Windows and Ultimate Weapon Are NOT Overpowered | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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20 thoughts on “Windows and Ultimate Weapon Are NOT Overpowered | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. In higher mmrs I've realized ultimate weapon is ultimate garbage a waste of a perk slot for me because people are not as stealthy as they think if I'm chasing someone ik all u 3 musketeers are on gens and gens make noise when repared 🤯
    Survivors breathe make all sorts of noise not to mention wear the most eye catching garbage
    The only use I've ever gotten out of it is to find that 1 in 10 games where the last dude is hiding across the map at which point who cares it's the last guy the hatch will prob spawn under his feet and he'll feel like a god anyways ultimate weapon is game sense in a jar no one but newer players or lower tier killers really need it and I'm saying that politely cause I main pig so Doo Doo yet I don't need the perk

  2. Ultimate weapon is too strong because it doesn't follow the same design as other info perks. Info perks are designed to be very useful in certain situations and weaker in others. For example, BBQ reveals auras farther away from the hook and requires you to hook to activate it, infectious requires a down and is tied to your terror radius, situational awareness is only active while carrying and is tied to 20 meters, ect. With these limits, you're presented with an option: run other perks to fill in the gap in your info or rely on your tracking skills to do the rest while they're not in play. Ultimate weapon, however, is extremely easy to activate, on a short cooldown, and very versatile. Start of the match and you want to find someone quickly? Pop open a locker. Just hooked someone and you want to find out where the rest of the team is? Pop open a locker. Want to switch aggro but don't know where anyone else is? Pop open a locker. It's not going to singlehandedly win you games since it's still info at the end of the day, but it really does feel ridiculous when you compare it to other perks. There are hardly ever times where I think "other info would be really handy here" if I'm running ultimate weapon because it covers so much ground. It's not nearly as egregious as something like current MFT or buckle up, but I'd still like to see it be brought in line with other info perks.

  3. I play alot of Spirit and I tend to run Mother-Daughter ring alot, I get similar debates over people when they say that it's over powered. But the addon is only as good as the Spirit player. It gets rid of scratch marks and you have to 100% rely on sound queues to hit someone out of phase. In my honest opinion there is nothing in this game that is over powered. Powerful yes but over powered no.

  4. You said you dont play killer that much and it really shows in your opinion on UW. I could tell that opinion was biased because you think blindness does basically nothing and that UW is "just information".

    The first point of those two bothers me so bad. Idk why so many dbd players are convinced that blindness is good for nothing. Saying its the weakest status effect doesnt mean its useless. Its not as good against SWF's but EVERYTHING is weaker against SWF's. The only credit you gave blindness was it countering WoO which is a scarily vanilla opinion for a supposed survivor main.

    Im sorry, but for the second part saying UW is "just information" screams to me that youre a baby killer. Not only does the blindness affect interactions with killer powers, the scream is just as potent. It stops players from performing killer specific actions like the Pig and Pinhead boxes as well as mending, mainly from deathslinger and legion. While it is true that the means of information (the scream) isnt as versatile as regular aura reading, the fact that UW lingers and for such an absurd amount of time combined with its limitless benefits makes it worthy of a nerf.

    One thing you never said regarding UW and what I think is the most important part of it is area denial. By using UW you can scout out areas from very far away and through walls, and this is only made worse on characters with a large terror radius, especially in the early game. People dont realize just how much time this perk can save you if you are smart with killer.

    By saying its "just information" with UW is the same as bringing lethal pursuer and not looking for auras on match start. You have to actively try to not get value out of UW and with the amount of utility it offers next to how easy and oppressive it is, it is very much worthy of a nerf.

  5. I feel like people are so use to complaining about stuff in this game, when there's nothing to complain about, people just spin the wheel of complaining at certain times. Like windows argument is dumb, everyone has agreed this perk is good, just that, yet now people are saying it's overpowered and needs to be nerfed. But why now, the perk has been the same way since October 19 2021, two years, why now all of a sudden. Ultimate Weapon I can kinda understand a bit more, it's a new perk, well it's one latest killer perks that's been released, so tension about this perk makes sense on why it's happening now, as we are still coming of from the Alien chapter. But to say the perk is overpowered is really dumb. Yes it's a strong perk, but it doesn't instan down survivors or teleport survivors onto hooks, I swear if you hear some of the things people say about this perk, you'd think that's what it did.

