Why DBD Players IGNORE Other Media | Dead by Daylight

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28 thoughts on “Why DBD Players IGNORE Other Media | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think you're spot on about the possible reasons that people don't really know who Alan Wake is, or who any of these IP's are. I think the more likely one is like you said, they just play DBD to add another multiplayer game to the list. It's unfortunate because so many horror games are some of the best things I've looked at, even the indie ones!

  2. I'm not much of a movie person so while I do know of the licensed film characters, as in I can recognize them and tell you what film they come from (except for The Pig at first, I knew about Saw, but not the Pig mask part). The original Halloween is the only movie I've seen out of the film characters. Meanwhile for the video game licenses, I had played their franchises (except for Alan Wake, but I know of him and his series). I originally only had the Silent Hill chapter when I got into DBD, I was excited when Wesker got included with Sheva as a skin for Jill. So for me, I'm just more into video games than films.

  3. Most players are also just sorta normies not to sound mean. But some players got the game cause they heard of certain mainstream names being in the game specifically characters like Myers and Ghostface, so they legit only play the game cause they know one franchise or so and are ignorant in knowledge about the other cross overs. I say this from experience, when I was younger I was an anime normie, instead of dabbling and finding something new and interesting I'd watch the mainstream stuff, there was a game called J-Stars before Jump force where it was comprised of Shonen Jump characters (for those who don't know) only got J-Stars because I heard it had characters like Naruto and Ichigo who are some of my favorites and when I got the game I was completely ignorant and unaware of the others characters besides the big ones like Goku, Luffy etc. So I was always like who tf are these other people. So it's just people being closed minded with their taste, if they ain't hear about the characters in any sort of way, they will ofc think it's not popular.

  4. Ngl when they first mention Alan Wake coming to dbd, my dumb brain thought it was the DJ Alan Walker. Says a lot about me. Also, never heard the game before now mostly cause when I find a game I mostly just stick with the game and no other game for a few years. For example from the beginning of covid to about later 2021 I played Minecraft and that’s it, then I found dbd and played it from then to now. So I don’t really get around. Though I’m interested in Alan Wake now.

  5. Thats why old DBD was better!
    I mean…thats where the people that say that are coming from!
    Back in the days nearly everyone in the DBD COmmunity was a Horror Movie Fan…
    Thats what people ment when legion came out, when trickster came out, when Demo came out, when Pyramid Head came out, when Oni came out, that those are the wrong direction!
    Most of these people left and 2019/2020 was the time it switched! Then the player base consisted more out of Gamers that just wnat a Party Game and only care "whAt Isd FuN To Go AgInsT"
    The people that complain about the Game today are technically complaining about the Game that has the (from their view) MAIN selling point, the licensed characters, but no one remembers the NoEs Movie where Freddy got a pallet on the head all the Time! In my opinion this Game, Devs and Community do not deserve to have all these licenses! DBD damages their reputations!
    Todays Fanbase just sucks! All of big bunch of Otz/Jund/Tofu/King/Paulie Drones…

  6. Im one of those hyper fixation people but even I don't live under a rock.
    A good example i bring up is hell raiser its a cult classic and super important to horror as a whole but its not as well known as you would think.
    Alan being in the game is fine and i just don't get the hate and general apathy

  7. Hi, personnaly i don't follow anything that is not DBD because i just don't find them attractive to me, i play DBD and sandbox/campaign/open world games and i just found dbd in 2018 and just stuck to it, the other game for me are more like a "i don't wanna play dbd anymore" filling role so yeah, i just love dbd for it's complexity and It's goofiness and the best moments.
    What i found is that dbd is extremely versatile as a game, whatever and whoever you play with, the games will be like that, i think most streamers of dbd sometimes lack a bit of that versatility, once play solo Q, 4 man swf, killer, kyf on whichever role they choose, and even tough the game has many bugs and sometimes make us miserable, you shouldn't mind:

    "JUST GO NEXT 😉 " ( drug addict behaviour, skins to BEHAVIOUR(interactive))

    I hate my unlucky streaks of maps btw, i want a map ban feature =( …

  8. Completely unrelated to the video, but I wanted to thank you! When the Xenomorph initially launched, I was a bit disappointed because at a glance it seemed to be very similar to Demo & Nemesis. Your content inspired me to give the character a second look, and I've been having a blast learning the nuances of the power!

  9. I always find it weird when dbd players aren't really all that into the media from which it's derived I met my girl in a dbd lobby and she's not into horror I only play it because I love horror

  10. Yeah I dont mind others not knowing who Alan Wake is (I am surprised as that sequel is amazing and won quite a few big name awards) but it does suck when there is such a abundance of negativity towards the character or chapter. I’ve been very vocal in stream that this is a dream chapter of mine though so regardless of what anyone else thinks I am sooooo hyped for Mr. Wake’s arrival into the fog!

