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#dbd #commentary #rant
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Not only this, but killers that continuously do what you describe, get their soft cap MMR so high that all their games are super sweaty and now they whine about it. This includes more famous content creators that are whining about survivors being OP and the game being survivor sided, but use tunneling/proxy camping as the means of getting their kill counts up. I've still yet to see the supposed mythical 3-4 BNP lobby that gets all the gens done in 3 minutes. Hearing killer mains, that's all they face…which makes me roll my eyes.
i agree with this video completely. i still find that the main issue is directly correlated with the gap of strength between solo/duo vs swf. that being said you find various amounts of hypocrisy on both sides which both tend to ignore the fact that it's constantly going on. both very real problems and both very difficult to address!
I think that a lot of these people who start complaining after winning for several games in a row lack the ability to understand how advantaged killer is against an average group of survivors. If you don't pump the breaks a bit and spread your hooks out, you can win most matches very easily. Also when you first start playing and your MMR is low, you also have an advantage, because survivors don't know where to go or what to do in chase and are likely terrified of you and become panicky, making winning very easy. At least that was the case for me when I started playing.
So they win so much that they get an inflated ego, they think that they're amazing at the game. And to be fair they probably are pretty good, but if they're always taking the most efficient path to victory then they're not working on their other skills of knowing when to break chase, mindgaming, learning tiles, etc.. Then they get into a situation where the killer is disadvantaged, and rather than face the fact that they've had an edge over all the groups they've faced up to that point, they protect their ego and act like survivors are OP and their great skill has allowed them to overcome it up to that point.
pretty much works, if survivors don't do gens. and the person getting tunneled can't survive at least 60 seconds of chase
Ok, but if ur point is, the 4man coms counter tunneling, then what counter the 4 man? U saying “tunneling is uncomfortable! Unless there’s a 4 man” but what are u supposed to do when ur not playing an S tier character and gos against that, 4 man coms is just as disgusting as tunelling
Short answer :
Because it’s easier than trying to chase the entire team “fairly “
Also skill issue can also be a reason why people do it to begin with
What also helps to delay getting tunneled at 5 gens is being unhooked 10 seconds after I just got hooked and the killer barely left the area yet. Thats just a free invite for the killer to come back immediately. The faster you unhook, the faster the killer can start to tunnel
So basically solo q is bad while swf is busted
Thinking when I solo q now I might run the chaser guy comp build just to try and help someone or protect myself if tunneling at 5 gens starts to happen. Thanks for the video, Bran!
Kill = Good. 1 Kill equals win.