Why Camping Doesn't Make You Better | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Reviews

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In today’s Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review – we take a look at How To Play Pinhead, but also how camping and tunneling holds us back from learning how to get better.

There are cases where camping can help to apply pressure, but if it’s a habit, then there may be a larger issue

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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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26 thoughts on “Why Camping Doesn't Make You Better | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Reviews”

  1. Relying on low hanging fruit tech like camping totally stunts your growth. If you're just brain dead camping and learn nothing new you're going to rage when you find people that can actually deal with it

  2. If you camp when you just put a survivor on hook with 1 gen done your honestly hurting your self, now if there is 2 or 1 gens left and you only have 3 hooks yeah camping is now optional that is what I do when I’m in dire need of a kill but if I have like 7 or 6 hooks I won’t camp. But you can’t control what people do in a game

  3. Oi Oi Oi, I hope players take your advice. For me, I agree, camping doesn't make you better and it's boringggggg. Even if you get rocked, it's still better play time to run around and learn, in my opinion. Thanks for the video!

  4. I had a short phase where I'd camp whenever i wasn't confident in my skill or had a rough game. Funny enough, it was also during the time where I thought if I didn't get a 4k, I sucked. Now that I've relaxed about getting kills, I enjoy the game a lot more and I also tend to do much better, as I'm playing for the enjoyment of everyone and not just to make a number go higher. I think it's a phase most killers go through, like growing pains. I'm confident they'll grow out it.

  5. I have that exact mindset as killer as you mentioned "Don't camp instead use the game to learn from your mistakes so you can get better" The philosophy has honestly continued to help me get better at both killer and survivor. Great review!

  6. Sometimes in the heat of the game it's hard to make the decision correctly. You know a survivor will come to get the hook but you might not know where else to find one. I know that the times I have camped it's because either I watch a survivor bomb at the hook as I'm walking away or I panic and can't think of something else to do.

    (I don't know how to put emojis in comments so take an old t9 smiley face.) 🙂

  7. I like your opinion on camping and tunnelling. Yeah, it's not "forbidden" and you can't dictate people how to play, but it's simply frustrating. It's not fun for survivors obviously, but I can't imagine it's fun for killers either if they just stand by a hook and wait. I never go into a game without BT anymore. ⌚️ 🤷🏼

  8. [Brave Little Toaster Emoji] I remember when I started with this game. I was not confident in my abilities as a Killer and I made up for it by camping and tunneling (and I couldn't even guarantee that kill). It took some reflection (and playing Survivor) to make me change my mind and take 0-1ks, which turned into 1-2ks and then 2-3ks. Now I have variance between 0 and 4ks, and I am having a ball. I don't worry about getting kills and sweating. I just go in, have a good time, and don't camp/tunnel (with incredibly rare exception).

  9. I understand that sometimes camping is inevitable (like when the killer wants to secure at least one kill) but otherwise it really is very frustrating, because it often rewards that shitty behavior. It also very unsportsmanship like

  10. One reason I feel there are so many campers & tunnelers is that survivor gameplay has remained largely unchanged since the game launched but every killer added is a time of learning. Also since matchmaking has always been sketchy at the best of times, a new or inexperienced killer often goes against a gen rushing team.

    Depending on how my night is going as killer, I pendulum between camping (angry/frustrated) & staying in the basement/opening the exit gate (wit’s end/done). I will say that a lot of it may not even have to do with the survivors. The other night after a horrible game on Midwich as Hillbilly, I got sent to Lery’s. Already feeling deflated from a second bad map for Hillbilly, the first survivor I see is teabagging in the distance, which in my mind was screaming confident/cocky. I spent the match staring at the gate switch waiting for the gens to be done. In the end, they gave me a couple of kills because they felt bad for me.

  11. I don’t like camping and Tunneling yeah it’s frustrating sometimes but I let it slide because it’s just a game like if some killers have fun doing it then I just let them do it and just die and hop on the next game

  12. Great vid! I took away some useful tips!
    For me, I started as killer and could feel that frustration when a good group knew how to trade hits, bait, and do great saves. Once I started to really get into survivor, it literally changed how I play the game. If you only play one side, I sincerely recommend taking some L's and seeing it from the other side. Everything just gets better.

  13. I personally don't like running DS; I usually like doing more relaxed builds with perks that I like. I only really run it if it's one of those nights where I "feel" like there's been a lot of tunneling. And more than anything, if I'm being camped, I'd MUCH rather my team just pump out the rest of the gens and get out, but if I'm solo, they'll usually try to help and so the camping will more than likely get "rewarded".
    Like you said, I think it's just about each side empathizing with the other. Maybe try not to camp/tunnel so much as killer and maybe you don't have to T-Bag and bm during chases as survivor. There's times where it's stragetically sound, but I don't think it's one of those times. Gotta get things wrong to get better.
    Oh, and 😀because I'm a good listener!

  14. Love the analysis and not being afraid to give thoughts on the camping/tunnel parts. Thanks to whoever sent the gameplay as it is scary to be judged by people! Agree with almost everything that you said in this as well (Deaxz) Insert Emoji

  15. I absolutely agree with what you said about just taking a loss. You can't really improve unless you first fall a few times and often camping and tunnelling is, like you said, done to make up for mistakes and doesn't really improve the player. The biggest issue I see with this though is the fact that the community can be EXTREMELY toxic. I've had more than my fair share of losing because I'm trying to be fair and then just being called "bad" at the game in the end game chat (in not as nice ways mind you), and even though I know I can technically just leave and I know they're just losers on the internet who want to get a reaction, it still somehow manages to cut deep.

    In any case, I still don't believe that camping or tunnelling is good in most situations, but with the way the community can be I can understand why people might want to secure a 4k or 3k using those starts. It often feels less worse to be called a tunneller or camper than it feels to just be called outright bad at the game.

  16. Thx for reviewing my gameplay. Your perspective is very important since I want to become one of the top pinhead Main. And you are one of the top killer out there. 😎
    This is not usually my playstyle , is just I sumbit one of my worst gameplay so I can learn the most out of it.📝
    But still is great to have a reason to tell myself not to camp /tunnel.

    There a Weird Thing you notice is that i chain survivor in m1 distance before m1 them is because i can use "my body" break the chain to let the chain respawn to have a" chance" of hiting the injuired survivor who just got m1 by the killer in order to close distance. But It fail most of the time so I still need to work on it 😤

    Still thx man


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