Winding up a Twitch Streamer! He cannot catch me! | Dead by Daylight

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Winding up a Twitch Streamer! He cannot catch me! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoCheryl here I hope you’re well!

We play against a twitch streamer today who was such a good sport about the game! We had a lot of fun and manage to pull his leg a couple of times with this sabotage build!
He gives us a great reaction during our chases and I frustrate him a little bit!

Make sure you watch the entire thing as you will definitely enjoy this one!

Show him some love! Wholesome streamer and a good sport!
ac1dicbagel twitch:

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38 thoughts on “Winding up a Twitch Streamer! He cannot catch me! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Not trying to be a know it all but I think when he said "I won't hit her because she's my obsession" he mightve meant he would shoot and let you break off the chain cause that injures you and saves his stbfl stacks. I only know this cause I'm a slinger main and do the same thing all the time

  2. Old video, But I love Watching 4K killers fail , They are nothing more than sweaty try hards , the Truth is you only need to kill 2 Survivors , The other two Will beg for their lives

  3. you see usually in this situation the tap would call BS and complain about getting tunneled, and the killer would have been toxic in the chat afterwards, this feels like a 1 in a million game

  4. I use the same build except its MoM, Breakout, Empathy, and Inner strength. Its mainly used to farm as much MoM stacks as possible and I use it mainly to carry my rank 20 friends lol. Hook saves and protection hits are just more fun than flashlight saves ngl.


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