Why Dead by Daylight Is DOOMED To Fail

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49 thoughts on “Why Dead by Daylight Is DOOMED To Fail”

  1. The fact that BHVR didn’t fix Dead Hard or MFT immediately when they were breaking meta says enough. They kept making more Feng Min skins than actually making the game playable and they definitely deserve to get called out for this shit

  2. Ofc my dbd content creator is the only real one to talk about the ridiculous shit behavior is trying to shove down our throats. This time they sugarcoated the horseshit of a patch with the Billy rework (ngl the Billy rework looks fire). Like why would they ever get rid of the deadzones on ORMOND for an example. It‘s a GINORMOUS map, with actually well spread out gens. And what should a map of that size always have? Deadzones. You can‘t make a big ass map, and fill every inch of it with loops, that‘s not how it works. The bigger the map the more the deadzones, the smaller the map the lesser the deadzones. So why would it make sense to get rid of the deadzones on maybe the biggest fucking map in the game??? And this is like the smallest of the many problems they keep on creating themselves…

  3. not a single update on the knight.. at all , it’s ridiculous, Ive been looking forward to trying him out and I honestly don’t even know when that will be 😭 good vid tho , love the content

  4. Problem is behaviour don't test the updates before releasing them been playing the game 11 months they rush that's why they end up kill switch some killers,perks & flashlights I feel for the Knight mains I use No Where To Hide on my Bubba build can't for now

  5. Bro idk as Russian bud how do u live in America and to not get crazy from seeing pride flags everywhere xD. Actually the things u said about is absolute true. Sadly survivor is less skill required role and crying forum rats will cry about every good maniac mechanic until killers wont just do even 1k per each game. And the devs listen them cuz they just dont play the game lol.

  6. Posted: Oct 4, 2022 @ 8:54pm
    Updated: Oct 4, 2022 @ 10:43pm

    The game has a lot of potential but is ran by people that don't have a vision and only care about themselves and what they think is best for the game.

    I have played since 2016 Beta and have more than 10,000 hours of actual playtime on this (my personal account) and previously worked at BHVR on the game. If this was years ago.. I would have recommended the game without any question. However, with the game's current state and direction, I could never recommend it to anyone under any circumstance.

    It's just going downhill and that's the reality of it. They are partnering with anyone in an attempt to stay relevant and keep quarterly stats up but that only lasts for a week and then it's back to being a dead game for the most part.

    If you ever decide to work at this company, just note that your personal account is at high risk of being permanently banned if you are accused of anything and are wrongfully terminated as a result.

    They will not only ban your dev account (which is fine) but your personal account as well, which is actual bullsh*t and petty. I'm living proof of this.

    They won't conduct a proper and thorough investigation behind their claims before terminating an employee and will sh*t all over your 6-years of dedicated gameplay, time spent and work into a product that you once loved and cared for to the point that you even took a job to work on the game to make it better not just for yourself but for the community who also loves the game.

    Clueless company making clueless decisions on a game that they're clueless about since they don't play it.

    I was one of the literal few at the company who has more than 4,000 hours of actual gameplay in the game.

    P.S. they still haven't fixed the IP leak vuln that has been the cause of people being DDoSed, doxed, swatted and much more. They've known about it for over 2 years now and refuse to fix something so simple while knowing what the root cause of it is and know what exactly to fix.

    Just to give you an idea of how little they care… I brought this up before and during my time working there and it was never fixed. We're now going into 2023 with this vulnerability that's been in the game for over 4+ years.

    Still think BHVR cares about you now? Their main focus is and always has been to make money and that's why this issue has never been addressed even though their own Fog Whisperers like Otzdarva, Elix and many others have questioned why they haven't fixed it yet and are victims to these issues.

    Their priorities are all over the place and have no idea how to run a game company let alone keep the community safe. It's pretty evident that these are the facts.

    They would rather ban innocent people than to solve the huge security risks and flaws in the game. It's disgusting and this type of "behaviour" should not be condoned.

