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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be discussing the newly released story about Sally Smithson, the Nurse, and the can of worms Behaviour has opened in the way they told it. We’ll be talking about the deep and complex issues associated with the Nurse’s new story and discussing the direction they took her character in, while preparing a fruit salad al fresco with the business end of a broadsword.
Full source for the whole leaked Nurse tome here:
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Does everything need to circle back to Covid?
It's old and frustrating how much people fell for this scam.
Mad respect for putting a out a more polished video, I have a much better understand of where you’re coming from. I think that you’re thinking is a little binary and that a lot of the points you brought up are too complex to categorize as emotional or logical; but that just may come down to us having different ideas on what makes a good story and a good main character. I found myself agreeing with you a lot more in this one as well. My interpretation of the nurse always that her motivations were driven by insanity rather then a moral agenda leaning either way and in that sense I was disappointed. We may not agree on everything but your points are valid and I understand why you and others are upset, and I’m relieved you don’t just have a vendetta against more traditionally evil killers. Cheers mate, thanks for making another vid ❤️
Bad cosmetics and even worse lore. When I saw the cosmetics I didnt think there could be many things worde than thar
I adore this game so much, but my god, what a TOXIC community. Whine, whine whine. That’s all you guys do. Sometimes I think you guys just like to hate on behaviour just because you can and honestly it’s quite fu**ed up. I can’t think of another game that constantly adds new things like dead by daylight do. All in all, don’t understand why people complain this much, If you guys are so bugged out about something this small, maybe you should go play fortnite 🙂
Completely off subject, but if that redheaded lady in the thumbnail is what the nurse actually looks like un- masked she's actually really pretty. I kind of figured she would be giving her Valentine's Day costume where you can see almost all of her face except her eyes
I think people still ultimately need to realize that Sally does become a killer, and unlike Plague her story does end with her committing horrible acts due to the buildup of working two decades at the asylum.
I can understand why this approach was taken with nurse, it gives us insight into how she truly became the monster we see in the game. Hopefully if the nurse ever comes up in future tomes her lore is handled more delicately and precisely. Though as a fan of her original lore I can say this tome didn't make me mad, I actually quite like it and I think it's just showing us a different and deeper look into Sally as things went from bad to worse.
Am I the only one who thought it would've made for better lore for the Nurse if her husband didn't die, but was severely disabled and because she didn't want him to suffer, she choked him to death? It would show a more vulnerable side to her in which she's empathetic and caring, but as a result, she can't handle the mental toil of seeing so much suffering in the world and not being able to actually help — especially considering the misconceptions surrounding mental health at the time. She doesn't kill out of hate, but out of love; she doesn't take lives, but rather relieves their suffering through death. This would fall in line with her mori a lot more than her current story based in the most recent time, am I wrong?
her story is a train wreck now. i think if this is the route they’re adamant on taking they should at least create a reason how sally became radicalised. maybe due to her husbands passing and her employment at the asylum made her vulnerable to manipulation. the way im headcannoning this story now is the entity took advantage of her mental state and was the catalyst for her thinking these dark thoughts, then after being taken to the entities realm she had a shocking realisation of the things she was led to believe/was doing and later regrets it all, hence why she wears the pillowcase over her face, to not see the victims and in her mori treats them with pity
If they wanted to leave in the whole eugenicist thing in the story it would've been perfect for her to be surrounded by them or the people she works alongside are eugenicists. Her story was such a good emotional story up until it was ruined and it feels they don't know their characters as well as they seem to do.
Wait… So y'all are mad that the nurse is a villain? Have you played the game? Lmao
Emotionally charged characters can also be monsters. You seem to believe that you can't or shouldn't make a monstrous character that the audience creates an emotional bond with, which is simply not true. What I can agree with is that you shouldn't make a character seem like a good person and then suddenly turn them into a depraved individual and if you do, please do make sure to plant the seeds before the "turn to evil" moment happens, so it is not extremely jarring for the audience.
Anyways, I too prefer the old Nurse lore, it was more unique and beautifully haunting. The new one doesn't really spark my interest.
I still watch your videos but quitted dbd a long time ago but I’ll come back once hitboxes are better
Bro your voice sounds so robotic it’s annoying.
OwO Eugenics Mommy
I've only started actually playing this game maybe 2-3 weeks ago, and I've got my killer to red ranks with just nurse. And I really liked how the story was, but the new story feels like the writers didn't quite remember how her original story read to the player and just the information given. Then midway through they remembered and sprinkled in a kind thing and a flashback. like ok.
