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In this video i show a problem with Dead by Daylight that is making the game feel really toxic.

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40 thoughts on “WHY YOU CAN NEVER WIN IN DBD…”

  1. I think a lot of killers need to realize that stacking slowdown is most effective if you yourself are already good at chases and loops. Itโ€™s like a multiplier. If you still struggle, literally forget about slowdown and just stack chase related perks until you build that confidence and competence. And to tell you the truth too, stacking slowdown is so UNBELIEVABLY boring. Youโ€™re playing to slow the pace of the game and if you suck at every other aspect of the game, youโ€™ll be miserable. Literally make your life easier by going Enduring+Spirit Fury- maybe double down and go Superior Anatomy+Bamboozle. Or deviate with other perks that you find fun to use.

    The only thing I sympathize with the Wraith and other killer players that go through rough matches is that losing on Killer always feels worse than losing on Survivor.

    Youโ€™re stuck in that match until the last survivor dies or escapes, and often if you get your ass beat as killer, the survivors will prolong the match because they know youโ€™re bad. That feels absolutely awful I get that. At the very least on survivor you can blame others for your mistake (not saying this is healthy to do but many people do it to cope) and even if you die or get camped, you literally can alt-tab or get on your phone. The moment you die, you can close the game or queue for another match.

    I have never played a match of survivor solo queue or with friends that has made me not want to play this game again for that entire day. One of my most humbling matches was as Wesker on Leryโ€™s vs good survivors and that felt miserable to play especially because those survivors had all the opportunity to leave but chose to just extend the match. The day that this happened, I literally put on my walking shoes and took the most relaxing walk around my neighborhood. I donโ€™t expect every DbD player to sympathize with any killers they fight because โ€˜obviouslyโ€™ they arenโ€™t people, but the point is I get why players like this Wraith are like this. That doesnโ€™t justify their behavior and they absolutely have ways to improve their quality and enjoyment of matches.

  2. So you're telling me this dude loaded in the lobby, checked profiles saw yall (or some of yall) were friends, then proceeded to play the match anyway despite his fear of potential swf, then gets mad about it anyway lmao

  3. Wait til killers taste the pre runs with 4 sprint burst or Lithe. Dead Hard barley worked while SB and lithe will work 100 percent of the time ๐Ÿ˜‚. As for medkits and circle, Everyone gonna be running bond to heal and months from now killers gonna want those nerfed as well.

  4. this game is so much better when you stop caring about escaping or getting a 4k. a lot of dbd players are burned out and should probably go play something else for a while. i was starting to find myself complaining about the game a lot or just not enjoying it. i took a couple months off and am finding my love for the game again in small doses. i should also mention: killer mains sometimes act like they deserve a purple heart for playing killer but never want to just admit "okay all 4 survivors played well and were efficient on gens and I made a few mistakes". survivors can be the same way, don't get me wrong but it's much more widely accepted that survivors are toxic when killers are just as bad lol

  5. Playing solo is terrible like Iโ€™m sorry as killer you last the entire match no matter what guaranteed hella points. Meanwhile I can bring bps to get slugged at five gens. Breaking walls and gens and pallets? Points. Simply chase someone whether you catch them or not? Points. I donโ€™t feel sorry for him. Vibe out turn some music on if the survivors are annoying and as long as theyโ€™re doing gens that match will end eventually. You literally can open the door at the end and if they want to mess around anyway, theyโ€™ll die to end game. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ

  6. Disgusting. Using 3rd party communications. How dare you play with your friends in a party game. When I choose killer, I expect to win 100% of my matches with the weakest of killers. Anything else is clearly bad game design. LOL Kappa ggs Tony. You absolute juicer. Side note, if he played knight instead, the NPC would have downed Tony faster ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. I'm only about 750h in, so no way near enough to make any claims, but I am gonna say this – somewhere in the middle of my total playtime, I would sometimes end up finding myself in the mindset of that Wraith. I never flamed in endgame chat, but I would often feel like I have to get a 4k every single game, hit all my M2s etc, because up to a certain point I did.

    But then I started to get matched against much better survivors, I started playing survivor myself and I learnt to realize that yeah, you can't win them all, especially in an assymetrical game like DBD. The moment I stopped stressing about arbitrary win conditions and just playing for chases, I immediately felt much better. Yes, I don't win every game and I do get dunked on by better players, but I learnt to have fun while doing so

  8. Average Wraith main, tbh, 99% of them are salty af for no reason, even if they win, and call everyone a SWF. They probably watch Tru3 24/7. ๐Ÿคจ

  9. I just wait for survivors to finish generators than I Mori all of them , I also Mori them In order of their chase time limit lol The more they loop me the faster they get Mori lol

  10. The game has builtin system mechanics , Seems like nobody knows this , If you use all the 4 obsession Mechanic Perks You will get a better understanding how the game actually functions , But I guess the salt videos will never end lol And haters will continue to hate lol

  11. Not sure what's up with the us vs them, both sides are guilty of alot of toxicity that goes on in this community. Sore losing is really sleeper, but sore winning is just as sleeper too. Its fair to ask killers to be more self critical and aware of their losses and why they lost. I think there's certainly a type of killer players that's terrible about that, but most killers are pretty chill and just want to do well and play the game without being relentlessly guilted about every little thing , ya know? Keep up the grind Tony. -Loud

  12. I've just ran into someone like this as well, but i was playing as killer.
    Apparently i was "camping" them so much that they decided to DC like 4 or 5 minutes in, Wait until the game ended and get extra salty in chat.
    Also left a comment on my steam account lol. (Achievement unlocked:Meet someone salty enough to comment on your account)

  13. I had a Wesker last night throw the match trying to catch me for four gens. After the final gen popped, he disconnected and then told me I'm trash in chase. I wasn't BMing him or anything. I'm not sure why he even thought this was a good insult, considering how he couldn't get a single hook state on me.

    Some people really just can't handle losing.

  14. this wraith realy needs to self reflect instead of malding and blaming the survivors for his mistakes.
    swf is not the end of the world, you can still get a 4k if you play right.


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