WEE BIT OP WRAITH VS TOP MMR! – Dead by Daylight!

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22 thoughts on “WEE BIT OP WRAITH VS TOP MMR! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru3 I'm starting to think that map size isn't the issue to gen speed. I played on the small map of father's Campbell chapple and the gens went quick even with ruin. The survivors weren't crazy at looping (only the ace) but I literally tried everything I could and couldn't stop those gens. Literally 3 gens activated my tinkerer almost at the same time.

  2. When there is a lot of camping and tunneling, I always t-bag before escaping 🙂 … if the killer plays without camping or tunneling, I escape and I give the killer my item, no t-bagging … I also let the killer to kill me if there was genrushing but the only conditions, of course, no camping no tunneling …

  3. For the love of god please stop whining.
    I was able to get a 4k with wraith only using bloodhound on lvl 1.
    I haven't played wraith for several month ether and one of the survivors had 3000 hours.
    You simply can't always 4k every game.
    It is frustrating watching your content when you whine and complain most of the time.
    I like you but that mindset is not healthy

  4. I just want to say that I love you Tru3 and keep being the amazing person you are by being respectul towards other people in their mistakes. These survivors teabaging are people that need to be taught how to respect people. I'm amazed by your patience and respect. I almost want to cry because I never see people having that virtue.

  5. When is head-on going to get hit validation? Those weird stuns where you wait for a survivor to jump out of the locker, see their arms complete the Head On animation, and then swing only to still get stunned by head on… that situation needs to be rollbacked and make the survivor be downed.

    Also, rollback the bug where survivors make zero noise on the ground for the last 2+ years.

    Also, rollback the bug where most of the maps in this game are so huge, you could start investing in one corner of the map, and by the time you travel to the other corner of the map and come back to where you started, your investments have compounded into a billion dollars.

  6. Manipulative and fake indeed. Many of us can see through the pretentiousness into their poor character. Don't necessarily think they're a malevolent person at heart, but definitely vile in certain ways and lacking in character. I attribute it to insecurity and unchecked ego. That's why physical exercise is so important in a man's character development in my opinion. It forces you to be real in some sense. You can't bs your way through weights and performance. The reality is what it is and you either let it humble you, and take the process gracefully, or you don't even try and keep sheltering your fragile sense of self. Their recent meme montage video is proof of how neglected their body is. Quite sad tbh.

  7. Most survivor main channels I've watched all seem fake as shit. I watched a video before coming back here and the dude has over 5000 hours.. he's insanely good at survivor, I'll give him props. But he should be at the highest MMR you can be right? Being that good. And 90% of the time his videos are him playing against mindless killers. Last one I watched was a wraith who refused to cloak and was just holding w to try and catch him around pallets. It seems so fake.. You're not going to get killers who try and hold w to catch you around created God loops.. it's literally not possible at high MMR. So he's either using a smurf account or it's set up. Either way I ain't buying it anymore. Sticking to my main 3. Tru3, Otz, and JRM.

  8. yeah the t bags :/ humans are stupid and they will always remain. it's sad that telling them to be respectful doesn't change anything at all. bad ppl will always remain bad. good job though!

  9. 9:40 Interesting thing here, this might have been a case where opening the gate to start the endgame collapse could help. The gate was 99% done and he was only a few meters away. Starting the timers puts a bit more time pressure on them, gives him 500 points, robs them of something like 1500 points, and probably doesn’t increase the chance they get out by much. And Wraith could do it and get back to the hook fairly quickly. It might even scare the survivor near the gate out immediately too.


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