    I'm more surprised Valve/Steam is even allowing the game to remain playable on their platform considering the company refuses to fix these issues that is allowing these events take place.

    Cheaters? I won't get into that. Everyone knows the answer to this already. The company looks at them as paying customers that deserve respect (direct quote from an employee that's in a leadership role btw) and would rather keep them around than get rid of them entirely.

  7. In the beginning they said DbD had a five year plan and they didn't really plan to linger on updates past that. I think they both want to make new games but also realize that DBD is the only thing keeping them afloat. So like a bunch of people who are on a sinking ship they would rather be literally anywhere else but if they don't work on said ship they gonna sink.

  8. I mean ur first point is not that factual, Alan and the skins were planned at least year in advance, the Knight glitch wasn’t, different teams work on different things so two things can be done at the same time, also ur talking so cocky about things BHVR decided to put into a PTB, for feedback, 2 days in before they can announce the live release version, STBL might not release as it is in the PTB we don’t know yet, these chapters r planned ahead of time and r done by different teams then the team working on balance changes, tbh u sound just as whiny and entitled as the community members ur complaining about, “I don’t want new game modes so they shouldn’t do it” while so many people r asking for and r excited about it, not everything u said was wrong, but some of the stuff u said was just weird and gave off Andrew Tate energy, idc if the people in the comments wanna dick ride and come at me I’m only saying this to u cuz I’m being honest, DBD isn’t gonna die anytime soon, especially not over anything u just spoke about, cuz a lot of people really like this patch, so it is what it is, but this video was just weird compared to how other content creators criticize the game

  9. Not only am I absolutely pissed my man knight is disabled !! But also that they messed up my daddy TRICKSTERS REWORK BROOOOO. Every day I have to play a killer who is not even the same killer I loved playing because they only listen to survivors. Great job bhvr.

  10. lindão – adoro a sua auto-ironia e as provocações certeiras contra a BEHAVIOR – vou adicionar uma – comprei o jogo e JOLT era free perk, muitos dos meus killers tem, mas um mes depois relançaram a DLC com o DEMOGORGON e meus outros killers que eu nao havia jogado ainda nao tem mais acesso ao perk. isso é muito baixo. beijos do brasil, querido.

  11. How hard is it to adjust some damn addons? I really think if Behavior didn’t accidentally make DBD they’d have went out of business..

    I feel bad for you younger folk. You don’t even know what good game design looks like.. Most of you have never seen it! Best you get is a cool concept with terrible implementation.

    But I feel even worse for us in the 30+ club because we got to play games made by people who played games. Back when their only revenue was off box sales and not cosmetics, battle passes level, boost and power spikes. The culture of game design has definitely took a turn for the worse…

    Not really against selling cosmetics but it’s apparent that by selling them it incentivizes a team to push out another cool skin over fixing bugs.. shits extremely depressing

  12. Good point with boon totems. They clearly kiss survivors asses… survivors always tell killer mains to stop crying when a killer uses a perk that works all they do is cry and devs get to nerfing. I feel this game will be done within the next few years when people get tired of behaviors shit.

  13. My man speaking damn facts about the knight and everything that is actually broken in this game. This is what’s wrong with the game, Behaviour doesn’t care at all. Speaking facts 🤣👏🏻👌🏼

  14. Not to mention the overpriced skins and new content on an already paid game, and also the fact that new players have almost no access to useful perks if they don't pay the dlc's or grind for tons of hours to get shards

    Also f**k aim assist

  15. i main knight and dear god i havent been able to play him for so long and he was the first killer i ever bought. and MMR is getting worse ive been off the game for two months and im at least doing 3 gen loops after jumping back in. BHVR needs to be wiped clean of devs and actaully have ppl who care. ALSO i noticed that the recovery rate is SO MUCH faster than before.

