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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d ask the question of why the Entity actually chose each of the characters to take into the realm, a question I don’t think I’ve ever really covered before but have been asked about a fair amount. It’s an interesting question I think because it varies so much from killer to killer.
Thumbnail by @JDSpirit_
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
I think the reason the entity took micheal was because of his emotions of appreciation. He is always looking at his knife in aw every time he swings, even in the lobby he looks at it so I think that extreme appreciation is why he was taken not being extra scary because there are obviously more scary looking killers than Micheal even though it pains me to say it
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the entity make a deal with pyramid Head and that's why he is here?
Another awesome video! Would love to see a survivor side of this if its not already made!!
I always saw Dredge as the Entity's child in a way, there was so much emotions of anger, frustration, sadness and pain so strong that it not only summoned the entity but created a new monster of the fog. So i don't think the entity chose it but more so the Dredge can just do it because it wants to
I think Michael myers in Pyramid Head just showed up.
Myers is the embodiment of evil
And Pyramid Head is all 3. Is Judge Jury an executional. And we know some survivors have done some evil things in their past. (Sins of their past coming back)
for things like pin head and demo it feels like the entity asked them to join or in demo case asked the mind flair as for pyramid head i remember a theory that it there for the entity
The Cenobite also could be from the original movie set where in the end the cube was destroyed via a giant space station that could transform into a cube itself. In this case they simply get to do there job again
Why is nobody talking about that transition at 8:57??
That video is really interesting. Now i'm curious, why Entity picked survivors that we got 🤔
Actually, Pyramid Head is an embodiment of emotion: Guilt. As for the bait, James is in the game now, but I think they wanted to imply it was Cheryl that he was initially after.
Naughty Bear should be simple if you played the PS3/360. He had a present to for a birthday party, but after not getting an invite, he threw it in the fire and went on a rampage. I don't think anything more needs to be said about that.
For Chucky, I think the Entity took Andy as bait, but it's offering him some time to manifest as the human he once was in exchange carrying survivors to the hooks for him. Basically, Chucky and The Entity have a deal going on.
In terms of speculative Killers, I'd say SCP-096 would be an easy one for The Entity to get and manipulate. Have the Foundation get some bogus termination method for 682 that causes things to go dark. Take a few Keter SCPs alongside 682 and 096 such the Abel, the Old Man, the Polymorphic Humanoid. Leave a note in 682's chamber claiming the offerings have been accepted and it will keep them all "contained" on their behalf as long as they can keep it their little secret. Meanwhile, it could manipulate 096's rage and self hatred by offering to create a revolving mask of fog for it to hide its face briefly to get its trust and placing photos around to set it off.
I think pyramid head is punishment to the entity as he hurts by cytting and he can take them and kill them making it like if he hooked em
It wouldve been cool if you did legendary skins like HUNK or william birken
Myers enters himself as he saw many kills or he followed Laurie "into the fog"
It would be interesting to see you do this with survivors, since most survivors are either extremely heroic and brave, or cowardly and stuff.
I forgot what I was here for and just watched the game play
because the devs want to add more killers/ listen to the dbd community
The transition between matches was flawless
Love your content, thanks for always bringing a good time 🫶🏽
i thought the dredge was the entity manifesting all of these fears into a creature that can do it's physical bidding.
3:30 oof I feel that
So, as a Knight main, I feel like I have to weigh in a bit on Tarhos and his goons. Thinking on it, I'm pretty sure the guards directly generate a lot more emotion than stoically-disdainful Tarhos himself does. Sander seems fairly simple, and I get the impression that he's both angry and scared in the realm and takes it out the way he knows how and that does seem to be a bit fun for him, which is violence. Durkos is a bit more aware and thus afraid in a different way, but reacts pretty similarly to Sander: he funnels his distress into rage and takes it out on the survivors, though he may not enjoy it as much, hence the frustrated yells and growls as he hunts. Alejandro, meanwhile, is just having the time of his life waving a perpetually red-hot branding iron at people. And when they fight with Tarhos, they all get a massive surge of confidence and hope from their leader's presence. Tarhos is what keeps them in the realm on pretty much every level, and in a way he sort of cultivates their emotions as much as they all cultivate the survivors' emotions.
I don’t think Freddy wants to be in the realm. His main goal was getting to Nancy and if he’s stuck in the realm, then he can’t hurt her. The entity seems to have taken him more to provide motivation to Quentin than because it actually wanted him
I like to headcanon that the mind flayer discovered that the Entity stole one of it's demogorgons and took him back, but after a long discussion, they came to equal footing and the Mind Flayer allowed the Entity to bring the demogorgon back. As for Pyramid Head, I simply believe he found a way to break in, seeing new opportunities to punish other for their wrong doings, even if some of those may be innocent, he kills them to punish the ones who may not be. For example: Pyramid Head killing Maria multiple times, even though she was just another manifestation just like him to remind James of his sins.
You should go this for the Survivors, too!
11:50 uniquely scary no no no no uniquely sexy
“Yooo this Demogorgon seems really Cool. I’ll defo be taking him and putting him in the trails”
the entity looking at all 4 legion members like a sale at walmart
Mayers got chosen because he is a God and is a very passionate killer 😊😊
I feel like the entity chooses the killers by how they kill or hurt the survivors as well. She wants a variety of weapons and techniques. For example why legion? Well they are amateurs, I bet the lack of technique hurts much more than a precise fast kill from for example Ghostface or Pig