Would you give up Cosmetics for a Stable Game? #DeadbyBoycott ~Dead by Daylight~

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Unless players figure out that they hold the power to change how Behaviour does things.

sh6rpshot: https://youtu.be/gjYDl903bEg
Dowsey: https://youtu.be/VtqUeCNSjNk
Cahlaflour: https://youtu.be/e54O87v5P54
MrGimms: https://youtu.be/Ep9RAqajXhA
Scott Jund: https://youtu.be/qzUKWSXzoXY
Otzdarva: https://youtu.be/AD92KdBeFPI
Pebsi: https://youtu.be/WuHFMkpBrcQ
Riselcon: https://youtu.be/NkNn-bj0LrY

Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spacec0c0nut
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceC0c0nut
Discord: https://discord.gg/9CQXtsM
Email: coconautcentral (at) gmail
Music by HH Streambeats: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhIzey5JOsYGtAVfgh69jRzPwbZ1o_jdD
Ending Theme by Jon Rob: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LoucMOj97Jiq-1uXvYGug


49 thoughts on “Would you give up Cosmetics for a Stable Game? #DeadbyBoycott ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. This math isn't very geniune since there's a high chance one person watched all of these videos, resulting in a high percentage of views to be from the same source. So you might as well take just 15% of that final number. I agree with the boycott, but being truthful to your audience is still important

  2. Tl;dr, it's justifiable to believe a boycott won't work because historically (in the context of videogames), they almost never do anything and simply highlight how a developer can absolutely destroy their game and still have people play and spend money on it.

    Boycotts break so easily because people collectively are weak-willed and won't actively participate when it comes time to deliver. People tried to boycott lootboxes out of games, people wanted cheaters gone so they'd boycott a game in hopes that the developers would do something, people got sick of "toxic developers" so they'd boycott major forum spaces and protest against said developers in hopes that they would step up their game and improve. More often than not, none of these end up working because people still bought lootcrates (even if they didn't like them), people still played the game in spite of cheater problems (csgo anyone?) and people still engage with the community in spite of problematic behaviour from its developers (world of warcraft). A great modern day example of people boycotting a game is the most recent Pokemon releases of Sword and Shield. People called for boycotts; to totally avoid purchasing the game in hopes that it would make a dint in their wallet. It became the highest grossing Pokemon game to date. Goes to show how fruitless it can be to try and boycott something regarding videogames; for a section of the playerbase to rally consistently and then still give in to temptation.

    People have the right to be pessimistic about a boycott for DbD because gaming communities have a terrible track record for boycotts. They seldom work and the result of attempting a boycott just exposes how much developers can get away with while shipping a minimum valuable product. Another example: for all intensive purposes, Blizzard games shouldn't still have a die-hard following due to how much egregious stuff occurs, but people suck at boycotting and heaps of people still play their shit games in spite of how many issues there are. So for DbD, whether someone is a fog whisperer or not, it's very safe to hedge your bets in the camp of "People will say they are boycotting it but more often than not, people cave and give in" and thus nothing will change.

  3. Have barely even touched the game since the twins chapter. Even staying on the sidelines it's still very disappointing to see the game in such a state and quite honestly I am surprised it took this long for a boycott to even be mentioned like this. Imo people dismissing it are really only asking for it to fail.

    Actions are louder than words, so vote with your wallet people. It's the only thing they'll understand.

  4. Whether your point is right or not, people who shit on other content creators cause they don't share you opinions, lose all credibility when it comes to hot topics like this! You should have just given pure facts and allowed people to make a decision themselves, but you've decided to say the classic Dunkey words "you're wrong, thank you, bye bye"!

  5. Still going to boycott. Idc if it doesn't work. As long as someone in bhvrs system gets the memo then it can start an internal domino effect and make some sort of change. As much as I want some skins or to buy the current pass (got tier 70 for free) I'm keeping a strong mind and a firm hand to not buy anything till next chapter release. And if the killer isn't good or the chapter update is a buggy mess im holding my wallet longer.

  6. Wow that Ants Scene is Sooo good to explain how dbd is right now.

    We can even say that the tube that those peas come in are the consoles and that the thing the dude took off to unleash the peas are game breaking lag too (Thats what i would of added.

    I think that because most peps don't go to social media the boycoot wont affect them much BUT i hope im wrong and that it will be the slap the devs need to fix dbd or get fired i dunno…

  7. Even though I don't agree with everything the boycott says, and recognize much of it as extreme over exaggeration…

    I am still participating. The new Trickster cosmetic is really cool, for sure! But uh you know what else is cool? Stable game servers.

  8. Fogwhisperers are in a symbiotic relationship with the devs. Both promote one another and feed each other views, content, and indirectly cash. Rare is the day one is gonna stand up and bite the hand that feeds. It's this reason I very often hold said folks much more skeptically than those who cover the game that are not. Nothing against those who are, I watch many fogwhisperes, but pardon me when I guess why some glaring issues are either ignored entirely or swept away.

