gl hf guys

  29. That is a great question it is a negative time i feel as if im going through the motions as killer,5 years and i feel actual change hasn't really been done and with to the game itself balance wise without both sides complaining its 1 step forward 300 back. I love this game ita the reason i been playing day1 but reality is it will never be balanced entirely just crumbs we get and false hope

  30. I’m not.
    Cold turkey after 2.5k hours spent playing almost daily. Quit just after Trickster’s release, and every set of patch notes I’ve seen since then has only made me happier for it.
    Now, all I want is to see BHVR sink, or sell DBD to someone else. Loved HSH, and I’ll be trying VHS. I encourage anyone else to do the same.

  31. I'm not.

    The way things have been lately, seeing another killer that removed options from survivors without replacing them with something else, and knowing how the DBD team likes to design it's maps as Aesthetic first gameplay so distant a second, I just lost interest, started playing TF2 again instead.


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