  16. Okay, I get it. . . You lost your mind. That happens when you continue doing something religiously expecting a change. This goes for the DbD streamers/Content creators and those who continue purchasing chapters, cosmetics, battle passes, and anything else that perpetuates this cycle of torment.

  17. yeah ive been REAL ticked about the knight stuff, but like i can live with waiting for something to be fixed i dont want my boy broken yk, but thats IF they actually spent the time to fix him instead of giving us content no one cares for, instead of wasting our time, money, and good faith

    they honestly just need to let people who actually CARE, take care of the game, cause its clear they dont

  18. I mean I've felt like this a few times, like why can't you guys just fix our killers? All they do is add more and more and more, I don't mind the addition of new killers/survivors. I just think that… I CAN'T PLAY KNIGHT AND I'M ABOUT TO BLOW UP!

    (Edit) : I agree with pretty much everything said in this video. I don't know what the future holds for this game, but damn I don't want it to fail/die. There's too much potential for this game and it's one of a kind… JSUT GIVE ME BACK KNIGHT YO!

  19. I agree that the dev team sucks but bitching about them releasing a new survivor they were done with probably half year in advance because thats how content production works and then not fixing two bugs that happened a weeks before the winter break (which every developer everywhere has because they are also just humans) is just super dumb. They probably work on right now but because this game is 7 years old and has probably such a big spaghetti code it's gonna be hard to fix it fast (they should honestly make a reboot of DBD) but yeah I agree that they do shitty decisions about balancing and priorities

  20. i fully agree i'm a small time yt streamer and i stream dbd often i love the game but by doing what they're doing the killers basically are just going to become punching bags for survivors. the whole point of the game is to give killers an overwhelming advantage due to it being a 4v1 situation. not to say survivors should be helpless but it should be a challenge to escape regardless of the killer and map. there needs to be balance and they need to narrow their view to restricting game skill for even matched games and also making things make sense. just like you said, why can boons be set up infinitely but a hex cant be controlled whatsoever hindering a killer more just so they dont loose one of their perks

  21. Qk, I agree with everything you said in this video. I have been playing dbd since 2018 and I can tell it has taken a nose dive in the six years I have been playing this. Bhvr only cares about money, you're right and its sickening. It also doesn't help you have the big twitch streamers out there on dbd saying what's wrong or right and the community just follows every words they say. I don't know man, I been praying for the day that dbd servers actually die. All good things must come to an end is the saying goes, and some people just won't believe this game will die…BECAUSE IT WILL. Watch in the following years, we all will see. I'm so sorry I haven't reached out on your videos. I been enjoying winter break from college and just started back this past Monday. Hopefully we one day we versus each other. It will be funny! ❤ stay that top tier killer and console player we love. 🥰

  22. You're always speaking the truth. BHVR is just as bad as companies like EA or Blizzard but a lot of people like to ignore it.
    What's worse imo though is all the toxic positive creators who try to gaslight us into thinking everything is fine, and the game is actually really balanced. In fact, it's actually killer sided, and BHVR needs to give us more feng skins and gen progress perks. Sure Knight has been disabled for over a month, but that's not at all cause for alarm. It's not like any other multiplayer game would've had that problem fixed in a matter of days.
    It get tiring hearing people lie to your face all the time about the game just cause they don't want to anger the hivemind. I appreciate that you tell it like it is.
    Even this recent update to Hillbilly that I really love, should not have taken literal years of constant neglect before they did anything to fix him. That wouldn't be acceptable in any other game.

  23. Dude literally doesn't know what he's talking about. DbD is dying just as much as you and me. I.e. it will happen eventually, but it's so far away it bears no consequences on today. Lol, it's pretty much the only viable Asym horror to this date, and it was this way for literal years

    I mean, you want to cry about DbD? Sure. No one's here is going to forbid you that. It's just… Is this really what you want to do while Billy mains are out there having an absolute time of their lives?

    DbD is going to die, sure. But at the same time it's going to stick around for a very long time. Hell, it DID stick around for a very long time already! It's been almost ten while years, lol!


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