Why I Love Going Against Flashlights – Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “Why I Love Going Against Flashlights – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I definitely think they were in range of Circle of Healing at the end there. That was super close to being a 4k they were both running with you for so long because of the flashlight as well or else they wouldve gone to pick up the Feng who was on death hook.

  2. Not that it'll ever happen, but I saw a comment that made me realize something inherently wrong about this game's design and now that I've spent some time mulling it over I can't help but agree.

    To preface this, I do play both teams but prefer playing Killer when I can. That said, it should absolutely be harder to play Survivor than Killer and the failure to capitalize on this one mindset/design aspect is the reason this game is full of cocky Survivors. This game functions under the logic that teamwork should be incidental at best, but the reality is teamwork is inherently so good that when four people decide to just cluster around the same area to form healing chains to get one guy out, or body block the killer, there basically just isn't much that can be done. DBD wants to believe it's a game that makes people question whether it is smarter to abandon teammates for our own survival or help them for the sake of altruism, but that's just not the case. Survivors aren't scared. They have no reason to be; they have too many second-chance mechanics. They have room to fuck up and the Killer, by and large, does not.

    And this is why it's a meme that Survivors are worse human beings than the Killers. This isn't me being critical for the sake of being critical, like there are easy constructive ways to get around this. A big problem with DBD is just how stuck in its old ways that it is. Like, stop and imagine for a second; imagine if there were more Objective creating perks or features. Say the entity Blocks a generator and rather than waiting out a timer, Survivors have to proactively do something about it. Remember those rapid fire skill checks? Why not bring those back and make them more prevalent as serious distractions that make it difficult to focus on multiple things at once. Real risk vs reward based perks where you can work on generators faster at the cost of having to perform more skill checks and thereby costing your awareness. This game SHOULD feel like a high stress horror game. Instead it feels lazy and half assed right down to its core design which carries over into how people play it. Simply put: Survivors are bored and act like assholes because the game simply does not pressure/challenge them enough and Killers are mad and resort to scummy tactics in response to this bad attitude

    There are so many ways to actually fix problems in this game and it disheartens me knowing these fixes straight up will never happen.

    Because at the end of the day, they don't care.

  3. At the end, one guy self cared to 99 first, then healed the other with desperate measure for that extra healing speed by being injured, and then the other guy just tabbed the 99, that's why they both healed instantly.

  4. In all honesty I think flashlight saves, taking hits, and sabotaging hooks that killers are heading to should give the most or more blood points if they already do then anything else to as well as a higher blood point cap to encourage that type of play. Also for a more risk versus reward initiative.

  5. Hey Scott I'm sorry if this is out of place and super long, I don't expect you to read this but I felt like I wanted to add to your initial words at the start of this video, I've seen plenty of Mastered Nurse players lose some games, I don't want to say that what you said at the start is not true ("A bad Nurse is easily countered, once you mastered she is nearly impossible to counter"), but I've been playing since the start and I do main Nurse, I don't wanna consider myself a god nurse because I find the term to be vastly abused and stupid since we're all humans and not robots unlike Otzdarva, but I definitely consider myself an above average one, to stay humble, at highest MMR with 5000 hours I win about 90% of my games, sometimes I don't use slow down perks and with the cooldowns she now gets I can be "genrushed" (In a very big abuse of the word, if you will) even when applying pressure and having chases last less than 20/30 seconds, I know I should slug in those circumstances and go for gens but I just find it boring to play like that and I prefer to speedrun her rather than slow the game down like this,so in general I don't slug and maybe that's my biggest flaw, maybe with old nurse I feel like I would've won those games that I've lost but today a coordinated team can still win despite the odds, this doesn't prove anything by the way, Nurse is the best killer in the game and definitely the hardest to learn and master, I just wanted to "defend" my main if you will, by saying that many people seem to be stuck with how Nurse used to be once (not you entirely, as you literally said "NEARLY" impossible to counter, so you can definitely agree she can be countered but not easily), by playing her a lot and improving and reaching a good self esteem with her I can guarantee you'll start to notice that too, what I'm trying to say here is not that she is underpowered or has intuitive counters (cuz let's be honest a good nurse is a good nurse and there's little to do about it*) and I also don't think survivors are OP, but I genuinely see NOBODY say it so I'll say it myself, Nurse right now is not as strong as before (don't get me wrong, I'd say she was Overpowered now I'd say she is just the strongest which doesn't change it too much, but it's definitely a different definition even if it doesn't seem like it's that different of a definition), she is still the best killer but I do find myself losing a game every 10 or so wins, and it's usually games where they're all spread out and I get pretty much early hooks and I still lose despite applying hard pressure because the cooldown (which I find justified) gives actually a lot of time if people decide to play really sweaty staying all spread out and not saving instantly from hook, I usually get ruthless killer in these cases or rarely a brutal, but I don't get them with ease, so I think many streamers and the community are stuck to a mindset and an image of Nurse that doesn't necessarily represents her anymore and I genuinely don't see people mention it. In short I think personally that people think Nurse is just unbeatable and that if you mastered Nurse there's no way to lose and when you get "fucked" by the survivor team that played really prefectly, to them you were just a good Nurse and not a pro nurse, and when you win in few minutes you are considered a pro nurse despite still having some bad games once in a while and that doesn't make sense because I do feel that after 5000 hours I'm in a spot to say that it's not entirely true and that it is very generalized by the community and from others that boast about Nurse being good but play other killers because they don't wanna take the time to learn her well, TL;DR: There's no god pallet, and there's no God nurses, we are all just humans and there are plenty of games at highest MMR where playing perfectly won't always give you a 4 kill, and that's fair, but the community still uses the excuse that there are a small group of people, almost illuminati-like clan, that is unbeatable and operates majestically in the game, when in realit the so called "God nurse" still loses plenty of games if things don't go that way!

    Anyway if you took time to read this, which I doubt because I do realize it's way too long and you have better things to do honestly, I wanted to say that I love your videos a lot and that I binge-watch them a lot (Both you and Otzdarva) when I'm alone and I feel sad and it only takes me one of your or Otz videos to instantly feel better and with someone else, you don't need me to say it but I will because I mean it: Keep making videos it's always a treat!

  6. Circle of healing, Fully Stacked Desperate measures, and Botany of Knowledge formula for healing would look like this 1/(1/(1+1+.42+.56))=2.94 16/2.94=5.44. If you watch the video she heals in about 5-6 seconds, which fits with what I came out with, 5.44 seconds.

  7. And yet, even with their wasted time, you still lost. Didn't matter if they gen rushed, or screwed around with the light, you still lose, so might as well annoy the shit out of them and make their light useless.

  8. I’ve been healed suspiciously fast with no boon or medkit before – and as killer seen people healed suspiciously fast – I’m of the notion that way more people closet cheat in this game than the community even knows… if you search YouTube to watch videos of content creators vs cheaters you’ll also come across some videos of people showing off their cheats for sale and there are SOoOoOo many people in the comments “how can I get this, how much yadda yadda.”


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