  9. lets be honest the devs need a health update to the game , work on fixing all the problems and what id like is for them to do something about the grind we have new players coming in and an example is i added it up, after i got my nemesis to prestige 3 (not including the blood points it took to get him to prestige 3) to get him to lvl 50 and all perks to tier3 ((as i have every killer perk)) took me roughly 6 million 443 thousand blood points give or take about 100k for the addons and offerings i used in my games to that point. this is for a single killer , you have 23 other killers with 84 perks they need to get and 27 survivors with 95 perks they need to get ((so survivors would need even more bloodpoints)). this was with me trying to get the cheapest stuff the web had to get to perks, its kinda ridiculous and needs a change. my suggestions are getting rid of perk tiers and lowering the cost of each rarity , would be nice if the raritys went 1000, 2000 , 3000, 4000, 5000. instead of 3000,4000,5000,6000,7000, that would already be a huge decrease in the grind if they were to do it

  10. I'm a RE fan and I started to get YT recommended videos about DBD from the RE chapter. I knew this game existed but nothing about it never watched it etc. I have been watching content for it for a bit now and remembered I owned it on PS+ and few days ago played my first few games on PS5. Guess what. I never saw the reddit post, or anything on Twitter, and even I KNEW about the boycott! I agree with all you said. I like Dowsey's content a lot but his take on it was so dumb and short-sighted. People live on Twitter these days and content creators make videos, plus word of mouth. The reddit thread numbers are irrelevant. I plan to play more and won't be putting in a penny where I probably would have before.

  11. I just realized this boycott is similar to Minecraft's modloader Fabric. Many mod makers are saying that Fabric is not worth the time because there are not that much mods, but they are the reason, they are the mod makers and they have to do it. And that's a bummer because Fabric has potential…

    Same here, people are saying that the boycott is not worth because not many people know about it, but they are forgetting that they are saying it this to thousands of people and that clip will be reuploaded to YT where even more people see it..

  12. Well tbh you can’t really blame Fog Whispers for not participating, its like talking shit about your boss while also being his manager. People gotta have jobs and a better rep.
    I personally thought it wouldnt work from the beginning just due to how small it is and how influential Dbd it is as a whole. We’d need to tank licensing and hurt production to actually get many more joining. Spreading it is one thing but punching their wallet is another

  13. Okay some things I find wrong this and why the boycott is dumb.
    If you are gonna go out of your way to boycott the game than maybe you should just stop playing it. As much as I dislike the devs sometimes and get frustrated over the game, I still come back. Why? Because I very much like the game and enjoy playing it. Stop playing the game if you're THAT frustrated about it. I get it, they do questionable things and I don't think they understand their own game sometimes. I also think that OC killers shouldn't have to be paid for but they are.
    But I come back because at the end of the day I do have fun, especially doing kyf with my friends or making good plays.

    2nd is what you said about the company not caring about the player base and only the money. You can tell if a company or a person even, only cares about money. I don't agree with that stance on behavior, at the end of the day they are a business trying to make money because that is what is needed to live. And I don't mean comfortablely I mean you need money in order to provide the necessities to live. If they hated their player base and didn't care, than I think the game would have died a while ago. You could say, "well they could be faking it" but that's not a very good argument in my opinion towards this topic. If you are running a business you are going to set priorities and one of those priorities is money, to get more money you need to make good content and show support to your community. I agree that I feel the devs get lazy and some don't do their job very well. That should probably be fixed and we also should be communicating to us more about why this had issues.
    You also don't need to put money in dbd. You don't with nearly any game. So if you're so sick and tired of the game, quit putting money into it. This goes to specifically space coconut, (I could be wrong about this so my apologies) but last I checked you also only play half the game, being only killer. Which is perfectly fine but why even bother with the game in the first place than?

    Lastly, the ending video I love as well to an extent. He is right about most things but I think what some people take from it is that the game needs to be perfect, when in fact nothing is. It's okay if the game has a few bugs on launch or a few wacky things. What's not okay is having this PTB and parts of the game are unplayable or in general the game is unplayable. As a console player on ps4 I can not express to you how frustrating it is to get frame drops every few minutes. But I still come back. Because I like the game and it's concept. I agree it could be better and that we should be more, not demanding but tell the devs what we think. But I don't agree with boycotting the game. Quit playing if you're that frustrated with it.