    To close things of, hear is why I think people say these two perks are overpowered, the information perks and information in general will always be a strong aspect about this game. It's why perks like BBQ, lethal and one of my personal favs I'm all ears are good perks, but not overpowered. Or why windows and Deja vu are good perks, but not overpowered. Knowing where survivors are at or where they're going is of course always going to be good. Knowing where vaults, pallets and gens, are always gonna be good. Cause then with this information, in the right hands, the player can use it to they're advantage. While more newer players aren't gonna be able to take full advantage, as they're still don't know how to play without using information perks.

    This whole thing is dumb, this community likes to complain about the most minor or weirdest things. Yet I also hate how this can lead to people dismissing true critical thinking and genuine criticism has just complaining for the sake of complaining. This whole community is a mess.

  6. Honestly im happy that perks like windows are the most picked perks since there are some far better options out there. For example ub and otr are some of the best perks in the game, with otr being the best imo and i hardly see them

  7. As much as I agree with you on these points, I think we all know how BHVR works, and for everything good they do, they also sometimes do an oopsies and fumble and make 2 awful decisions for every one good one, and I have this feeling they're gonna have an update that nerfs Ultimate Weapon after the next update that did 2 great things such as nerf MFT in a healthy way and start trying to fix the main issues with playing Trickster.

    I'm also worried along with the eventual gun to the head of ultimate weapon they'll end up nerfing some of the gen regress perks, and then we're gonna go from being hopeful that BHVR made some great changes, to "Oh dear god what have they done." soon after.

  8. I think Ultimate weapon is a bit over powered, it's definitely the strongest detection perk in the game right now, and it's cooldown is absurdly short.
    No issue with the effect, but it shouldn't be up almost 24/7, otherwise why even use perks like infectious fright at all?

  9. Any perk that beats survivors that just hide all game is good in my books.

    Windows I love as a solo queue player for obvious reasons, I think we just leave both alone

  10. i haven't played much if at all recently anymore since i pretty much stopped playing for awhile again so i can't give my opinions on ultimate weapon. but from my experience with windows… people complain so much when it is honestly a perk that works in the killers favor half the time. every time i played against survivors using it i was HAPPY they were using it over literally anything else because it meant they were basically running 3 perks instead of 4 making my job easier.

    windows of opportunity gives you nothing new that you didn't have before. as a survivor you should ALREADY be learning tile sets and loops. you should ALREADY be learning to identify these things from a distance and keep track of them as you run from point A to point B across the map. you should ALREADY be keeping aware of the general areas people are being chased at. windows of opportunity only gives you this information when you aren't good enough to already keep track of and note it. running windows of opportunity without ever removing it is literally choosing to remain a bellow average survivor at the cost of running 3 perks instead of 4 that actually give you something.

    as a killer i thank you to the survivors who actively choose to hinder your self growth at the game so i don't have to go up against extra sweaty teams 24/7 running a full perk loadout of actually broken things.

  11. I totally agree with the video but I totally disagree with your classification of Ultimate Weapon.

    Yes it offers you info but it's not an "info perk". Realistically, it's a utility perk. It offers 2 utilities + 1 info.

    UW inflicts Blindness which directly counters Windows Of Opportunity + makes you scream which is incredibly abnoxious because it stops your actions.

    (Which is why so many killers pair it with Sloppy Butcher to fuck up your heals, or Deadman's Switch / Merciless Storm to fuck up your gen progress, also incredibly annoying while attempting to cleanse / bless totems or do Pig's boxes).

    UW is singlehandedly one of the most annoying perks to go against and frankly it could use a change in a way of switching the screaming to killer instinct instead.

    Screaming is also the reason why so many people hated (and still to this day hate) Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. It's not necessarily the gen regression that causes it, it's the damn scream that makes you let go of the gen involuntarily which is incredibly headache inducing.

  12. Anyone who thinks high pick rate = better need to look at the killer pick rate again.

    Reminds me of the hunter play rates in Identity V, sorry to change topic.
    But a lot of the most popular ones are also like, not very good. And vise versa, there's a couple of the barely touched ones that are actually really good.
    Its just a bad argument.

  13. Personally I think Windows is mid, as killer I never notice it and for surv I know the maps nearly by heart, sure it can be nice but I see it as a waste of a perks slot. As for Ult its annoying but it isn’t OP, I believe you said in your video that walking away from the Ult proc makes it not as effective but players don’t want to adapt unfortunately. The only thing I could see being problematic is the cooldown but even then you have to use time opening a locker which even if its a few seconds can cause you to lose a gen or a chase if you decide to use it mid chase


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