WIGGLE SKILL CHECKS LEAKED! +PTB Start Date (Mid-Chapter 22.5) – Dead by Daylight

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WIGGLE SKILL CHECKS LEAKED! +PTB Start Date (Mid-Chapter 22.5) – Dead by Daylight
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We finally have an update on the mysterious Blight cosmetic that was supposed to release with the rest of the “Everlasting Frost” collection last month. Both of these dates have been leaked, so we still have to take it with a grain of salt, but I’d say we can definitely look forward to this skin in a few days!

Check out some more of my DBD content!:
Dead by Daylight 2022 Killer WISHLIST! ► https://youtu.be/w8tNLF5LhKI
CHAPTER 23 “RINGU” EXPLAINED! ► https://youtu.be/bhqy-ZPigNY
CHAPTER 23 REVEALED! THE RING TEASER TRAILER! ► https://youtu.be/oFwc4B7Czp4
TOME X SAW LEAK COSMETIC SPECULATION! ► https://youtu.be/Y6alxg3ZuU4

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Stream Schedule!:
🔴 Monday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
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❌Sunday – No Stream
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXmw9x473I
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd #dbdleak


29 thoughts on “WIGGLE SKILL CHECKS LEAKED! +PTB Start Date (Mid-Chapter 22.5) – Dead by Daylight”

  1. How do you guys feel about the possible wiggle skill checks? Also, are you excited for the Mid-Chapter 22.5 PTB? Let me know! Thank you all so much for watching, you're all amazing!

  2. Do killers have to make skill checks? I play the Plague and she does not. Do others have to make skill checks? If killers do not have to make any skill checks at all, why is it fair that only survivors do? And I am not asking this question to start a debate. I am just curious.

  3. For the console the only time you needed to mash a button was when you were struggling on the hook. To wiggle you wiggle the control stick. I can understand why people on PC might like the changes but I'm fine with how they are now.

  4. So you think there should be a skill check for holding a lever? By that stage of the game a skill check would just be a silly thing. And against some killers, I'm looking at you doc, that would just be unnecessarily oppressive. Hitting skill checks in this game is not the fun part. It's trying to outwit your opponent in loops.

  5. I think some people will believe that they were wiggling gods before because how fast they could key-spam… but in actuality the progress is probably capped at a certain keystroke amount anyways… I’ve noticed where I would key spam and be getting no progress sometimes… so the skill checks probably would not advance or regress the wiggle time anyways beyond what was originally achievable in the time of pickup to hook/drop anyways… maybe?

  6. I think what their going to do is their going to make it to where hitting all the skill checks will have the normal wiggle time. ( missed skill checks won't add progress to the wiggle meter.)


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