  14. I can't say I blame them, if the boycott fails, like the sorta previous one did, these content creators are gonna be in quite a bit of trouble. We can't sympathize with them as small miniscule people who don't actually rely on DBD as our income. You, sir are brave for doing so, but you must understand that going against BHVR means that at the end of this, unless resolved with everyone happy and no toxic aggressive threats to the DBD devs, which I doubt this community can do (especially after already seeing angry and really rude and threatening comments towards BHVR from random people), BHVR isn't exactly gonna be happy with you. Sure its a risk you took, but that does not mean that every other content creator (or even most) are gonna take that risk as well. This is their source of income, and I think a lot of us non-content creators forget about that. You cannot fault them for this. Unless you know to yourself that in their shoes you would do the same thing. And sure many of us are gonna be like "yeah, I would stand up for it", but I am pretty sure that there are many times that you couldn't stand up for yourself irl, maybe it was a bully, or your mean teacher, cranky boss whatever. A lot of us just prefer to live with the pressure and ignore it, and therefore, I cannot blame these DBD content creators for choosing to go with BHVR on this one

  15. You are delusional. All your shitty “boycott” will accomplish is the developers just not making as many cosmetics and fucking us even more. They’re a shit studio, no amount of fucking them over is going to make them work any better. So if you wanna make the game even worse and then eventually kill it sure let’s have a boycott

  16. Sorry but when and what is the boycott? Yeah i'm behind my bad. Boycott by nobody plays killer so no more games for survivors, everyone must also contact sony/xbox about the boycott and game not working to remove it from stores like cyberpunk. Touch the money then they quickly listen. But dbd devs sounds like a broken politican record at this point. "We care and value your community opinion"

  17. Here's why i think the Boycott can't work. It's not because of Veterans supporting it or not, it's not about Streamers or Fog Whisperers mentioning or ignoring it. It's because DbD thrives on New Players, New Players have no initial reason to Boycott DbD, they can only Boycott DbD after they've already spent Money on the game and decided well it isn't worth anymore but by then they've already invested Money so BHVR already won. Veteran players never mattered to BHVR, the Balancing decisions and their annual "road maps" and content update plans show this. We could all endure 6 months of no content with no issues but BHVR's plan is to attract as manny people as possible to make their business as profitable as possible. This last Chapter was a godsend for BHVR in these Covid Times, more players than ever, their biggest License yet, they made Money just on this Chapter despite it being hot trash (like we could all see in the PTB, even tho most chose to ignore it and were just in love with the RE Novelty).

    Not only did they made money on the base game but they also make Money on the Bundles that come with some Licensed content already, plus the huge Grind that the game is forces people to buy the other characters to get their perks ASAP wich means even more Money since normally the Shrine is not very good. Luckily we got the Event aswell where BHVR gave free stuff to everyone but again Veterans don't matter, they already have this stuff so again it's a strategy to appeal to New Players.

    Their plan to attract New Players is why the Boycott can't work. New players have no disadvantages to playing DbD. They can pick wich Bundle they buy, they got free BP, shards and Discount Shrine on a higher rotation. This was pretty great for New Players but for Veterans, all we see is the game issues cause we already have the stuff or we don't care about the rest as long as the game works "fine".

  18. I just realized I havent purchased cosmetics in this game (other than ones in Rift cause I use rift auric cells for licensed char.) and have been spending all my shards on characters lol. I always thought people didnt spend a lot on these lol. boii I was wrong.

  19. if you're a console player and not supporting the boycott i really want to know why not. Your system is getting sent to the "they're not important" dump by Bhvr and you've to wait until the 27TH (2 FUCKING WEEKS) for them to roll out a patch. They'll toss bp at you to shut you up and spend money but grow up and have self respect. It's them people who have the power too, don't support someone who is not supporting you or your time + money. (you spent hundreds on a console, then the game, then the dlc/cosmetics/rift) If this keeps up it's only going to get worse.

  20. I'm gonna be honest I just want dead by daylight to fucking function. I could go on a tirade about multiple different issues but I believe that if the devs just spent even even one month just working solely on this spaghetti monster of a game,it would get tremendously better. But nope just gotta keep on making more killers to add more spaghetti code which will make the game even more difficult to work on in the future. Oh and cosmetics of course, After all when your game freezes for a solid 3 to 4 seconds when you do ANYTHING in chase You can just admire your cosmetics before inevitably going down c:

  21. I'm all for health patches. But unfortunately, health patches usually end up just being a vacation for devs. No new content for players and very little is actually done to fix issues (Operation Health in Rainbow Six Siege for example).

  22. I believe that if you want something in the store, you shouldn't feel peer pressured not to buy it. I believe that dbd needs major changes and that the boycott could work. For me though, I bought the RE chapter while people were talking about the boycott because I wanted it. I shouldn't feel like I'm doing the wrong thing by purchasing something I want. I think the boycott could work and it doesn't hurt anyone to try. If it doesn't work, who cares! But it does have the possibility to work.

  23. Dowesy honestly needs to remake that video dude only went over the points that could make him look good n dissmissed them without even reading the whole thing n honestly miss understood so many things that where just examples its honestly sad i unsubbed from dowesy so fast lol

  24. Great video but one complaint. Scott’s video wasn’t cynical? I know you hate him but that’s a little pety to slide that in. His video was good he’s just stating his side saying it won’t work. I don’t blame him I want this too but they have a monopoly Coconut you must know they will play damage control somehow.


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