WHY ARE YOU T BAGGING? – Dead by Daylight!

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40 thoughts on “WHY ARE YOU T BAGGING? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I think your survivors are so much worse because your level of killer play is just so high compared to most killers, while there are a lot of survivors that farm in swfs, which probably makes your survivor lvl lower, even though your play level is just as high as those people's or higher. Just seems to be the only explanation as you cant farm kwfs to make things easier.
    That or you are expected to carry survivors every game now because you do it commonly as it is, so the games figures you can balance a bad team out? Hard to know without really knowing the full extent of how the matchmaking works.

  2. INB4 more survivor main smooth brains say teabagging isn't toxic, they're just saying hello LOL it's never been a hello to killer emote. Get over it. It's never been one. Stay salty tho, keep complaining

  3. Swf is for survivors who can't play solo. It's for sure a skill thing and nothing to do with just wanting to play with friends, that's an age old boring excuse. Inb4 excuses below

  4. @Tru3ta1ent against object of obsession you have the iri addon which get survivors injured if they disarm the trap : bloody coil.

    You can add Franklin perk to force them to be injured all the time ^^

  5. Mannn, now just imagine if this team had a key. Game probably would've ended around the 8 minute mark with 3 escaping–literally cutting the game time in half with a single item. Wilddddd.

  6. I love how they started talking trash to the only solo survivor. They're literally cheating the system with their comms (which do the work of a bunch of communication perks without taking up the perk slots) and then getting mad at the one survivor in the game who has the balls to play the game as intended.

    Oh yeah, same survivor was running the Small PP build… xD AMAZING

  7. Everyone in the comment section ripping into toxic Claudette (for good reason) meanwhile I will give mad probs to that absolute lad Jake who got kinda tunnled b/c he was a bad looper, but still stayed for the match and said gg.

  8. Runs all meta perks , 3 of her team mates are dead , she’s dead on hook , they lost the game to a trapper …and she’s gonna tea bag and type ez talent? Is she being sarcastic or for real? I think she got owned so bad she’s delusional now , trying to cope in anyway possible lol pathetic. They are probably a bully swf who’s used to winning and this is one of those games that’s like a slap in the face , waking her up and making her realize she really isn’t all that .

  9. swf….i just want to play with my firends, and use coms to tell them stuff they could not possibly know. Not played this trash for 6 months now. Not fucking ever coming back either. Devs can kiss my fat ass

  10. I think that object users just shouldn't see the trapper putting traps down with their aura. Like, they would only see the trapper standing there, maybe sometimes looking around or in walk animation (but frozen in place) so it's much harder to tell that a trap is being put down.

  11. This is exactly why you should never run Monitor and Abuse on Trapper: Object users can see you from even closer, so you can't hide your traps while they're in the terror radius as easily


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