  11. I seen a lot of the same BS with Chucky. When he was first announced that "What a waste we wanted FNAF who care about Chucky" type comments and as someone who has been dying for Chucky to come to this game in the 6 years I've been playing reading those is very frustrating and disheartening especially since Chucky was one of the last 2-3 characters on the short list for most iconic horror characters (If we get Jason and Pennywise I think we'd pretty much be complete on the most iconic characters from the genre) at first I thought it was just the FNAF people being obnoxious bit since I've witnessed all the Alan Wake nonsense of "We wanted Rick Grimes not this" I think it's just people gaslight themselves and craft theories and try to connect evidence that isn't there that the next character will be who THEY want and if its not that. They lash out at whoever it actually was. The FNAF people are the most guilty of this. Especially with the whole movie coming out around when Chucky was revealed they had their hearts set on FNAF based off their own evidence in their head. And got really upset towards Chucky that it wasn't Springtrap.

  12. i liked the first alan wake game, but with how the developers ran there mouths about only people with really really REALLY expensive pc's could run it, and generally how it seems to be an epic exclusive (gross by the way) i just pretend it doesn't exist, not to mention, i don't recall alan looking like a relative of keanu reeves

  13. Not even 20 seconds in and I can tell you exactly why they ignore other media. It's because majority of the dbd community are children akin to the Fortnite kids, anything outside of their main obsession might as well not exist because it's the only thing they can focus on. Ironic really, the dbd obsessed tunneling their obsession into the dirt.

  14. I had been wishing for Alan Wake for like 3 years, and it felt bad getting it when I saw how little people cared.
    Gotta thank my Dad for introducing me to Remedy years ago. I will give them my full support, for we share the same home of FINLAND!

  15. I play a game called SCP: Secret Laboratory that has a lot of parallels with DbD and I see this weird dissonance with the genre and roots of the game a lot in the community. Most players you'll find nowadays don't even know what SCP is and will treat you like the weirdo if you care about SCP… in the SCP game :/

  16. Adding Alan Wake just feels like taking avantage of something thats currently popular for the sake of money rather than giving us some one more important like Rick Grimes.

  17. The only reason why I play Dead by Daylight is because I’m a huge horror nerd. I’m a passionate fan of every licensed chapters that have been added and quite shocked how many DBD players don’t know many of these franchises and even more shocked how some don’t even bother trying to see what the franchises are about. Still shocked that many people didn’t know who Pinhead was or admitted to not seeing Alien.

  18. Rn I switch between DBD, MK1, and MW3, but I got into DBD cuz I genuinely love horror and the licenses in the game were really cool too me, I’ve never played Alan Wake but I don’t mind him being in the game, especially cuz he’s a survivor with voice lines so I actually feel like I have a reason to use him other then just what he looks like u know

  19. I wonder if it is more than only ONE IP brought people in and the rest are unknown to them? In my case, I started playing DBD during the first Resident Evil chapter. I was never big on slasher killers but I was perfectly aware of them, so other than Pyramid Head, there wasn't a huge draw for me to play the game at the time. I think the IP I am guilty of what you are talking about is Stranger Things. I love demo-puppy and he was my main in the past but I have not and probably never will watch Stranger Things. Can't say I ever felt a license chapter has made me feel like they wasted it on a nobody though.

  20. I used to be an Overwatch addict left it to be a slightly addicted DBD player as in I don't run it everyday, but I also am a Horror head I have watch almost all of the ips that dbd acquired and then some

  21. I'm not really fond of horror movies or horror games (exceptions apply) but DBD isn't a horror game. As mentioned it's a horror themed SSBU and the highs of this game are very addictive.

  22. I Scarameow love horror but horror movies just aren't scary so i can't he bothered to watch them, whilst i play alien isolation because it's actually scary, is something makes me on edge and makes me jump when the scare happens i consider it true horror, while nightmare on elm Street the original at least is just not scary because it's just comedy disguised as horror thus not true horror, there's a fine line between horror and comedy and you want it to be horror if you make a horror movie if you fail it ends up a comedy😑 edit: i also don't like competitive games cause its so rage inducing but i love titanfall2 and i love dbd even tho they are both competitive at it's core, as survivor my goal is to escape the game by any means necessary even if it means ditching other survivors and as killer my goal is to kill as many survivors as possible by any means necessary, i don't tunnel unless someone i hooked just runs straight into me after being unhooked and i don't camp unless all gens have been completed cause i have nothing else to do at that point😑

  23. I only knew who Alan Wake was a few months ago, as the sequel was being promoted. I agree it’s weird that so many DBD players have little interest in horror films, or at least the classics. Maybe it’s a generational thing. But it boggles my mind when I hear a streamer say they’re never seen an ALIEN film or HELLRAISER. I mean, what?? Maybe this explains why the RE chapters do so well, and STRANGER THINGS is a better example of what people <25 know and care about in horror over CHUCKY etc.


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