Feels like they kinda went, "nurse is an XD knife licking girl whos so insane and not like any one else"
so the only way i could see her going to the eugenic if say her husbands was killed by a mentally ill person and by working at the hospital she saw what the person were like and realized how much of the danger they could be to others or themselves and perhaps getting hurt by some of those said patients (however you want to put that) basically, if she had a reason besides "i worked here for a long time so i dont care about these people anymore" to "i looked down on these people before because my husband was killed by one and now they have hurt me time and time again" they could have given her a logical reason to be a eugenic but they didn't. fuck you could have gone so far to say she was brainwashed and it would have made more sense…
And meg 😆😆😆
Ya all forgetting Michael Myers Was Literally Born Evil Killing at the age Of 7 lol And never has spoken A word since Michael was probably the easiest killer recruit to the entity all he had to say was “ Infinite killing “ “Laurie Is there” lmao Michael Was Sold
someone send this to BHVR pls
Wait they changed the nurse's story? That was my favorite one 🙁
A small correction about Freddy. His original was a child KILLER. The remake turned him into a pedo. Granted a killer is in a way not much better but there is still a difference. That said I have to agree with you on Sally. The devs screwed up hard. As for Oni.. They kinda.. Copied a old story… So.. I cant exactly say its the devs best work..
Just as a bit of critique, I could do without all the text on the screen. I can see how it’s necessary sometimes to emphasize certain points or display essential imagery. But it made the video a bit overbearing and hard to follow. The gameplay in the background as well as some pictures and some text would be a better balance.
I feel like this is unpopular to say but the killers are suppose to be bad people so making her this tired monster that kills people that see as her lesser would kinda make sense for a power tripping mass murderer. I feel like this isn't bad lore its dark and edgy, and a bit rushed here and there but I wouldn't say that the idea that her lore shows isn't a bad idea. I feel like the community has over reacted for this one.
Feeble literally just means weak. The whole term of feeble minded means weak minded.
I get the disappointment but the original backstory is barely anything, so it not matching your head canon is disappointing but not inherently bad. It’s also kinda lame to only allow the male characters to be horrible and cruel but forcing the nurse to be a stereotypical woman killer, driven crazy by her emotions and made hysterical (a term of the era as well that seems against your views). You not being able to accept a character that will be corrupted into a force of mass murder becoming corrupted, that’s on you. There’s nothing inherent about her brief blurb of a narrative. I know you want it to be good but the crazy nurse performing mercy killings is such an overused trope it lacks the emotional impact you are projecting onto her. They’ve just picked a different crazy nurse trope, but eugenics killer nurse and crazy stereotypical emotional woman nurse are both boring stereotypes.
tl;dr you and many others built up a big head canon for this character and then we’re disappointed when the author didn’t pander to it.
Never expected nurse to go from pseudo sympathetic killer to Ernst Rudin
how are you so good at this? honestly i didnt see this coming. and from everything ive seen in game id never have thought it.
Sally could have had the perfect Angel of Mercy background, the one who kills because she thinks its what is best for the victim, no matter how twisted that mindset is. And even her hunt for the survivors – they're trapped in this realm of the Entity and death seems to be the only escape. Sally could be trying to help the survivors die, so they could possibly escape. The Entity could have told her "Kill these people X many times and they can be free of this cruel realm". But that's just me.
Calling it right now, in the Plague story it’s gonna be revealed that she’s actually idolising Charles Trevelyan and is using the disease to cleanse the genetically unwell within Babylon
Your channel is amazing
In Nea's lore, she was taken when she tagged the asylum. In her tome, she lived in an area called Falls City. I looked up the name and apparently Falls City, Oregon was established in 1893 and was primarily a lumbertown. Crotus Prenn was built in 1857 and Sally's husband Andrew was a lumberjack. So maybe this is where Sally's story happens. Nea's cutscene featured a forest that looks similar too.
I feels like someone on the writing team saw the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest and was like "i could do that" (but missed the point completely)
Always thought some of the tomes for characters and the original lore stories (mostly for the killers) were really confused with how they wanted to characterize them, like Hag and Legion. Kinda funny how the Billy tome made him more sympathetic then his lore but the complete opposite for Nurse
I agree that the eugenics line was horrible, but I do wonder: Does giving her a tragic backstory, where in her mind she is simply providing "respite" for the sick, seem too close to Adiris / the Plague?
After all, isn't she also the victim of a tragic backstory (although more physical sickness, less emotional), who, in her mind, is just trying to heal her followers?
Too much lore kills the lore…
Evil killer has evil killer thought process. This is bad because…????? I legit don’t get it. If she was a mercy killer she would be no less evil and would in some way be the same, seeing her patients as irredeemable or flawed or damaged. She could’ve been a eugenicist and a mercy killer. She felt bad for them because they were lesser.
It’s not like she’s supposed to be a role model
I was exited for aces lore. Then the first page was about him eating slugs. Filler. Then him getting beat up. I learned nothing
Do the people who make Dead by Daylight not like DbD anymore? WHY ARE THEY DESTROYING IT!
The Nurse being an Angel of mercy make a lot of sense